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Dr. David Yew was born and raised in New York City and has lived in Hawaii for the last 20 years. He is board certified and faculty at University of Hawaii John Burns School of Medicine – Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Surgery. He is known as the “Tim Ferris of Aesthetics.” With over 17 years of experience in non-surgical aesthetics focusing on Botox, Fillers and minimally invasive skin tightening, he is requested worldwide to provide exceptional concierge aesthetic services.
Aesthetics Hawaii is Honolulu’s #1 Non-surgical skin care clinic. They have experienced specialists who work as a team to provide a holistic approach that gives the best results over time. All of their treatments are tailored toward the individual’s expectations and skin type. They are located at the Ala Moana Medical Building, above the Bank of Hawaii at Ala Moana Center, Suite #2020.
Email: hawaiireply@gmail.com
Interview Transcription
Yes. So um, yeah. So while he is trying to get our guests on the line, I’m gonna do a quick little intro let him because he’s all of those things. He’s humble, hungry and smart. Yeah. And our guest today, he is a board certified faculty at University of Hawaii. John Burns School of Medicine. And associate clinical professor in the department of surgery, he’s known as the Tim Ferriss of aesthetics. With over 17 years of experience in non surgical esthetics, he is requested worldwide to provide exceptional concierge aesthetic services. Our guest today is Dr. David Yew. Hello. And she’s working on getting him on the line.
Oh, Hello, there. Yes.
We just did your intro. Yes. Welcome. Welcome to our show, Dr. Yew. We’re excited to have you.
Thank you for having me. It’s an honor to be here.
All righty. So we, you know, it was interesting because you mentioned it before you came on where you’re at right now. So tell us about a little bit where you’re at and why you’re there.
I’m a concierge doctor for a software company. And we take care of about 5000 people at the world’s largest fortune 500 Winners event, where they bring 2000 of their best employees, and they bring their partners as well as children. So it’s such an amazing experience to see people that work hard, get honored in front of their family. And I think that’s what separates this from other events. You know, money is one thing, of course, that’s good, but giving an experience and honoring the spouses and their children. I think that’s where the joy comes from.
And you know, that’s gonna be a pretty exceptional company that’s providing aesthetic services. As you know, I’ve been to corporate events, and I got like format and golf, and then maybe going on a catamaran, but there wasn’t an aesthetics, you know, and maybe a buffet with like Kagan some sandwiches, but never, I’ve never been to one that had aesthetic services available to, to show the company’s appreciation for their employees. That’s awesome. And
this is an exceptional company who has attracted an exceptional doctor who’s very unique in his approach. So
so let’s talk about this talk about what you do. And and Adrienne, how are we coming across? How are you? How is Dr. Yew coming across our radar?
Oh, I am a patient of Dr. Yew. He’s got an office in downtown right across from the mall and Bank of Hawaii building at the very top. Yeah, amazing views. Yes. Great experience. So yeah, so Dr. Yew has been taking care of me for over a decade. And I just felt like we need to let all of our listeners know about Dr. Yew.
Well, and and Dr. Yew let’s go through because you’ve got two people interviewing you here. You’ve got Adrienne has been a patient. She has been a patient patient. She’s not been known for being patient, but she’s been a patient patient of yours for over 10, 11 years. And then I’m like a layperson on the outside looking in. So I don’t, you know, I have no concept or idea what it is or isn’t. So you know, my first question is what is Botox? And is it safe? Yeah, great question.
So I liked the fact that on one side, we have someone who is experienced, and then on the other, we have someone that has never done it. So simply put, Botox is FDA cleared, it’s safe. And it is a treatment that’s being used today for multiple indications. But the primary one is aesthetic, where if you have wrinkles, and there’s specific areas that it’s been proven to work well, the number 11 are the little lines when people between the eyebrows when they’re thinking hard or they’re angry. That’s probably the most popular area, the crow’s feet when people smile. And then of course, the upper forehead when we look worried or we move our eyebrows up. Yeah, so those are the most common areas that we think about. But it’s also used for migraine headaches. It’s used for TMJ, sometimes people even with shoulder pain, neck pain. This is a lot of just overuse the wear and tear. Yes. So for instance, we call it tech neck, where people are on their devices more often. You’re on a computer, and then over time, your trapezius muscles, your traps get large. And while this may be good in a gym, it’s not good when we get older and suddenly those muscles start to get to overuse. And then for women, especially their neck starts to look shorter, bigger and more masculine. So we put Botox in there for pain relief. And then the benefit is it also makes your neck look like a swan. We call it swan neck.
Yeah, because you know I hate that when you when they come home from work and the husband’s like, Hey, honey, you have a hard day at work. He was like The Incredible Hulk. The swan that I married you eat to take you to go see Roger you want that swan neck back. But you know you mentioned the NG the 11 Is there the angry look between the eyebrows? What about me? I have 111 Yeah, could you can you help me
with that? I think we can we can add every child that you have, you can add another one. So we have patients that are like 11,111.
Maybe they got three of them because they got three teenagers. Oh, do you want to the car you were wearing last night.
So Dr. Yew, you, you specialize in the Botox, but you’re you also offer additional services as part of the whole experience. Yes, let’s let’s touch on that as well.
Yeah, that’s correct. So, the practice right now tries to be a one stop shop for all your aesthetic needs. So what we want to do just like Team Lally, we want to have the most experienced providers for everything that we do. So for instance, if Botox is a concern, we have three experienced injectors with a total of more than 50 years experience combined. Once that’s taken care of, then sometimes people may have concerns regarding skin texture, acne pigments. So then we have to master estheticians, who teach at esthetics schools. So we want you to have the best providers for whatever you need. And then finally, we also take care of things such as skin tightening, body contouring, we can permanently dissolve fat, with either CoolSculpting or an injectable called Kybella. And the ultimate goal is to do the very least possible so that you maintain who you are, you know, we’re not trying to change your anatomy in any way. Yeah. We believe that each person is marvelously and wonderfully made in God’s image, whatever you were given your mom and dad gave it to you. So we are not trying to alter that. We are just trying to slow down the aging process. So that over the years, you don’t look any older. So when I look at Adrienne, today, as compared to 11 years ago, yeah, she actually looks to me her skin quality looks better. She looks as good, if not better than she did. 11 years ago. Yes. What do you think? Attilio?
I agree with you. 100%.
He does good work.
I just said you know, Adrienne, you look like you have a swan neck.
Yes. Thank you.
Thank you, Dr. Yew. Except when she gets angry with me then she’s the Incredible Hulk. But only only internally, not externally.
So So Dr. Yew have all these different services, I think you’ve got a pretty unique approach. Tell us about your personal experience. And how do you present what’s value?
Like? What do you share it about? Like, as far as testing things out? Yeah. Before you put them on the patient’s tell us about that?
Sure. So I used to listen to Tim Ferris quite a bit. And I have a lot a great deal of respect for the four hour workweek pool of Titans. And what I love about it is that he will rigorously test things on himself before endorsing anything. Yeah. So so many years ago, I decided, You know what, let’s do the same thing. So whether it be a skin product, a new technology, a new filler, I will always be the first to receive it. Yes. And to make it interesting. I will only do it on one side of my face, neck or body.
So you can you man, you’re like before now we are built in one. That’s right.
Yes, yes. And I think Adrienne has seen it. I’ve had CoolSculpting on my flanks and my belly. Yep. So one side looks really good. It looks slim, it looks chiseled, and the other side looks terrible. It’s just fat. So
you were like, you’re like, Beachbody. One side. Dad body the other side. Yes, exactly. And you’re good. And
I told my wife I say Honey, I’m only going to stand on this side for you. And all the other people out there. I’m just going to look stand the other way.
There you go. And then I hope that you’ve evened it out since then, for your no no.
You’re like I can eat this is only gonna affect half of me.
I’m married. My wife loves me regardless. And I think she appreciates the variety.
Yes like You know, today you look this way and today you look that way, but either way, it’s okay by me. You know, I wanted to go back to the Botox because I saw I was just clicking around and looking and also to with people that have maybe like a twitching eye or a lazy eye that’s I’ve if have you ever had patients come in with that that you’ve used the Botox for?
Yes. Yeah. So that’s advanced. So going back to the history of Botox. In 1980, it was used for what they call blepharospasm, which is where you have the twitchy eye Yes. And the ophthalmologist at the time, they noticed a side benefit. In addition to relieving the spasm, they started noticing that the wrinkles around the eyes started to diminish. So that is when it started. And then 20 years later, they got FDA approval to be used for wrinkles specifically.
Gotcha. I didn’t realize it all started with an eye twitch.
Yeah, yes. There’s a lot of amazing things in medicine that happened by accident. What they call serendipity, serendipity. Probably the most famous one is penicillin. Okay, Viagra is another one.
Yeah. Viagra was for heart conditions. Yeah.
That’s correct. It was a side effect of it was being used for hypertension high blood pressure
is like a doctor I went into the went to see my doctor because I had a heart condition. And then I took this prescription and and my wife’s never been happier. Good side exactly what happened? Good side if
you look at the route, and suddenly happy wife happy heart,
happy way. There’s a connection. Yeah, no plastic surgery came about because I think I think it was saw some hurt some by guests like World War One. Because the people were horribly disfigured. And that’s where that started was. They wanted people to be more presentable in public and
Dr. Yew doesn’t put anyone under the knife he does. It’s like an art and a science that he uses
aesthetics are subtle. And I think that’s what people appreciate and prefer.
Exactly. Very subtle.
Yeah, you don’t you don’t want you know, you go to visit Dr. Yew. And you’re never going to hear this sound when you come back home. No, you’re gonna have like, you may not, you know, a lot of times to you know, the husbands are terrible. Like your your significant other could do something and you don’t notice it. And they’re like, Hey, did you notice something new? And then they’ll be like, Oh, you went to Dr. Yew see, I didn’t know. So you can use the Dr. Yew excuse. It’s like that twigs commercial. He’s so subtle with his, his improvements with you. I didn’t notice which is the which is the goal, right? Maintaining the age. Talk about how long you’ve been doing this.
So I’ve been specializing in this since 2006. So interestingly enough, when we first started doing this, if I did a botox event, there would be people, even if i gave it for free, that would say, No, no, no, I don’t know what Botox is. And I don’t want it. Now we fast forward 17 years. And it’s almost like who’s not getting Botox? Yeah. And it’s become a part of, you know, our culture. And when it’s done really, really well, you really can’t tell that it’s done at all? Yes.
And that’s how sometimes, yeah.
So sometimes the media will only show the bad things, you know, for shock value, right. So when people see bad Botox or bad plastic surgery, that’s what people remember in their minds. However, when you look at Adrienne, or our patients, they just look really natural. There’s nothing fake looking. Because Botox does not change anything about you at rest. It only works on specific muscles that cause wrinkles. And it’s it’s really important, like Adrienne was saying that you find an experienced provider. I think there’s so many practices that are opening now. It’s good to ask, Hey, how long have you been injecting? Be an advocate, you know, try to get information not just about pricing. Yes, more about how does this work? And you know, am I a good candidate?
Yeah, get educated. I think you had mentioned earlier too. You don’t? You said there’s like so many things coming out all the time. And whatever. whelming and what is your level of discernment with all the things that are coming out all the time as far as that you put into practice at your institute? You clinic?
Well, I love I love that you use the word discernment. Yeah, discernment, I was taught by my mentor. Wisdom is learning from others about what to do. Discernment is learning from others about what not to do. Yes. Okay, so when we test everything on ourselves, I would say 85% of the things that we’ve tested, they just weren’t worth it. They either didn’t work as advertised, or it was just way too expensive. The results that come with it. Now, we live in this amazing world where we can Google something, and instantly comes up with things related to what we’re searching for. And you can buy it. Now, the problem is, how many of these things will live up to your expectations? Yeah. And I think that’s kind of the pros and cons of our world, which is, yes, we have all these choices. But I think we need our honest, expert advocates, to help guide you as to what to do, and to discern what not to do. Yeah. So we will often tell our patients Oh, you’re coming in here, because you have, you know, gels around the lower face. And you heard about this machine, that we’ll get rid of it. And then they show a great before and after photo on Instagram. Yeah. And I’ll tell them, hey, we tried that machine. And know, that photo is not realistic. I don’t get those kinds of results with this. And I think it’s way overpriced.
Yeah. And then we and then Adrienne, like, much
easier to say yes. And take someone’s money. It’s a lot harder to say no. And be honest.
Yeah. Because I think the Fraser and I were like you want to butt lift the machine we recommend is called the Stairmaster. 20 To 30 minutes every day. And the I like your approach that it’s you’re using that discernment. You’re like the expert filter. Yes. You know, because the good news is we got can Google anything the bad news is we can Google anything and they just the the attention, merchants are just coming at you. And the next you know, it’s showing up on your Facebook, your Tiktok, your YouTube and it’s all over. I would
say just trust Dr. Yew go, in and see him have a consultation. He’s gonna be honest. And he’s gonna tell you the truth.
Tell talk about give people an idea of what that initial consultation might might that experience might be like,
Oh, excellent. So I would give analogies and I think hair and aesthetics are very similar. So some people are a quick visit, like a Supercuts. And then I used to use Supercuts when I was in my 20s. And now in my 50s, I have to color my hair, it’s mostly white, I have a lot less hair. So I go to a salon now where they really take their time, their master stylists, they they’ve taught me things about how to keep the hair that I have, how to do it, and style it in a way that looks professional and age appropriate. And I kind of realized the face is the same. So if you’re going to someone and they’re taking 1520 minutes to do their treatment. Well, that’s a super cuts of the face. Yeah. Versus someone that will take the time and educate. And our my consultations and treatments are one hour minimum. Wow. And it’s because we want to know not just what you want. But why, yeah. Getting to the core, you know, and trying to figure out the motivation as to why you’re here, and then just decide from there. Is it worth the money to go ahead and do that?
I think to what I’ve observed from Adrienne’s relationship with coming to visit with you is that you’re more about the long term instead of the quick fix. And yeah, the long term connection and relationship with the patient.
I think that’s a wisdom that goes back 1000s of years, you know, to the book of Proverbs, and, you know, it really comes down to not rushing, you know, making an informed decision having a plan. I Think that’s really what’s missing and aesthetics. Most places, they just say yes to whatever you ask. Oh, yeah, I want to look sorry, I want to get wrinkles done or I want this. And the answer is yes. But what about over time? And having a plan with a budget? That’s realistic? You know that that is really, I think, what people are looking for?
Yeah. That’s good news to hear.
Yes, I would suggest that all of our listeners give Dr. Yew and his team a call. What is the best way for them to book an appointment or to find out more about you and your clinic Dr. Yew?
Sure. So our office is located at Ala Moana Center. It’s above the bank of a building. And our website is easy to remember. It’s www.Hawaiibotox.com. And for people that want information or education, I recommend our YouTube channel. And if you just type in Aesthetics Hawaii, or Dr. Yew, each week, we have an informational video, not marketing, that will talk about the latest trends and then either validate it or bust the myth. It’s like a myth buster.
Love it.
And it’s the myth busting.
And I also want to honor you know, Adrienne and Team Lally. You know, over the years, I’ve gotten to know her. And she has similar core values, where she really cares about the clients. She wants to be an advocate. And I see her giving back to the community, I see you’re giving back to our clients. So it’s always nice when you have people with similar values that cooperate together.
Yes. Let’s see the light like attracts like centers of aesthetic synergy. A synergy?
Yes. And you know what I noticed on your website, you have a schedule appointment button. It’s that easy.
So go to your schedule appointment button, go to Hawaii Botox, and schedule an appointment with dr. Yew know,
Dr. Yew we tell our clients the same thing. There’s a way to interview us without interviewing us watch our YouTube channel. Or check out our reviews, reviews, look at the testimonials call Adrienne ask her what she thinks or listen to her every Saturday, she’ll give you the her aesthetics update. Aesthetics update once a year, once a month. I mean once a week.
Favorite mottos is, you know, age is just a number. Yes, you know, so don’t fall into the trap that getting old sucks. Yeah, I don’t believe it. Okay, age is just the number. And looking young, never gets old.
You know, for me, it’s like, I don’t want to be young again. Because now I got like, good credit and money and a job has taught me. And I can still do all the funny things.
But looking young, never gets old
looking young never gets old. And you know, I think here’s my prediction. I’ll be I’ll become one of your patients Dr. Yew. And then when I go on to glory, and I have an open casket people were like, I think he moved. Because it looks so good.
That’s really funny. We’ll have to keep your eyes open. When that moment happens.
He looks so happy. That’s what they’ll say.
Well, thank you, Dr. Yew for being on our radio show and sharing a little bit more about what you offer and just educating our listeners on aesthetics. Yeah.
Thank you for having having us we’d be we’d love to whether you’re experienced or brand new, just giving you the right information. not pushy, and then allowing you to have the time to decide if this is something that you want. And if you decide that yes, it is. Treatment can be done the same day as a consultation.
Nice. Perfect.
I love that. Well, thank you so much for for being our guest. Thank you, and we’ll see you soon.
Thank you. All right. Aloha.
All right. So that website hawaiibotox.com. That’s Hawaiibotox.com hit the Schedule button. Their phone number is 633 8585, 633-8585. If you graduated in 1985, you should go hang out. Check out Dr. Yew. Graduate. Yes. So that I looked like I graduated in 1995.
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