Jenny Van Gieson manages and owns da Cove Health Bar & Cafe with her aunt. Located near the entrance to Diamond Head State Park on Monsarrat Ave, da Cove Health Bar & Café specializes in acai and pitaya bowls, fresh fruit smoothies, healthy green salads, fruit and vegetable juices. There’s also an array of delicious breakfast items, sandwiches, wraps and plates.
Team Lally Show with Jenny Van Gieson
Da Cove Health Bar and Café
Announcer: It’s time to enter the world of real estate in Oahu with Hawaii’s only true real estate radio show, the Team Lally real estate show. Grab a pen and get ready to take notes! For the next full hour, Hawaii’s premier real estate leader, Adrienne Lally and Attilio Leonardi will bring you the latest in real estate news and real world strategies on how they can guarantee to sell your home at a price and deadline you agree to! Or they’ll buy it! Now, here are your hosts, Adrienne and Attilio!
Adrienne: Welcome to the Team Lally real estate show home of the guaranteed sold program or we’ll buy it. If you have any questions just give us a call at 799-9596 or you can check us out on the web at
Attilio: Alright hey everybody this is Attilio and uh, this is where we do that disclaimer part. If you hear anything on the show that sounds like legal advice, it’s not! And if you hear anything on the show that sounds like tax advice, not going there either. Alright, so this is our life, life coaching moment uh, of the show. And uh, what I want to talk to you about is continued growth. Adrienne, why is it important that we always be in a state of growth?
Adrienne: Well if you’re not growing, then you’re dying.
Attilio: So, with the, from the day that we’re born to the day we die, you know, everybody, everybody’s leaving this planet the same way, in a box or you know, in a pile of ashes. We’re all going to end it and get off this planet in the same way. The difference is, what’s your attitude going to be as you go through this, this path of travel called life? Are you going to be, are you going to be growing or are you going to be just you know, biding time until you kick the old proverbial bucket? So, let’s talk about growth. One of the tips that we give you, uh, for growth is to have a growth strategy—
Adrienne: A growth plan.
Attilio: A growth plan! Okay, so eat five Twinkies a day, that is your growth plan for today.
Adrienne: That’ll grow your waistline.
Attilio: For your midsection. No! That’s not the kind of growth that we’re talking about, we’re talking about mental growth plan. 90% of success is what Adrienne?
Adrienne: Mindset.
Attilio: Mindset! So, it’s important, your mind, kind of just like your body and your stomach, it needs to be fed, and whatever you put into it, if it’s Twinkies, negative friends—
Adrienne: You get to have, you’ll have a, you’ll have a Twinkie brain.
Attilio: You’re going to have a Twinkie brain! It’s going to be yellow on the outside with a cream filling.
Adrienne: (laughing)
Attilio: So anyway, so here’s some growth strategies for you because it’s you know, we can, we call that uh, when we just talk about problems without solutions we call that—
Adrienne: Complaining.
Attilio: Whining. And anyway, what is complaining equal?
Adrienne: Garbage magnets.
Attilio: Complaining equals garbage magnet so here’s this, you’re going to teach your people, your friends, your team members that complaining equals garbage magnet, complaining equals garbage magnet and that if they ever are in your presence sharing something negative you’re going to say magnet. Mmm-kay? And that’s the code word for no, I don’t want to hear it. Okay, so, here’s the strategy for you here today. Podcast. Every time I talk to people about podcasts, they look on their phone, it’s an app that may or may not already be on there, but if it’s not go download it, it’s purple with white circles with a microphone in the middle. And it’s your podcasts app and what this allows you to do is download podcasts. Now a lot of people say well, you know, I don’t know, I you know, I don’t listen to podcasts. Why not? You know we spend as much time in the car as it would take to get a 4-year degree? So, you have time, you just need to make time for growth and, you know, I listen to the guys on Hot 98 in the morning and they’re pretty funny for you know 10-15 minutes but I’m not listening to, you know, Shania Twain isn’t going to help me be more successful in my real estate business. Uh, what’s some other current rappers, I’m not, I’m just not hipster enough to know the current—
Adrienne: You don’t, you don’t listen to the radio?
Attilio: To the current rappers and stuff like that but anyway, just listening to any kind of music, its enjoyable in the moment, you know what? The only time I listen to music is when?
Adrienne: Uh, when you’re working out at OrangeTheory.
Attilio: When I’m working out at OrangeTheory. I like big butts—no! Anyways, so, here’s your, here’s your, here’s your life by design tip, your growth uh, strategy for today. Subscribe to podcasts, here’s one that I recommend. Does anybody know the name Oprah?
Adrienne: Yes!
Attilio: Are you familiar with who that is?
Adrienne: Yes I am.
Attilio: Would you uh—
Adrienne: She might even be listening right now!
Attilio: She might even be listening, by the way, I’ve got to do my Oprah shout out—
Adrienne: Big shout out for Oprah.
Attilio: I haven’t done one in a while but I’m a huge fan of Oprah. If you ask me the question who would you want to have lunch with it would be Oprah, I heard she, she has a place in Maui so, she could be listening to our show! Or maybe somebody who knows her you know, 6 degrees away from Kevin Bacon who might know Oprah, would get this message to her we’d like to have her come on our radio show. That would be awesome! So that was my Oprah, Oprah call out, but anyway, Oprah has a show on her own entertainment network uh, it’s called Super Soul Sunday and she’s turned it into a podcast anywhere from 20-30 minutes you could be listening to any kind of artist, anybody that’s talking about meditation, about spiritual, about uh, spiritual things, mindfulness, people have gone through tragedies and how they bounce back and the books that they’ve written to cope with it, but anyway, so, she had a guest on there, Kevin, uh, his name was Rain, he’s an actor and he’s the guy that’s on the office. Yeah, the kind of quirky dorky guy but he’s an interesting guy. He’s read every single major religious book, the Torah, the Koran, the Bible, uh, all these other faiths and uh, he came up with some questions and we call these uh, life’s big questions, so, uh, interesting questions. Ask these questions of, of the people that are important to you, around you, and if they say well what do you mean by that, don’t respond, just say well what do you think I mean by that? And see if you can get the answers to these questions. So here they are, write these down. What does your soul look like? What does your soul look like? Here’s another one, and I’m only, there’s 6 of them, but for today, I’m only going to give you three of them. Second one, what do you miss, what do you miss most about being 5 years old? What do you miss most about being 5 years old? And then here’s the last one. If you could ask God one question, or whatever higher being or whatever you have a belief in, one question, what would it be? Don’t you think that would make an interesting dialogue with your children, with your significant other, people on your team, people you go to church with? So, those are life’s biggest questions, go ask those and I got that from being in a state of continued growth and listening to Oprah.
Adrienne: On a podcast.
Attilio: On a podcast. Continued growth folks! Speaking of Oprah.
Adrienne: This is not Oprah. So, we’ve got a couple of quotes from Hawaii Pacific Property Management. Quotes of the day. So, the first one’s from Dan Sullivan. “Always make your future bigger than your past.” And then the next one is from Tony Robbins.
Attilio: Tony Robbins, he’s my favorite.
Adrienne: He was actually on Oprah’s uh, Super Soul Sunday. “By chanigng nothing, nothing changes.” Okay. So—
Attilio: What if I asked you to pull my finger? And nothing happened?
Adrienne: (laughing)
Attilio: That’s a proverb from my drunk uncle, which I see at all my family get-togethers.
Adrienne: I don’t want to meet this drunk uncle. Alright, so we’ve got, we’ve got Duke from Hawaii Pacific Property Management on the line with his property management tip of the week.
Attilio: Oh, thank you for those quotes Duke! Duke, how are you doing? You there? He’s like, he’s at the drive-thru right now. Ordering a chicken sandwich.
Adrienne: He, no.
Attilio: Chicken McNuggets and uh, he’s, they’re, they’re busy asking him what kind of sauce would he like with that. Duke, tell them barbeque and get on the phone. Duke, are you there? Okay, so Duke is there, but you know what he’s doing? He’s being mindful right now, he’s meditating and so we’re going to come up with the uh—
Adrienne: The property management tip of the week.
Attilio: We’ll come, we’ll come up with ours and then if we get Duke back on the line, we’ll bring him on for a second one. You guys get a bonus property management tip of the week. No Duke? Okay! Alright so here’s our property management tip of the week. Uh.
Adrienne: Oh, he’ son!
Attilio: He’s on?
Adrienne: He’s ready for us!
Attilio: He’s ready for us? Duke are you there? He’s being the strong silent type. Anyway, you know what, we’re going to go for it, here’s your, here’s your property management tip of the week. By the way, uh, Hawaii Pacific Property Management, look them up online, they’ve got great reviews through Yelp, oh Duke I hear you. Are you there?
Duke: I’m getting some of that chocolate cake.
Adrienne: Oh, there he is, chocolate cake.
Attilio: He was eating chocolate cake! And it’s so sticky! Have to get the milk first then you uh, he’s back on the line, alright Duke, what’s, what’ve you got for us this week? Man, that’s really good cake!
Adrienne: (laughing)
Attilio: Really good chocolate cake.
Adrienne: Oh no.
Attilio: Okay, here’s your property management tip of the week. Uh, pet deposits. There’s a new law on the books nowadays and by the way, there’s a website called And if you’re, if you’re, if you’re you know, if you have a rental, if you’re a property owner, think about opening up your rental to pets. A lot of times they say no pets! But with all the emotional pets and this and the new laws, you know, it’s kind of like—
Adrienne: Might as well.
Attilio: You might as well, let them!
Adrienne: And then you can collect uh, up to one month’s security deposit on top of the security deposit for the pet. Like depending on the kind of pet, like how big they are and so forth.
Attilio: So, open it up and then you get on that website called and you open up and then your unit and then here’s the deal. People have a hard time finding rentals that have pets. So, you’re going to gravitate all those people to you and they’re less likely going to want to move because it’s a hassle with the pets.
Adrienne: So, you’ll have a longer-term tenant.
Attilio: Longer term tenant. And don’t worry, people are like they’re going to be chewing up the walls and trashing the place. Just hire a property management company, like Hawaii Pacific Property Management that does—
Adrienne: They do the, the check-ins.
Attilio: More frequent uh, walk-throughs.
Adrienne: Yes, they do the walk-throughs with the tenants—
Attilio: I think they do a 30 day, and then if you have a pet, they do a 4 month and then they do one every 6 months. So, if Fido’s chewing a hole through the wall, they’ll know.
Adrienne: They’ll know and they will address it. They’ll take care of it. So, they also have this awesome uh, program called the rent guarantee.
Attilio: The rent guarantee. What is that all about?
Adrienne: So basically, if they can’t get—
Attilio: I thought there’s no guarantees in life.
Adrienne: Well, they have the rent, except the rent guarantee.
Attilio: Okay, so death, taxes, and rent guarantee. Those are your 3 guarantees in life. So, what is that about?
Adrienne: So basically, if they can’ get your home rented within 30 days, they’ll pay the rent.
Attilio: No way! Is that for real?
Adrienne: It’s for real. Give them a call! Find out about it, you can reach them at 445-9223, that’s 445-9223. Or you can check them out online at
Attilio: Alright, speaking of, the roof, the roof is on fire. Do we have uh, I think we’ve got Tony, from AAA.
Adrienne: We’ve got Tony, from AAA Roofers.
Attilio: Raising the roof! Tony, are you there?
Adrienne: Are we having issues with our phone lines?
Attilio: We’re having technical issues.
Adrienne: I think so.
Attilio: Okay, here’s your roofing tip of the week. See, we’re a very versatile, we just have all the—
Adrienne: Wait! I hear, I think I hear her.
Attilio: Or was that me?
Adrienne: No, I, I hear something.
Attilio: I hear something. We’ve got uh, we’ve got ___ in the studio today, they’re messing with inbound calls, anyways, so, I’m going to give you Tony’s uh, AAA Roofing tip of the week uh, for today. Uh, whenever you’re having solar panels installed, what should you do?
Adrienne: You want to have your roof inspected first because the, the, the solar companies, they’re not roofing experts, they may, they may put solar panels on a roof that’s, you know, needing to be repaired or replaced and then it becomes very costly.
Attilio: It becomes more costly because now you’ve got to take the panels off then you’re got to do the roof, then you’ve got to put the panels back on. The other thing to keep in mind is that when uh, they’re not up there with uh, double stick tape! They actually penetrate the roof and uh, if it’s done correctly, so, uh, call, call our friends at AAA Roofing, they’ll come out and do a free roof inspection, make sure the roof is okay. Uh, trust me folks, there, it’s not about getting up on that roof and telling them, ah, you know what, I would like to go to Vegas this week, I think you need a new roof! They are not like that. They’re a locally-owned family uh, their reputation is everything and how, how can they call them. If you’re thinking about putting on PV, you want to have your roof inspected, what’s the number to call Adrienne?
Adrienne: Give them a call at 531-2211. That’s 531-2211. Or check them out online at
Attilio: Here’s a life lesson for you before we go on to our next break. 10% of life is the things that happen to you. Situations you come across. So, today we had a life event. Our callers, they’re so important to us. We couldn’t speak to them. They’ve gone on to the beyond and we need to be, do a séance to get ahold of them, but we’re not able to do that today.
Adrienne: But we already knew what they were going to talk about.
Attilio: So, that’s the 90%, which is what do you do? How do you react?
Adrienne: The mind, the mindset. Okay, so life, more life lessons.
Attilio: I’m so, you know, I just, I’m tired right now, we should take a break.
Adrienne: Alright, but stay with us—
Attilio: Wait, hold on. Stay with us why? Or shall I—
Adrienne: Tell them why!
Attilio: Well hey, we’re about to take a break, and as Adrienne said, stay with us, when we come back we’ll be talking with uh Jenny Van, is it Gieson? Gieson! Of Da Cove health bar and cafe who will tell us how to nourish your body with good vibes, good food, and local live music. Stay tuned!
[Music fades to commercials]
Announcer: The Team Lally real estate show continues.
Adrienne: Welcome back and thanks for listening to the Team Lally real estate show, home of the guaranteed sold program or we’ll buy it. I’m Adrienne—
Attilio: And I’m Attilio!
Adrienne: And if you have any questions just give us a call at 799-9596 or on the web at
Attilio: Our guest today is Jenny Van, I’m just going to say the G-part, you tell me the G-part.
Jenny: Gieson. (laughing)
Attilio: Gieson. Of Da Cove health bar and cafe.
Adrienne: Is located near the entrance to Diamondhead State park. At Da Cove health bar and cafe specializes in a ___ of ___ bowls, fresh fruit smoothies, healthy green salads, fruit and vegetable juices. They’re also an, there’s an array of delicious breakfast items: sandwiches, warps and plates!
Attilio: Here today to tell us more about how to nourish your body with good vibes, good food and local live music, please welcome our special guest, uh, Jenny Van—
Adrienne: Gieson.
Jenny: Gieson.
Attilio: Gieson! And by the way, we’re talking about the other location in there, in the introduction but today we’re talking about Kapolei. At the ___ mall is where uh, is it ___?
Jenny: Yeah, ___.
Attilio: That’s the location we’re talking about, Da Cove, so welcome to the show!
Jenny: Hi, thank you for having me! (Laughing)
Attilio: Alright, so uh, you have a question you want to start off with a question?
Adrienne: No, you can go.
Attilio: I can go first? Okay. So, uh, okay, local style, uh, you know when we’re interacting with our, with people here in Hawaii, local style, we want to get to know you a little bit. So, are you from here, are you from somewhere else? Tell us your story a little bit.
Jenny: Okay, uh, I was born and raised here on Oahu. Uh, Waikiki girl, surfer.
Attilio: Oh, you’re a townie.
Jenny: Yeah, I’m a townie that now lives on the west side. (laughing)
Attilio: Did you get a 96, uh, 792 tattoo?
Jenny: I’m almost going to. I’m nearly there.
Attilio: The 965-851, no, uh, what uh, so what high school did you graduate from?
Jenny: Uh, Roosevelt High school.
Attilio: Roosevelt! You know, I think, didn’t Brett Middler graduate from there?
Jenny: Actually, Bruno Mars did.
Attilio: Oh, Bruno Mars.
Jenny: Yeah, we’re friends.
Attilio: So, Brett Middler kind of faded into the—
Jenny: He doesn’t remember though.
Adrienne: You’ve got to remind him.
Attilio: Were you running around, I mean, was he like, did he come to school in his Elvis outfit?
Jenny: Sometimes. Nah.
Attilio: So, if you remember Bruno Mars, everybody does, back in the day, he was, he was like a, I saw some videos, he was like a, an Elvis impersonator, like as a little kid, 5 years old. But uh, anyway. Okay! So, enough about him, we’re talking about Da Cove! So—
Adrienne: And we’re talking about Jenny!
Attilio: Talking about Jenny. So, uh, you know we, a lot of people they, they, you know we have to paths of travel in life, we can go work for somebody else, or we can go work for ourselves. you know, you’re having this unique opportunity to work for yourself. Obviously and you told us a little bit before we brought you on that you were working for someone else. Tell us about your path of travel here, your, your, how did you get involved with Da Cove.
Jenny: Uh, well, being from Waikiki and being a surfer, professionally, uh, I was just always into health food and stuff, so uh, funny story, the way I actually met the founder of Da Cove was uh one day after I went surfing, I stopped by uh, this, that mall, the strip mall that Da Cove is on and there was a guy sitting outside the store and the store was really dark and I parked right in front of him and he, I got out and he said, hey! Come over here, I’ll make you a, uh, a smoothie, come inside, come inside, and I was like uh . . . maybe not. Like, you’re kind of creeping me out and it’s dark in there, he’s like, I was like no, that’s okay, next time, and he kept saying, no, no, no just come, just come.
Attilio: He was persistent.
Jenny: Yeah, so I was like, oh boy okay. So, I go in there and there’s like fruit flies everywhere, it’s dark and uh, he makes me this fresh mango smoothie that was like a tad warm, on the warmer side, but was delicious. So, since that very moment, we ended up talking about surfing, because he was a surfer and a fisherman and all this. We hit it off and became friends. Uh, I went on my way that was a couple years later, went back to look for a part-time job, because I was in college and started to work for him. Yeah.
Attilio: How old were you when you met him? You park on the side walk. How old do you think you were?
Jenny: Geeze, I was probably like 19.
Attilio: 19. Yeah, that’s good stalker material, right around that. Girls get stalked there’s uh 19 and uh so you, what was his name?
Jenny: Marcus.
Attilio: Marcus, so from the original Da Cove and uh, oh you know what, a little bit uh, people are listening, oh wait, she said something. Tell us more about that. Professional surfing what, how, how did you get involved with that and, tell us more about that.
Jenny: Uh, my dad was a paddle boarder and a surfer growing up and uh, he started me at 2 years old so that was like the first time I ever caught a wave. Uh, 8 years old, I started surfing competitively uh, 12 years old I traveled to France with ___. Yeah and uh, did some competitions and from then on it was traveled all over the world longboarding professionally and then got into stand up and then did a lot more traveling to British Virgin Islands, Tahiti and all over the world so, it’s been good to me and it’s been a blast.
Attilio: She had to go surfing where you have to wear a wet suit.
Jenny: Yeah!
Adrienne: And so, are you still competing, or are you?
Jenny: Uh, not competing as much but I still do a lot in the industry.
Adrienne: Nice!
Attilio: Alright, so hey, if you guys are just tuning in, we’ve got Jen from Da Cove, it’s a cafe out in the new mal on the, on the uh west side. By the way, if you, when you come support this cafe and this mall, you’re supporting the Hawaiians. Because Hawaiian homes own the dirt underneath.
Jenny: That’s right!
Attilio: And stuff so come out and support the Hawaiians and come eat some healthy food. So, let’s talk more about Da Cove. How did you guys, how did Marcus and, what was the, wife and she’s still with us today right?
Jenny: Yup, Anne.
Attilio: Anne. How did Marcus and Anne come up with the name?
Jenny: Uh, he, it was kind of just a random thing and he figured it was like a hideout in Diamondhead and he, that’s kind of how he came up with the name Diamondhead Cove, that was the original name uh, in recent, or in the past couple of years, we’ve changed it to Da Cove. So, that was kind of our decision, just to make it a little shorter. Yeah.
Attilio: Where are you going? Da Cove. Oh, what is that? Uh, it’s Da Cove? But it, you know, the, in the mainland I had a business called Mr. Flyer and we used to go put up flyers at the college campuses, it was really good, lucrative and I always thought, you know, it was really easy kind of marketing, right? Mr. Plumber, Mr. Electrician, so a local version of that is just put “da” in the front.
Adrienne: Localize it.
Attilio: Da Plumber, Da Electrician. Da Cove. Let’s start our own marketing firm called “Da” and then uh, okay, so that’s how you came up with the name. You have another question for her Adrienne?
Adrienne: So, so, what made you guys decide to come out to the west side?
Jenny: So, uh, let, Marcus, Uncle Marcus passed away a few years back, maybe 7 years ago, and uh, his whole goal and his wife, Auntie Anne’s goal was to expand their business, even, you know, outer, like in Japan and Australia. So, uh, it’s been in, an on-going process and then when he passed away, you know, his wife and I definitely wanted to, you know—
Attilio: Partner.
Jenny: Partner and do, do what he always had the goal of doing. And so, with Kapolei growing and me living out there, it kind of just organically came together perfectly and uh, yeah, we’re excited.
Attilio: Alright so tell us—
Adrienne: So, this is the first expansion?
Jenny: First expansion.
Adrienne: Of Da Cove.
Jenny: Yup.
Attilio: Store number two, here we go! So, tell us about the uh, what is it like to be a, you know, entrepreneur over here working in Da Cove, running your own place? Is it easy, hard?
Jenny: Uh, it’s, it’s definitely hard, uh, Auntie Anne has taught me so much. Uh, I’ve pretty much had to learn on the fly, how to do a lot of things but with her it’s been running really smoothly and has become easier and easier uh, but definitely constantly learning.
Adrienne: So, you, so it’s important to have a mentor?
Jenny: Yeah.
Adrienne: There to help and guide you.
Jenny: Yeah, definitely.
Attilio: Yeah, so uh, you grow, instead of starting from scratch and figuring it out on your own, you have some, you have a go-to person, Auntie Anne.
Jenny: Yup.
Attilio: Right and so you can talk to her about, you know, about ordering, about the menu, staffing, uh, hours of operations, all about that stuff, lease negotiations.
Adrienne: Insurance.
Jenny: Yeah!
Attilio: Yeah, and all those things—
Adrienne: Lots to think about.
Jenny: Yeah.
Attilio: You know, so, I mean, a lot of times with uh, entrepreneurs we always say hey, I can never work for someone else 40 hours a week but I’m going to work for myself for 80 hours a week! Uh, with the, what do you think has been uh, what has been the, the biggest challenges that you’ve come across so far?
Jenny: Uh, I think it’s very different, the demographic is different from Diamondhead definitely so, I think uh, adjusting to that on the west side has been a challenge. Finding different marketing tactics and ways to approach our customers, or draw customers in, uh, even the holidays and the weekdays that we’re busy are completely different than town. But uh, yeah. Those are probably the biggest challenges so far.
Attilio: Do you find people saying oh! This is Da Cove from over there or?
Jenny: Yeah, we do! Is this the one in town? Yeah.
Attilio: Good, so they’re familiar with the menu and all of that. Tell us more about your, what we, if I walk into that store, what, what are we finding on the menu and where’s this food coming from?
Jenny: Well you, so we try to get most of our ingredients from local farmers uh, as much as we can. But uh, it’s a lot of healthy salads like you said earlier, sandwiches, uh, we, we really want to introduce these things to the community out there, because we feel that it’s needed.
Attilio: Where it’s most needed, yeah!
Jenny: Yeah, and me, from me being out there and Anne being from Hawaii as well, we, we want to support the community in that sense and even grow it into where we can go into the actual different communities like ___ and Waianae and have little workshops you know, like health workshops. Or fitness workshops.
Adrienne: So, taking a step further.
Jenny: Yeah, definitely.
Adrienne: So, tell us about the uh, the ___ story.
Jenny: Yeah!
Adrienne: We were talking about that on the break.
Jenny: So, uh, Marcus actually, one of his friends introduced it to him and everybody else was kind of I guess not too interested and he was like yah, I’m going to do it, so he started it and it just went crazy. And we ended up being like the oriental spot and still are I think people definitely pin us as that. But uh—
Attilio: Yeah, so introducing ___ bowls to—
Adrienne: So, who is this friend that introduced him, like where was he from?
Jenny: Uh, he was from here, just a distributor. From like one of our fruit distributors. Yeah, but uh, ___ is awesome, it’s super healthy for you, lots of good uh, fatty acids in it uh, it’s packed with vitamins and antioxidants, really good for your skin and just your overall health.
Attilio: Yeah, I rub it on my face every morning.
All: (laughing)
Attilio: But you know what’s cool about the ___ bowl, just like anything in the beginning, you know, everyone’s like oh, what’s this weird hippy food and then now it’s like everywhere.
Jenny: Yeah, it is everywhere. Uh, I think with us, we, a lot of people love our honey, we have uh, independent distributor that gives us honey from the big island. Yeah, so everybody tries to chase down our honey but (laughing) you can only get it from us!
Adrienne: You have it on lockdown!
Jenny: Yeah! And then we try to keep uh, you know, the least uh, additives as possible so, our ___ is pure, our fruits are not you know, extra sweetened, we don’t add you know, any chocolate chips or anything to it, it’s more on the healthy side but still super delicious.
Attilio: So, I think that’s what uh, people always have this conception that if I want to eat healthy it’s not going to taste good, but we know that’s not true. Right? You can eat healthy and it can taste good. And uh, I think what people don’t realize, you know, over a long period of time, our lives, what we put inside of our mouths can determine you know, what our, how we’re going to be when we get, become old people.
Jenny: Right.
Attilio: So, anyway, what are, so one last thing, we’re going to take a little break, we’ve got more questions but uh, you know, what uh, you guys have any specials or any, any, any unique times that we should be showing up to the, to the cafe?
Jenny: Uh, lunch time is probably our busiest, uh right now we’re trying to push some call-in orders. There’s a lot of business offices in our area and so uh, take-out orders are welcome. You can just give us a call at—
Attilio: What’s the number?
Jenny: 670-2570.
Attilio: One more time.
Jenny: 670-2570.
Attilio: Alright.
Adrienne: So, so you don’t have to wait in line, you just show up and—
Jenny: Just show up and your food will be ready.
Adrienne: I love it! It uh, just time saving, time saving tips from Jenny. Alright, so we’re going to take a short break, but stay with us. We have more questions for Jenny.
Attilio: For Jen at Da Cove! Out on the west side at the Kapolei mall.
[Music fades to commercials]
Announcer: It’s the Team Lally real estate show. Here’s Adrienne and Attilio!
Adrienne: Welcome back and thanks for listening to the Team Lally real estate show, home of the guaranteed sold program or we’ll buy it. I’m Adrienne—
Attilio: And I’m Attilio.
Adrienne: And if you have any questions just give us a call at 799-9596 or check us out online at
Attilio: Well hey, if you’re just tuning in, we’ve got Jen from Da Cove, it’s a cafe out there in uh, what was it? ___?
Adrienne: At the mall.
Attilio: At the mall, Kapolei.
Adrienne: It’s the second location.
Attilio: Second location and if you know anything about the first location, it’s just as good as the second and you guys should come out, you know if you’re, again, what we talked about earlier, what you put in your mouth, you know, the 7, I think I’ve, scientifically it’s been proven with professional athletes that 70%, 70, your performance is based on your diet. What you eat. There was a TED talk on it. How do I know this? Because I’m into growth and I listen to podcasts.
Adrienne: Yes, yes you do.
Attilio: Anyway, so speaking of uh, what we put in our mouths, let’s talk about uh, what can we, what’s the atmosphere look like, what, describe to us uh, for the radio listeners, who are, aren’t on TV. What’s it look like when I walk in there?
Jenny: Uh, we were shooting for it to look kind of like home or be, have a homey feel. We have uh, a really nice mural on the wall uh, made from a local artist in big island, her name is Hailey and uh, beautiful monkey pod tables uh, open bar, we have bananas on the counter.
Attilio: The big piles of bananas?
Jenny: Yeah. Back in the day, when Uncle Marcus was alive, he used to bring in like the bananas like still on, the (laughing) like the stump and hanging from the ceiling. So, we try to keep that tradition going, yeah.
Attilio: I noticed too when you guys serve like the salads and stuff, it’s on kind of like a nice wooden platter.
Jenny: Yeah.
Attilio: So, it’s not like plates—
Jenny: Very natural feel.
Attilio: Yeah, and uh, so, now, I know you guys are eventually going to have uh, live music there and there’s a lot of artists on that side and if they want a venue to come out and perform and show and bring all their friends and family who are going to eat food. That would be a good thing. Uh, let’s talk about your guys’ website. If you, if listeners want to check out your guys’ menu, is it up on the website.
Jenny: Yup, so you just go to And we have our menu up there, and when we do start our ava nights, which is the nights we will have music, it will, it’ll be on there as well.
Attilio: The uh, the schedule.
Jenny: The schedule, yeah.
Attilio: So, people are hearing the word ava, not everybody might be family with what that is. What is ava?
Jenny: So, ava is a root, uh in the old days, the Hawaiians used to drink it, it was actually reserved for the royalty. Yeah, so today uh, obviously, everybody drinks it but we’re one of the few shops that serve it. Consistently so we have it all day and all night. But uh, we do have special nights set aside in the Diamondhead location that are, it’s like an ava bar. So, we serve ava and there’s like music from different local artists.
Attilio: Yeah, now ava, if you, it has some kind of like effect on you, on your mind and body, right? It makes you kind of relaxed?
Jenny: Yeah, it relaxes you uh, some people get a numb tongue, uh, it helps with anxiety and depression.
Attilio: So, with the numb tongue you’re, friends that like talk too much, you want to give them some ava.
All: (laughing)
Attilio: Some ava juice. Now I, you know, my mom, you know, I was growing up native Hawaiian and my mom was part of that renaissance movement with the protesting and back in the ’70s so she used to drag us around to all this stuff and they would break out with the ava. And I mean, I was probably 10-12 years old, but I was like hey, this tastes like dirty muddy water, what is it? I thought this was root beer! But uh, that, it has the consistency but it’s all natural, right? And people just kind of relax and—
Jenny: Yeah and it’s, it’s kind of a, you know, it’s like drinking beer in a sense, everybody talks story and kind of gathers together uh, Uncle Marcus used to always, we had a lot, we have a lot of famous people that come into the Diamondhead location and also the Kapolei location now but uh, when they would come in to get ___ bowls, he would make them drink ava with him. And so, they would walk out all like loopy. (laughing) Kind of like, wow, what was that, and then coming back to drink some more with him so.
Adrienne: That was his strategy.
Jenny: That was his strategy yeah!
Attilio: They would be like, like at the DUI checkpoint down the street, oh, ava root, ah, keep going. Go on through, go on through. Alright uh, any, any? Oh! You’re looking for people!
Adrienne: Yeah, so you guys are hiring in both locations.
Jenny: Yeah, so we’re definitely hiring uh, in our Diamondhead location and at our Kapolei location and ____. Uh, we’re hiring for front of the house staff, so smoothie baristas and uh, cooks as well. Yeah.
Attilio: And the uh—
Adrienne: So how do they apply, do they just show up or should they go to your website or call?
Jenny: They can email me at
Attilio: Now it’s a natural cafe, so, if you do bring in a resume, please make sure that it’s on a banana leaf.
All: (laughing)
Attilio: And a fresh one so that we can read it before it falls apart but uh, no, I mean nowadays it’s more of like hey, come show up uh, fill out an application, probably meeting you face to face and uh, this kind of environment and uh, hopefully if you, you know, I’m glad, you guys are hey, providing jobs out on the west side.
Jenny: Yeah, what we usually like to do is just have them come in and uh, just write a little bit about themselves and we talk story and then if they have a resume, even better.
Attilio: Then you just give them some, some ava so you can get the real skinny from them, let them open up but uh, ok. Well hey, uh, any, any questions that we should’ve asked that we haven’t asked of you?
Jenny: Uh, nothing I can think of.
Attilio: What’ve you to on your notes, we covered everything on your notes?
Jenny: I think we covered everything. (laughing)
Adrienne: Well thank you so much for, for joining us it’s been wonderful to learn more, a little bit more about the history of Da Cove and about what, you know, what we can expect when we’re visiting your, your store out at the, on the west side, the first expansion!
Jenny: Yeah, thank you so much for having us.
Attilio: So, it’s kind of a big mall, but when you go in to the mall, I don’t know, how would you describe it? You guys are kind of like between the food court and uh, California Pizza Kitchen?
Jenny: Exactly.
Attilio: Right on that outside row, nice and convenient for the parking. Go walk, go straight in, and uh, you know, hey folks, if you’re listening, you’re out on the west side, you’re hearing our voices, come out and support a local business. You guys are supporting local farmers, you’ve got a healthy menu, so, change your life, come eat some good food, healthy foods, with Jen over at Da Cove. Oh! And you know what? Give them the website and the phone number one more time.
Jenny: Okay, so the website is and our phone number is 670-2570.
Attilio: 670-2570. You can phone in your order or eat in or take out.
Adrienne: Save time.
Attilio: Save time.
Jenny: So, check out or menu on the website and give us a call.
Attilio: Alright, awesome, thank you! Alright are we going to take a break or bring our callers on?
Adrienne: We’re done with the breaks but I wanted to talk about, we’ve got a Career Night coming up on Monday.
Attilio: Career Night?
Adrienne: Career Nights.
Attilio: What’s that all about?
Adrienne: So, we’re going to, all questions are going to be answered on Career Night, so this, this Monday from 5-6—
Attilio: What if I want to know the meaning of life?
Adrienne: We can, yeah, we can talk about that.
Attilio: Come down to Career Night, yes.
Adrienne: Come down to Career Night, we can talk about everything. So, yeah, I mean we’ll, all questions are going to be answered, we’re going to talk about what its’ really like to be in real estate. We’ve got—
Attilio: We’re going to have Isaac there, he’s going to be talking about what it’s like to be a realtor. Uh, you’ve got to—
Adrienne: Who’s Isaac?
Attilio: Isaac, he, he, he dresses really nice uh, and uh, you have questions about him when you do see him but uh, as you get to know him, you kind of figure out what his deal is. But he’ll be answering questions.
Adrienne: Okay, uh, I don’t know who this Isaac is. Where he came from.
Attilio: See, we’re all about educating and entertaining at the same time, so he’s just a character.
Adrienne: Oh.
Attilio: That’ll be at Career Night.
Adrienne: Is that you?
Attilio: Yeah. See, you just gave it up! It’s supposed to be like uh, you know it’s just a character that I assumed to answer all your questions.
Adrienne: Oh, okay, now I’ve got it.
Attilio: So, Isaac will be there. Questions we’ll be answering. Hey, uh, should I take the real estate course online or in person? At the class?
Adrienne: How much does it cost?
Attilio: You know how, quickly can I get up to speed to start making money in the real estate business? And you know what, we’re going to talk about the different aspects, there is the uh, sales, there’s administrative roles, speaking of administrative roles, are we looking for an administrator?
Adrienne: We are! We’re also looking, we’re always looking for talent, but we are—
Attilio: Administrator!
Adrienne: We are looking for an administrator. In our office.
Attilio: Yeah, so we’re looking for an operations manager for our Team Lally office. There, we’re in the uh, James Campbell building. By the way, that’s where Career Night’s going to be and when is it going to be?
Adrienne: So, this Monday from 5 until 6.
Attilio: Now go to our website,, you can RSVP or is it uh—
Adrienne: Well you can, I would go to because it takes them directly to the link about the Career Nights.
Attilio: We’re so sophisticated, we have like websites for everything.
Adrienne: Domains yes.
Attilio: It’s like people say, hey where’s’ the bathroom, go to www.where’ No! So, Uh, we actually have posted positions on there, you can RSVP for the Career Night and uh, whether you’re thinking about it or maybe you’re, or if you’re in the business of uh, real estate right now, maybe you’re thinking about making a move.
Adrienne: Yeah, so come on down, learn more about Keller Williams, learn more about teams, learn more about real estate. It’s going to be, oh and also property management too I think Duke’s going to be out there, answering questions about what is it like to be a property manager, so.
Attilio: What kind of driver you want to have of your Escalade as you’re driving around to your multi-million-dollar listings.
Adrienne: No.
Attilio: No, we’re not going to cover. We’re going to cover the real stuff, not the reality TV stuff, that’s not for real.
Adrienne: The other, the other, the other event that’s coming up is uh, we’re doing a, a fundraiser for the Hurricane Harvey.
Attilio: Hurricane Harvey and we’re going to be doing something fun, fun-raising.
Adrienne: Yes, some fun, fun-raising.
Attilio: And what are we going to be doing?
Adrienne: We will be bowling and we want to invite all of our listeners to, to come join us. If you go to, you can find out more information about how you can help in our fundraising, we’re doing a bowling tournament.
Attilio: Bowling tournament, so we’re going to put together teams, the uglier your bowling shirt is, the better. We’re going to have an uh, we’re going to have an extremely loud auction. That’s the opposite of a silent auction. We like yell at you and tell you to bid more. And so, we’re going to be giving away some, here’s one of the prizes, we’re donating, what is it, is it 4 hours?
Adrienne: Uh, 3 hours.
Attilio: 3 hours! Just like Gilligan’s Islands, they got lost—
Adrienne: Yes, 3-hour tour.
Attilio: They were on a 3-hour tour so we’re donating 3 hours on—
Adrienne: Our yachts.
Attilio: And we’re going to be on there, we go, we go on the yacht with them too. That’s what it says.
Adrienne: Yeah, if they want. If they want, then.
Attilio: We’re yacht crashers!
Adrienne: They don’t need to be.
Attilio: No, no, no, we’re going to be there, or we can, or it’s just, it’s for uh, and then it’s just going to start off, no reserve bid, that’s just one of the items, plus many other, so let’s say you have an organization or a team, or a group, and you guys want to do a little bit of team building, and while supporting a good cause, this is not just for Keller Williams agents or anybody part of, or realtors in general, you’ve got an insurance team, you’ve got a plumbing team, you’ve got a roofing team, you’ve got a cafe team, like over at Da Cove, and you guys want to come out and, and have a bowling team, it’s on, it’s going to be on a Saturday, what are the details?
Adrienne: Yup, Saturday September 30th, from 12-5, so there’ll be lots of prizes, again the live auction, we’re going to, you know we have some different kinds of ways to, to play this bowling game, there’s going to be lots of different ways to win.
Attilio: And we’ve got the whole bowling alley!
Adrienne: Yes.
Attilio: If you know anything about ___ Bowl, they’ve got some good food, people just go there to eat, they don’t even bowl! Okay. Any other events?
Adrienne: So, yes, so just go to our website, You can find out more about how you can, you can help with uh, this fundraising for the Hurricane Harvey. Alright, so we’ve got, I think we’ve got Miranda on the line to talk about her open house. Miranda, are you there?
Attilio: Miranda?
Miranda: Yes, hello guys! Yeah, so I’m announcing uh, a grand open house that we have at ___, a beautiful home, 5 bedrooms, 5 bath and 5-car garage. Huge home, at 92-1236 ___ Street. I’ll be there tomorrow from 2-5. Uh, along with one of our newest buyer agents, Veronica. So, we’ll, we’ll be showing this home uh, so come out and check us out from 2-5 tomorrow.
Attilio: Dynamic duo and you said, where’s it going to be at? What, ___?
Miranda: Yes, ____ with those great views and great ___.
Attilio: How many car garages?
Adrienne: It’s five.
Miranda: 5 car garage. Yeah.
Attilio: Cars!
Adrienne: It’s, this is a custom-built home and it is perfect for anyone that like wants like a, a home workshop uh, I know that this big garage could also be turned into additional living space if you needed more space, but the house is already, it’s huge, it’s a beautiful home. It just, amazing touches.
Attilio: As Tony from New York would say, it’s huge!
Adrienne: You have to, you have to come out and see it. Plenty of parking too.
Attilio: Thank you Miranda.
Miranda: Yes, thank you!
Attilio: Alright. Who’ve we got next?
Adrienne: We’ve got Kevin! Kevin on the line.
Kevin: Hey Adrienne and Attilio!
Attilio: Hey Kevin, what’ve you got for us?
Kevin: Yup, so, after you guys check out Miranda’s open house, up in ___, uh, I will be sitting another open house in the same area. From 2-5, this is located at 92-984 ___ Street. Unit #8. Uh, this project is known as the ___ Townhouses. It’s a 3 bedroom, 1 and a half bath home, with a little over 1200 square feet and it’s listed at $400,000.
Attilio: Now I’ve got a question for you. Is this home located in upper upper ___, lower lower ___, upper lower, or lower upper ___?
Kevin: (laughing) This home is located in upper upper ___.
Attilio: So, start at the top, you go from one open house to the next, don’t even turn the car on, just release the parking brake, put it in neutral and you can stop at all our open houses up in ___. Alright.
Kevin: There you go.
Attilio: Thank you Kevin!
Kevin: Thanks guys, have a good one!
Adrienne: Alright, so I believe we’ve got like 5 grand open, open houses—
Attilio: Now when you say, I heard Miranda say grand open house, I’m thinking of like uh, Gone with the Wind, you know, it’s like this, big columns and you’re riding your carriage up to the front door.
Adrienne: There’s no carriage, no carriages.
Attilio: Like that thing grand open house?
Adrienne: No, it’s just like the first open, so, basically nobody else has been able to get into the homes. To see them, so this is the first opportunity for you to physically see them. Now you can go onto our website and you can walk through uh, with like a 3-D tour or a video tour so you can really get a good sense of how the homes are laid out, but if you want to like physically walk through the door, this is the first, first opportunity to get through that door and check out these awesome homes.
Attilio: Now here’s something for you people out there thinking about selling your home, when you hear open house, it’s kind of like house guests, you know it’s kind of fun and exciting the first time around or when they’re there in the beginning, but uh, open houses and house guests are like fish. What happens over time?
Adrienne: Eventually they go bad.
Attilio: Eventually it goes bad and gets all stinky and I don’t want to do that anymore and cleaning up my house, so what we do is uh, one of our strategies for you sellers out there if you don’t want the inconvenience of having an open house after open house after open house after open house—
Adrienne: Or showing after showing after showing.
Attilio: After open house, after open house, after open house, is we focus and drill everybody down, focus them, funnel them all down to that one big open house, because NAR, national association of realtors, statistically says, what percentage of homes are sold at an open house?
Adrienne: It’s like less than 10%.
Attilio: It’s 3%!
Adrienne: Oh, 3%.
Attilio: You were close.
Adrienne: I was close.
Attilio: 3% so if that’s uh—
Adrienne: Very low.
Attilio: The, the average of uh, the opportunity and probability of getting your home sold, you don’t want to be doing those week after week after week.
Adrienne: I would say the exception though is that, that grand open, you’re funneling all of the private showings and nosy neighbors and professional open houses and then, and then the actual buyers, the stalkers, everybody goes to the same event and what happens is, they all, you know, they all see each other, they don’t know who they are. They just see oh, there’s a lot of people here.
Attilio: They run out to their car, call up their agent, put them in a headlock and say hey, we’ve got to write an offer so we create that sense of urgency, we turn it into an event. Next up, we’ve got—
Adrienne: We’ve got Duke, I think we’re going to finally be able to connect with Duke, he’s done with his chocolate cake.
Attilio: How was that chocolate cake? Was it that good?
Duke: That was a lot of chocolate cake! You guys see that cake?
Attilio: Yeah, yeah! But at least you work out a lot, that’s good! Alright.
Duke: Don’t worry about the chocolate cake, just___ my friends __ and I thank you for having all these parties at my house and then they brought the chocolate cake and they all left. They ___, __ to go! Who’s going to eat this cake? They left. So, it’s pretty cruel.
Attilio: And is it from like ___ Bakery or one of them like super moist chocolate cakes? Probably?
Duke: Yeah, talk about the friend delivery, that was crazy. Anyway, my tip of the month is really easy. So, based on allowing pets to come in your rental because 7 out of 10 of our applicants have pets these days, most of the pets are under 20 pounds. So, by offering pet available or pet negotiable in your house, you can discriminate what kind of pet you are going to let in your home. Real simple. Yup, we do get security deposits and we also do a 4-month walk-through if there’s a pet in the home. Versus 6 month if there’s no pet.
Attilio: Gotcha.
Adrienne: So, you’ve got a higher probability of getting your home rented out quickly and maybe even for more money if you open it up to the pet owners.
Duke: Yup, a lot of pet owners that have large pets, 2 pets that are over 50 pound, normally will pay more for rent.
Attilio: Now this uh, the emotional pet thing, it’s getting kind of ridiculous, I saw it on the, the news the other day that a lady had a sperm whale as a pet. Emotional pet.
Duke: Aahhh! Kind of interesting.
Adrienne: Miniature horses.
Duke: Yeah, ___ be a miniature horse or a dog.
Adrienne: That’s it.
Attilio: Horse or a dog.
Adrienne: Alright, thanks Duke! Awesome tip this week!
Duke: Okay, good luck to you guys, take care!
Attilio: Not a question for Duke, but maybe you know, he’ll listen to it and answer it later, but, I could’ve sworn, I think you can train a cat to get a beer from you for the refrigerator. You can train a cat to do that, can’t you?
Adrienne: I don’t know about that. But thank you for listening and thank you to our sponsors!
Attilio: Jodie Tanga and Derek Tanga of Pacific Rim Mortgage!
Adrienne: Bradley Maruyama of Allstate Insurance!
Attilio: Nathan Baker of Pillar to Post Home Inspections!
Adrienne: Ben and Tony Mamood of AAA Roofers Hawaii!
Attilio: Janyce Myrland with Dream House Drafting!
Adrienne: John Speed of Kilauea Pest Control!
Attilio: Duke Kimhan with Hawaii Pacific Property Management!
Adrienne: Mike Metts of Kama’aina Plumbing!
Attilio: Thomas Pattison with Pattison Land Surveying!
Adrienne: Myron Kamihara of Kamihara Law!
Attilio: If you want to get ahold of any of our sponsors, just go to
Adrienne: We also want to give a big thank you to Lea, our producer here in the studio!
Attilio: And our guest, Jenn, chi-hoo!
Adrienne: Make sure to tune in next week, we’ll have an awesome guest talking about something that’ll change your life—
Attilio: Forever! This is the Team Lally real estate show, home of the guaranteed—
Adrienne and Attilio: SOLD PROGRAM!
Adrienne: If we can’t sell your home at the agreed-upon price and your time frame, we’ll have it bought for cash.
Adrienne and Attilio: THANKS, AND ALHOA!