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Welcome back, and thanks for listening to the Team Lally real estate show home of the guaranteed sold program. Well buy it. I’m Adrienne and I’m Attilio if you have any questions just give us a call at 7999596 or check us out online at our guest today
was been training athletes for 48 years he owned the body shop up gym in Tampa from 1977 to 2005, where he trained over 300 professional and collegiate athletes.
He was a gym owner, a physical education teacher and coach, a former professional wrestler and a fitness trainer. In 1997, he created the sport of tri- fitness. Please welcome back. Our guest, Al Rosen. Hey, Al. Welcome back.
Happy New Year.
Hey, happy new year. Yes.
We were just talking in the beginning of the show about those New Year’s resolutions. And this is the time of the year that people you know, want to do good things to start the year off, right? Yeah. Including a time just fitness as a goal and health. Yeah.
Oh, yeah. I remember as a gym owner, the first week of January, there’s busiest time of the year. Yeah. Everybody in the mother was inside. Yeah.
Well, you know, it’s like that comedian said, I’m gonna go work out when I’m in better shape. And you will be because No, no, no, no, you just gotta go. You know? How you know speaking of which, you know, as a gym owner, because I think all gyms are the same way. They’re going to be busy January, February come about March. Things start fading off. Yeah. What will be your suggestions for people to to get in to get into working out and have it as a life? Long habit?
Stick with it? Yeah.
What would you how would you recommend? Well,
you have to have a goals. And that’s, that’s how we’ve been successful in tribe fitness. A lot of people have reached out to me over the last couple of weeks and started matching, I’m going to start focusing in come 2024. So our event’s in October to October 11. To the 13th. So it gives people a nice has a month vision and the target date. Yeah. So. So for the next nine months, they have something to trade for up to seven, eight events to train for. Everything’s achievable. And good. You have to have a goal. Yeah.
I agree with that. When you have that event, or goal that you’re training for. It really helps you to stay on track. You know, it’s like, Oh, I’ve got a you backwards engineer from that, from that date. Yeah. And you know, until you and I have done this try fitness challenge. And we’re, we’re going to be there in 2024. So we’re, we’re starting starting our training. Here, nine months out, we’re excited.
We’re so excited to have you back. And you know, as far as you Adrienne, last year was Attilio, first year you worked abroad about there, you go all the way back to 1999. To 2001. So yeah, my rights these other one, okay. And so it’s been a, it’s been a couple of years, by the oh, your guide, but you came back just like a lot of people to a lot and you needed a new goal, I think, going into 2023. And you found it, and now you want to pass it on to others, and we welcome you back, especially, and anybody out there listening to this, anybody that wants to challenge themselves, you know, and be you know, obstacles and feel the power of accomplishment. You know, we look forward to having to challenge by
the way working out includes side effects such as looking jacked, feeling better about yourself, fighting depression, and being able to keep up with the grandkids and or seeing if the grandkids can keep up with us.
Now, I know that, you know, this event takes place in Tampa. Yeah. And you have some, you know, some training areas there, like locally. But let’s talk a little bit about some of the opportunities that people have to come and do some training camps with you. Yeah,
I’m available almost every weekend. I think there’s a weekend in July, I won’t be available, but basically, probably 90% of the weekends from now until the events available. And while we are with full facility, where we were a full obstacle course full trip to grid course, all the fitness skills. So when somebody comes in for a weekend camp and come in on Friday, you know, we put into about five workout sessions. And by the time they leave, they’ll have the whole blueprint of how to train for the van go back and they actually understand that. I know even though you did it in 90 and 2001 you were to tell you and then he came in a couple of days early and to acclimate yourself with the event with his wife and those people that don’t come we make it available that weekend. But two days before the event anyway, so, but to know that you prepared and able to go ahead, and game plan is a big help.
Yeah, I think it’s important to sign up for things like this because then you backwards engineer, and then it creates like an endpoint for all of this working out in there and motivation for why you’re doing it. And like you said, it’s a goal. And you know, too, oftentimes, we go on vacations and is to go to Disneyland and all you can eat and sitting around and standing around and sitting around. Why not go on a vacation where fitness is what you’re gonna go visit and, and instead of, and then instead of being a big American, it’s a small world. You can be it’s a small American in the big world. out this is true. They had to upgrade, upgrade the boats. It’s a small world because Americans were getting so heavy that the things were bottoming out
opened up around 1970. Yeah, definitely. One that I got. Yeah. And obesity wasn’t as common back then. Yes. I believe it. I mean, you could go into airplane and basically check that one out. Yeah. But yeah, I could, I could believe that. Definitely. Yeah. So
maybe your fitness goal is to be the person that’s coming down the aisle way in the airplane. And people are thinking sitting next to me sitting next to me, as opposed to the hope they’re not sitting next to me.
So we will experience that one.
So I’ll we could you share with our listeners, maybe some examples of success stories, just the profiles, some of these athletes are coming back year, over year to attend and compete.
We’ve had we have a assortment of athletes from up to 78 years old, I think Chris Green to turn 78 She’s coming back from Alabama. But let me just get, I have a client. Okay, and I’m gonna get her to do something a total of nine athletes, known to say, when I had the gym back in the 70s, late 70s. And during COVID, she balloons up she’s an RN, she moved up to over 200 pounds to me, and says, What’s the chance of me getting into decent shape? So, basically, it’s, you know, I can lay out a game plan, but you got to execute it. Yeah. And we set a goal. Let’s try to shoot for a pound pound and a half a week. Yeah, this was this was nine months ago. Well, he went from 2 million pounds. Now she’s, when I said, Okay, we’re gonna get you down to 137. She’s up to 128. Nice. She’s, she had zero exercise tolerance. And I’m talking about walking her through baby steps of walk as we have to six sets with a three minute break. In between, she was still puking after 1111 12 minutes. And, but now she could get through 3540 sets in the 30 minute session. The other day, we’re gonna go was gonna get 500 reps in in 30 minutes. This is somebody who you people will recognize it. She had a simple goal. She had elderly parents that you have to take care of suffering. So depression, 62 years old, married, what am I gonna do? You know, my money is, you know, isn’t that great? And, but I’m gonna set a goal for myself that I’m gonna get myself into the best shape of my life. And that was her goal. And I run into I got handicapped people, a boy with severe autism. And I said to him, I said to the mother, we were gonna get through the True Grit event. I don’t care if I go Hold his hand. Yeah, we’re gonna go from point A to point B, okay, you don’t cross cross the finish line. So a lot of athletes have athletic backgrounds, and a lot of athletes maybe never participated. Maybe started working out in your 30s or 40s. They never got the chance to play travel soccer or gymnastics, or, or volleyball or, or, you know, or football or cheerleading, or doing anything as kids maybe their parents went in, in the, you know, had the financial means or didn’t at the time, whatever and all sudden, they surround themselves with other other women or men who had like word goals. And next thing you know, the traveling in I’m from Idaho together on my path together as a small team to challenge themselves. So we have people from all walks of life, and a lot of people use it as a family reunion that you saw last year to come back and to reacquaint with the people they met the year before two years or five years before. Yeah. And they have the same common goal. And that’s, that’s my favorite part is family atmosphere. Yeah, we’ve created. Yeah.
And I think what Tony Robbins he has a great quote in the beginning of his book called lifeforce that we’re reading right now. He talks about it, you have to be there’s a new company, everybody should start right now. And it’s called being the CEO of your own health. And because here’s folks, right, call, you know, things, money, all of those things are meaningless unless you have your health. So this is let’s take the opportunity to set a goal to go to try fitness, starting out with your training, get into the best shape of your life and stay that way.
On your present way, yeah, what’s important is my dad, my dad told me years ago, you only need three things and like, your, your health, your family and your friends. Never mentioned that dollar bills, everything, everything works out. You mean but you know, it’s up to the individual to look in the mirror, set goals for themselves. And to and the goal is only as good as the execution. That’s the hardest part for most people is executing that goal.
And my my number one tip for everybody is when you don’t feel like working out that is the absolute time that you should, because I will tell you, I’ve never I’ve gone to workouts where like, I don’t want to be here, like almost halfway through. I mean, maybe sometimes all the way through. But at the end 100% guarantee. I was glad that I did it. I was always glad that I did.
So I have clients that come in and I don’t feel like yeah, and they tell me 30 minutes, 30 minutes, and when they walk out, they feel great.
I do always because and people think is just hippie dippie stuff, but it’s scientifically proven that your physiology is way better after exercise than by not doing it or having a sedentary lifestyle. The science is proven and folks. So all right. So
if our listeners Yeah, for our listeners want to find out more, I know you have a website, And then you guys are also pretty active on like Facebook, right, they can go and look at previous previous events, and even your YouTube channel.
This is there’s probably 1000 videos, you know, every type of person do an obstacle course or to grid or a fitness routine or Grayson physique event. So as I tried to make this channel a challenge on YouTube, on Instagram, as tri fitness challenge and under my personal name on Facebook, and people. One thing I tell people don’t be afraid to call me my number my, my numbers, my numbers listed on our website, 813-263-2779. Because I can answer within a minute or two. Any question that a person has the easiest way and I really don’t mind, but you’d be an email or, or reach out to me on one of the social medias. And I’d be glad to answer any and all questions.
Dad tells you how long he’s been doing this. He has an AOL email
and the same phone number.
And he’s and he’s telling the truth. So when until you and I were getting ready for the the tri fitness last year, I had all sorts of questions for Al and he always had an answer or a video or some kind of training regimen to help us Yeah, to you know, to prepare for the event. Well,
I was one of those kids. I didn’t, I didn’t play any sports, they didn’t do anything. And my sports included nightclubs and girls. That was it. But I didn’t play any sports in middle school is nothing not even soccer. But I attained getting fit as an adult. So I my experience first time experience with your tri fitness is very inclusive. I didn’t it didn’t matter whether you’re a professional athlete, amateur athlete or just somebody who had a goal. I mean, there were grandma grandmas that was there that was inspiring me and the things that they did and accomplished and it was awesome.
Everybody has their own reasons. And and that’s that’s the great part and the events the the events ever changes this say so you deal with A year to year with apples and apples, apples and oranges. So you, you come last year, whatever your times were, you set a benchmark. And now you come back a year later and the goal is is to better your. Your your times. Yeah. All right. Well, I’m
certainly excited to Well, I mean, I just had my surgery my my final surgery, so I’m on the road to recovery. Yes. And I am like, you know, benchmarking from that October day working backwards so that I’ll be ready to run that obstacle course in in record time. Yeah.
I kind of saw it the other day on social media, some handstamp Pro Res. I know. I know, that’s included in your fitness routine, which is a choreographed routine. So I know you’re already getting ready, you know, working despite the knee rehab, you know, you’re working core and upper body of stuff. And that’s what athletes do.
Yeah, you can. Adrienne’s 100% committed if she can do it on her lay? She’s gonna do the whole thing on her hands. That’s
She’s all in I am resourceful. Yeah.
So you’re saying guys do for modern day Medicine and Rehab. When I first destroyed my knee back in 82. They had me in the cat they had me in the cast seven months from my from my groin down to my toes, actually. So it’s it’s come it’s come a long way to procedure so knowing you like really good football player with the bucks when the top receivers in the league Chris guy when he was back in the NFL six months later playing NFL football, you know, the high level. So which is which is incredible. Yeah.
All righty.
Well, thank you Al, for coming back on the show and inspiring our listeners and sharing a little bit more about the tri Fitness World Challenge. You know, Attilio and I are certainly excited to be joining you there in October. And if any of our listeners also want to come join in on the fun. Check out the tri fitness challenge websites.
Yep. And if there’s a countdown on there, so you can see how much time you have left. We’re right at about 278 days, 281
days or 70 7070.
Games. Wonder One day One day at a time here. Hope everything is well in Hawaii. Everybody stay safe and have a great healthy, happy New Year’s 2024.
Yeah, well, let’s go make a difference out there.
That’s right. Thanks. So okay. Okay, bye. Bye. Okay, so again, the website, Go check it out.
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