Adrienne Lally & Attilio Leonardi
This week on the Team Lally Real Estate Radio Show, we interview Indar Lange of Our Home Investments. Indar shares his journey into real estate investing, the creation and setup of his coworking space, and insights into SBA Loans and their benefits. Adrienne and Attilio share their experiences at Indar’s recent event held at his coworking space, highlighting the power of networking and collaborating with positive individuals. Together with Indar, they emphasize the importance of taking action, note-taking, and how successful individuals often give back to their communities. 
We also have Duke Kimhan from Hawaii Pacific Property Management who explains their unique application process and eviction guarantee and Dan Polimino from the Big Island provides timely advice for buyers considering current mortgage rates.

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Who is Indar Lange?
Indar is the CEO and founder of Our Home Investments and the owner of Hawaii Coworking. He founded Our Home Investments in 2015 and has now become the largest home-flipping company in Hawaii. He’s completed over 150 rehab projects in Hawaii and the mainland, and owns 165 rental properties. With total home sales of $130 million, he is a homegrown multi-millionaire committed to helping locals thrive, not just survive.
Our Home Investments is a highly experienced home buying team dedicated to helping homeowners in Hawaii sell their houses quickly and without hassle, games, or fees. They operate with transparency and integrity, buying homes directly with their own cash, ensuring a swift and smooth process. They know the local market well, enabling them to make offers within 24 hours, regardless of the property’s condition or location. Unlike agents, they are direct buyers, allowing you to choose and consider their offer without any pressure. Their commitment to a no-pressure policy is validated by the satisfaction of their numerous previous clients.
To reach Indar, you may contact him in the following ways:
Phone: 808-989-2323
Website: OurHomeInvestments.com

Interview Transcription

Welcome back. And thanks for listening to the Team Lally real estate show home of the guaranteed sold program. We’ll buy it I’m Adrienne and I’m Attilio. And if you have any questions, you can reach us at 7999596 or check us out online at Team lally.com.

Our guest today is the CEO and founder of all Our Home Investments and the owner of Hawaii Coworking. He founded Our Home Investments in 2015 and has now become the largest home flipping company in Hawaii. He

has completed over 150 rehab projects in Hawaii and the mainland and owns 165 rental properties. With a total home sales of 130 million. He’s a homegrown multimillionaire committed to helping locals thrive not just survive

by the way he also will be coming out with a Netflix special how to flip home so you can buy more expensive flip flops or slippers like Scott’s so

please welcome back our guest Indar Lange Yeah,

you got a Netflix special

I watch a lot of Netflix

you know what are our listeners can actually this kind of like a little mini Netflix special in there is pretty good with his social media on Instagram. So you can kind of see like, a day in the life of a real estate investor investor. Yes,

yeah. Yes, we were just on the front page of the newspaper to for for flipping as well. Yeah, and I’m always watching those TV shows. So it’s nice to give back to the community and show that they can buy affordable houses, there’s abundance in life and they can they can succeed and grow to with them. So I love talking to everything about real estate.

You know a lot of times too is that I try and put the message out as much as possible that local people can afford to buy a home and not everybody needs to move Vegas. You just got to get creative and you got to have

the right team.

You can’t just have one solution. You gotta have multiple solutions and between ourselves and Indar, I

think there’s a lot of solutions.

Here I get that a lot of my social media people are over priced out of Hawaii. I can’t afford the million dollar house well, why are you starting at the million dollar house? First of all, you need to go start at the I know three $400,000 townhouse condo something you can afford live in it for a couple years and then go sell it and then go buy this six 700,000 I mean, that’s what I did. And

it’s a process it’s

a process I think too it’s kind of like cars you know, everybody has this expectation Oh, I’m just gonna buy a new car because those problems and you know you can buy a very good used car in fact go on or go on any of our social media channels. We just we just show the used car lot on Hickam so if you have don’t have base access get your friend to bring you home base had plenty cars over there for sale. The point being is you don’t necessarily need to buy a new car and you don’t need to buy a million dollar home. That’s right. Yeah, start somewhere right start somewhere.

Yeah. So I mean, my wife we I couldn’t afford I was cleaning toilets from my dad’s construction company Yeah, there was nothing and I went to the bank spent I know what you got to spend your Saturday at the bank and but he banker figured out when the okay the next six months we need to show this much income. It was just a game plan of my life ahead and I think people will realize that just takes a little bit of time but your game telling your future and I went about it 240 Score 240,000 or 500 square feet was tiny lived in it two years and after two years we pay no capital gains no pay take no taxes on that profit. Nice. We sold it for 340 and I made my 90,000 and went in buy the next one and sold that and bought the next one and yeah, I think people get stuck stuck on I have to buy a million dollar house

you got to start smaller and you know, built bring it down you know I always I talked about it on a couple radio shows ago with you know, those differences between you know, did you did it? Is you the one that didn’t work or did it not work? Because people would be like, Oh, try buying a home it doesn’t work? No, you’re the one that didn’t work because it is possible. Now, if you don’t have a job and have you know terrible credit we got some work to do but it’s still possible.

That’s right. You gotta be committed to executing and just doing the work following the process.

Hey, speaking of you know, you just started from you was cleaning toilets. Now you have all these businesses and all these properties and a new business. Let’s talk about your latest acquisition Yes, this

co working space working. We’re excited. Tell us about this. Yeah.

I just super excited was during COVID. Me and my partner, Jay, you guys, pretty friends with Jay. We were just looking for our own office at the time to rent. And the agents or commercial agents showed us the place and they wanted a million dollars and me as a real estate guy, I throw some low offers. And I say no, I don’t want it. But 600,000 When you take it, and it took it for 600,000 Well worth a lot more. Wow.

Well, it’s what somebody was willing to pay for it. Boom was

bank was bank was foreclosed on it. And yeah, we got a killer deal. And then from there, we just we fell into a friend had co working business and how successful that business is. I mean, it’s it’s really like a storage. It’s micro offices, yes, taking space and just utilizing it to the fullest potential from day passes. We have we have month passes, week passes, you can rent a mailbox from us. We have 18 offices that we fully rent out all the conference rooms events. We really want to maximize the space and just create a community where we have people to learn and grow from each other from agents and brokers and have a notary and have a we have a marketing guy there. We have a podcast room, we have a guy to edit the for the podcast room. So just create like a community to help each other grow. And that’s kind of a girl art. Our goal for the place? Yeah, it’s been a lot of money. We’ve made it really nice. Yeah,

we’ve been in this space. It’s a really nice space. The one thing to tell people, the barrier sometimes with new businesses or startups is that either one, they’re not going to give you a five year lease. And even if they did, you might be locked in, you know, with 3% increases every year. Adrienne, I mean,

well, how long we were there, it’s for ten years. So but we,

but we were in business for about eight years prior to that. Yes. And we were renting a 1200 square foot space in the James Campbell building. When the by the time it was all said and done. It was six grand a month. And I don’t know of any kind small businesses that could handle that. I mean, we could. But I really see the value of the co working space, especially after COVID Because

being able to collaborate Yeah, and share those expenses. take a baby step. That’s right.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, after COVID Everyone downsize and then you don’t need those big offices, you know, place for Work. And then if you need a conference room, we have a conference room. We have a podcast room and all these other services that you don’t need but you just when you need it there for you. Well, again,

instead of signing some lease where you have that in your own office, you’re paying for it whether you use it or not. Over here, you just paying for your office space and those shared spaces are functional. It’s just not you know, some couches with a with a front office desk. You got functional spaces, conference rooms I’ve seen it’s pretty cool. And and I heard you guys do karaoke over there too, to read the

events where we had we had a singer we had we actually had some singers there. People went to space for events. Yeah, of course. And

Friday night is free free rapper rapping Nice. So freestyle.

So where can our listeners what? Like what is the website for this space listeners can go to to find out more information.

It’s simple it’s Hawaiicoworking.co. Hawaii co working co it’s simple website. And we don’t

really know why you spell it out or is it HI? Yeah.

Oh, yeah. Hawaii, spelled H AW, AII. Co Co WorkingCO. We did the CO,

the CO instead of the.com. Yeah, they save money because you will you never have the M at the end. You just feel like Oh, I’m tired of typing. Okay. I just couldn’t stop it. Oh, all right. And then she can get to the website. Check it I’m sure you got everything there to check all but I would encourage people to go down and visit. And

we really went all out on like the furniture desk or those desks move up and down. Like my partner. I’m a flipper and I want to go cheap, but my partner’s like, No, we gotta get our best stuff. You know, our three or $400,000 budget ended up being 800,000. Oh, we killed the budget.

Yeah. 700,000 of that was the working with DPP? No.

Yeah. Tell us about the permitting I know that that was kind of a challenge for you guys. Yeah.

Yeah, well, it was a challenge. A property manager made us go get a permit. And so yeah, we had to go get it. We’ve worked a year to getting the permit. They allowed us to work as we’re getting the permit within parallel. Yeah. And then we finally got the permit and close it out. year and a half later, it took a year and a half to build. It was a it was a lot of work. So you just appraised it 3 million. So

nice. Wow. So congratulations. Not only are you the President of the Hair Club for Men, but you’re also a member. So investing you’d like taught, you’re like you have an investment company and you’re doing it yourself. So this co working space is actually your resume for investing in commercial real estate. Good job.

Yeah. That’s why I have some other stuff too. In the mainland, multifamily is closer shopping center. Yeah. And this co working is a great example of we had a ton of investors in it. And we’re just actually doing an SBA loan on it right now. And that’s nice. We’re just finishing that loan up to get that refinance SP.

No. And our listeners may not be familiar, what is an SBA loan? And what’s the benefit? Why are you moving into that? That product?

It’s a Small Business Association, most small businesses, it’s it’s probably the cheapest besides vas, the cheapest rates, you can get out there and have really great amount of value. They go up to 95%. They are up on some businesses, loan to value, depending on the business business money down. Yeah, less money down. And they’re really it’s a US government supporting small businesses.

Yeah, that’s what it come. 90% of the economy is made up of small businesses, not Walmart, not Jeff Bezos and Amazon. It’s all small mom and pop businesses make up 90% of the economy.

Yeah, there’s some great if you have a great startup out there, and you’re starting a business, there’s some really good loan pilot programs to help

you Yeah. And then come to a co working space so that you guys can collaborate. You know, I think you guys should have this in neon lights right? When you walk in. So it’s like one of them Instagram backgrounds, or have it somewhere in the office. And just it’s going to be the African proverb. You know, what it is? Adrienne, do you remember

something about if you want to go fast go by yourself. But if you want to go far

go together together? And then that’s, that’s the theme for the co working space. Right? So I have an idea. Yeah,

they’re right. Every everything I do now, even deals I wanted, I rather partner, honestly, yeah, it relieves the stress. And you can do things together, you can brainstorm. It’s just,

yeah, we truly believe in the concept. One plus one equals three. And that’s the, you know, our mathematical formula for synergy. And Fraser, and I were in like, tons of partnerships, tons of partnerships are all kinds of stuff. You know, people have skill sets that you don’t. And so partnerships bring synergy when you’re down there up. You know, when you don’t want to keep going they kick your cola and to keep going. When you want to go cheap on a remodel, they go no, no, no, we need to spend good money. So, but we got an event coming up.

Yeah, we’re so excited because we came to the last event. Yes, was amazing. Until you and I really enjoyed it. We enjoyed the community that came out and the content and then in are writing us to be some of the like the cohosting there with you. Yeah, so

at that event that we were at, there was a guy named D, former military retired, thank you for your service. And he started off buying his grandma’s house for like 30 grand. And fast forward to today, he’s in the middle of a $20 million deal. And he started from nothing, didn’t know nothing from nothing, very humble beginnings. And that was your guests that you had their amazing opportunity for people to have been in the room. And then he stayed afterwards to chit chat and talk with people and connect. Yeah, so awesome.

I love having people there. And you guys, you know, tech can just add value to people’s lives. Because I really believe that you guys are very successful too. And I really believe successful people. They have abundance in life, and they always are open to give back. I’m around very successful people. And you want to believe that they’re all very open. And here’s how I did it. You know, I feel like there’s enough to go around for people. And you know, the guys, it’s just great to have that.

Yeah, you know it, there was a question that you had asked him. And I thought about it and from now on it, but it’s like, here’s a one, two punch on the questions. Number one, you know, when you get around people that are in life are way ahead of you in life, where you want to be the question you’re going to ask them is well, I’m there. I’m over here at the beginning, what will be your number one piece of advice? And I think I think you you, then he restated a second question. So I think these will be the two questions when you get around successful people. Here’s where I’m at what would be your number one piece of advice for me? And then here’s the second question. If and here’s where the gold is. If you had to do all over again, what would you do differently? If you had it to do all over again? What would you do differently? Those two questions is what you should ask every successful person and then execute Oh, oh, well, I’m

telling you don’t be an askhole.

Hey, no, swearing on the show.

Okay, start sooner. Start sooner. Yeah. And that comes to action and everyone, I think from all our levels of life from us to Elon Musk. Yeah. It’s whoever takes more action is more successful, you honest, is more an action taker than all of us. Like, he’s just multitasking galore. You know, and I just take more action than the next guy below me. So it’s everyone’s action taking. And I’m guilty of it myself, too. I feel like I can do more. But I limit myself when I say I can’t Yes, or I don’t take the action when some great advice comes to me from somebody.

And so our producer doesn’t have to go back and beep Adrienne. She said, Don’t be an askhole. And I want to clarify, ask, A as in alpha S, as in Sam K is an kilo, H O L E. And what that means is, is if you’re one of those, and here’s your here’s the litmus test. If you’re one of those, you go to these things, you take a bunch of notes, you ask a bunch of questions, and you don’t do anything with zero action, take zero action. So don’t be one of those. Tony Robbins has been in in 40 different you know, I don’t know, 60 Different countries have been doing this for over 3040 years. He’s been around some very successful PETA people who started from zero. And he says it’s not a lack of resources. It’s a lack of resourcefulness.

And he also said, do it now. Do it now. Just do it now and Done is better than perfect. Yes. Go for it.

Yeah, I want to point out one thing I really noticed from you guys, which is amazing and makes me remind out, so you guys were at the event. And I’ve seen you guys sitting notes. I was looking at you guys. You guys are the only two that had a notebook out. Yeah, I was taking notes. Probably more successful than most of those people in that room. Yeah. But look who was out there taking notes. Look who’s writing things down. Like I have a notebook in my desk, like ready to go all the time. So people sometimes go to these events, and they like,

what are you doing right now. So he and I were the only two people in there that didn’t have a photographic memory because I tell my team, the only reason you are not taking notes in the culture of our company is if you have a photographic memory. Now you might have a photographic memory, but I certainly guarantee you don’t have a photographic memory. So take notes, kids go to college. I know because I got kids coming up. And it’s 30 grand a year for out of state tuition for like Oregon State and ASU. They’re taking notes, you’re taking notes, you’re paying 30 grand a year for this. And then you go to some event where somebody has literally one piece of information in there could be worth 30,000

You’re not taking notes, or more or more.

Yeah, yeah, take notes. It’s

huge. Yeah, I have my little black book of notes where I any event, it’s only for events. Yeah. And I just constantly with showing that book and I’ll go back and review.

So this event, it’s on July 26. July 26. Starting at 530 5 30.

Next Friday, not this Friday, coming next Friday,

next Friday, July

26. Yeah, so come on down to the co working space.

It’s over by Eaton square right by on the edge of Waikiki before for for Hobron Lane

actual address, you guys are on sandwich board on the on the on the sidewalk. So if you are knucklehead and you don’t know, you know, Google Maps is not taking you where you need to go. Just follow the maps. And also don’t make that mistake that I made. I was drove right past the parking big neon sign that says public parking and I ended up parking by like, Ilikai but I got my steps in that’s why I was late. Because I was a knucklehead. You know local people we don’t go anywhere. Could be like Oprah and Tony Robbins and Jesus could be down at NBC. But if no more parking, we’re not going there’s

plenty of parking here

the parking it’s easy.

At a parking garage,

public parking, big sciences public parking. Just it’s right down the way what like I would say like, everybody’s direction of the of the location. On the same side of the street is public parking.

So So common network and get out your skin. I would say I’m an introvert myself. Yeah, but just take a moment stand in a circle of people. Say Hey, hi, my name is Bob. I mean, it’s hard to do. I know sounds

stupid. But all right, so I’m gonna give people some networking tips. So we got this from the body language boss. By the way, when you see two people talking to each other standing up. If the feet are facing each other, they’re most likely not open to a third party coming in and introducing themselves but if they’re standing cockeyed, that, that that nonverbal body language is telling them they’re open for a third person to come in and invite them delves into the conversation and here’s what you’re going to do you’re going to use, you’re going to, you’re going to be asking them, What do y’all do for a living? And you’re going to be very interested in what they’re doing to the point, I always play this game. I am so interested in other people that my game is what what’s the game, Adrian, that they asked you for your business cause me for a business card because they keep redirecting to them and talking about them. So if you go up to him, and you say, what do you do for a living? I shovel manure into wet paper sacks. Here’s the second thing you’re gonna say, Wow, that’s so interesting. Tell me more about that. No matter what they say. Even if they say that. You’re gonna say, tell me more about that. And you can get deeper and deeper and deeper into the conversation and figure out what they do.

That’s it. Okay. So networking. How

to win. Yeah, to win friends and influence people, everyone. Everyone loves them their names? Yeah. Yeah,

that’s how I remember Charlie. He. He has a he has a he has a golden shovel award. You work for a company? No, no, I’m making that up.

So yep. So we’ve got we’ve got a couple minutes. Yeah. And let’s, let’s talk about the info. And then also you talked about, you’ve got I think you said 18. office spaces. And so how many are available for new businesses to come in? And, you know, take Route? Well, we,

we just opened we haven’t done a grand opening. So we’re just getting people in now. We have 18 offices. I think three of them are rented. Oh, wide open for touring right now. Yeah. And we’re just filling out the place I really just started with. We haven’t got our actual full main webpage up. Yeah.

Yeah, I would say go down there and do this, folks.

Pick it up for other people take up the best offices. Yeah.

You know, if you can get away from Charlie who’s bad karaoke, no need to be next to him. You can be down the way. But you were saying I

will guarantee love it looks nice. I Yeah. I think it’s really nice.

But yeah, it is you got to it’s a total cool space. The I like the conference room thing with the TV. And, you know, here’s the deal, folks, if you want to get going with your business, you’ve got to have an established professional location. Come on, you got to stop using the laptop on the ironing board and your master bedroom

and go have synergy around other successful people. All right. I know indoors in there all the time. Working.

Thank you. Indar. For being on the show. We I know we’re gonna have you on again.

Yes, we’ll see you. We’ll see you Friday. Yeah, yes. Okay. All right. Thanks, Indar.

Thank you guys. All right.

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