Adrienne Lally & Attilio Leonardi
This week on the Team Lally Real Estate Radio Show, we interview Haaheo Scanlan of PSI SeminarsHaaheo delves into the transformative world of PSI, revealing the essentials of their upcoming seminars in Honolulu and how they pave the path to personal success. Together with Adrienne and Attilio, they share their personal experiences with PSI and Haaheo shares a special success story.
We also have Duke Kimhan from Hawaii Pacific Property Management who discusses the crucial role of ample parking in rental properties. Jake Kissack of Go Local Powur updates us on the latest advancements in solar technology, including Powerwall batteries and the debut of Powerwall 3. Dan Polimino gives us the latest Big Island updates, focusing on the ongoing effects of inflation and interest rates. 

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Who is Haaheo Scanlan?
Haaheo is the Area Director for PSI Seminars, a Doctor of Acupuncture, and a mother of seven children. With over 30 years of dedicated involvement with PSI Seminars, she brings a wealth of experience and wisdom. Her passion for personal growth and development shines through in her work, inspiring countless individuals to reach their full potential.
PSI Seminars was founded by Thomas Willhite and his wife,Jane Willhite, in 1973. It was designed to impart principles for achieving personal success. When Thomas Willhite died in a plane crash in 1983, his wife had run the company as CEO and was responsible for its current growth and success. As the oldest personal development organization in the United States, PSI Seminars holds a prominent position as a pioneer and expert in human potential training.
To reach Haaheo Scanlan, you may contact her in the following ways:
Phone: 808-841-7776
Email: hscanlan@psiseminars.com

Interview Transcription

Welcome back. And thanks for listening to the Team Lally real estate show home of the guaranteed sold program or we’ll buy it. I’m Adrienne and I’m Attilio. And if you have any questions just give us a call at 7999596 or check us out online at Teamlally.com.

Hey, everybody, you know, I want we there’s always like in Hawaii, we always have a surf report. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I want to give you guys the, I want to give you guys the Market Report for real estate here on Oahu, specifically, March of this year. And the two types of real estate and residential real estate that we always get a monthly indicators on comparing the that month to the month before is single family homes or the year before that same month, the year before the same month. What did I say? The month before the month before? Yeah, well is. This is March is now April. So it’s that’s what I meant by that.

Okay, so March 2024. compatible, give them two numbers.

And then let’s get our let’s get our guests on show median sale price for a single family median sale price for a condo. We’ll circle back at the end if we got it. We’ll give you more details on that. But let’s give them those two numbers before we bring out our guests.

So the median sale price for single family is a 1.1.

And what was it for condos. I have 100 1000s. All right. Two condos equals a single family home on Oahu. All right. So our guest today is a director for Area Director. I said I was saying like I am. She’s area. They’ll be cool. She lived in Iowa. No but she doesn’t. Our guest today is the area director for PSI Seminar as a doctor of acupuncture and a mother of seven children. With over 30 years of dedicated involvement with PSI Seminars. She brings a wealth of experience and wisdom.

Her passion for personal growth and development shines through in her work, inspiring countless individuals to reach their full potential. Please welcome back our guest Haaheo Scanlan.

Aloha. No, I don’t live in Aiea. I live in Kaneohe.

You’re the Aiea director that lives in Kaneohe.

Last year,

yep. And so

did I, you know, you just said that median price. And I thought, Man, am I blessed to have had Team Lally? Yes. Support me and buying my home. But you want to know another really profound thing I heard is my niece bought a home in 2018. And she has a big sign that says welcome from Team Lally.

Yes. Cool. Yeah. So

it’s all in the family.

All in ohana? Yes. And so speaking of family, and the glue that keeps families together relationships, how we are as people how we present how we receive. Let’s talk about, let’s think about this internal growth opportunity coming up. What is it may 17. And through the night, yeah,

May 17 through the 19th.

What am I talking about? Haaheo.

What are you talking about PSI seminar? Yeah, I’ve been doing classes here in Hawaii for 51 years. Nice, non stop. Wow. That’s so exciting. And definitely, you know, I just did a presentation for Seattle because we’re attempting to open up a Seattle base. Because they said they want to be part of the Ohana. Yeah,

yeah, well, people you know, yes, PSI has been around for a long time all over the United States and parts of the world. But I will tell you that the the representation, the culture, the tribe, vibe that we have here in Hawaii is like one of the best in the nation when it comes to PSI. But people are like PSI, what does that psi? What is that?

It’s really learning tools and techniques for success. And what we discovered as a result of COVID is equally as important learning tools and techniques for resiliency, and learning to find new solutions. We call it out of the box thinking, learning to pivot in areas in our personal life and in areas in our business life, so that we can still maintain amazing levels of success.

So Haaheo, who would who would be benefit? Who would benefit from this PSI seminar? Who is this geared towards?

Well, you know, I was just we were talking about so when I went 37 years ago, I was married expecting my fifth child with my house in foreclosure. Oh, wow. And attending a seminar. Yes. Seemed like the last thing I could spend my money on. And I trusted my mom. And I went, Yes. And I sat next to a realtor who said, I can sell your house for a $50,000 profit and I looked at her like she had to Ed’s this stranger, who’s 37 years now she’s one of my dearest friends. And she did exactly that. She sold my house for a $50,000 profit. And you know, now 37 years later, I’m buying two properties. My son lives in one house. And we are in the midst of renovation for the second house. So it’s for people, and yet I’ve sent all of my seven children when they were 13. Yes. So I’d say it’s for people that are struggling and looking for new solutions is for people who are amazingly successful, and looking at ways to give back. Yes, and it’s for everyone in between, we say 13. And the oldest we’ve ever had was 90. Wow.

Never too late to grow.

Never too late. I remember the wisdom of Ben and he said, I want to know what to do with the rest of my life. Now he attended at 90 years old.

And I sent my mom when she came to visit last summer I sent my mom and she attended with Yeah, daughter. And that was a very special event for the both of them. Yeah. Yeah. They both enjoyed it. They were like

we want to go. He was like, No, you’re going to sign this weekend.

It’s funny. It’s funny, you say that Adrienne, because my oldest granddaughter is 26. And during one of our seminars, she said, I have a dream to fly first class to Japan. And that was a year ago, a little over a year ago, a little less than a year ago. And so you know, as grandma hears that, I said, Well, I think I said go with you. Yeah. And so our whole we just got back on Saturday, my daughter and her two daughters, and their families, we all went and spent five days in Japan. And I said, it’s a dream come true. And that at 26, he could realize that dream. And she flew first class.

Awesome. Nice.

And amazing.

You know, I were talking and that’s Adrienne, I went back. You know what? The school real quick because I was like, this is a travel slash real estate show. Slash talk about whatever the heck we want. Because it’s our show theme. And we went to Japan and I swear, everyone’s like, Oh, it’s all vacation. And I’m thinking in my head, they probably went to Japan and everybody I talked to like, Oh, where did you go on to Japan? Well, it’s it’s not something like it’s a crazy coincidence. The Yen is very favorable, but $1 4050 Edo to our $1. Us

and then also Japan was closer so long. Yeah, you know, now they’re welcome all the visitors all that

pent up willing to serve and do things and be there’s just such a different culture there. What would you say was your most enjoyable experience to to share with our listeners that are thinking I should go to Japan?

Well, so I am a Disney fanatic. In case you didn’t know. Yes. And so I’ve gone to Disney Land. Over 20 times. I’ve gone to Disney World. This was my second trip to Tokyo Disneyland. Night. And there is a ride there. Called the well I call it the Beauty and the Beast ride. I’m sure it has another name. like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Yeah, ever. Just it was a two hour wait in line. And worth every second. Nice. Definitely. And then, you know, now and the other thing is Disneyland Tokyo costs $60 For an adult. Disneyland California costs 140.

Wow. Last week, the conversion was yeah, it was even probably a better deal.

And much, much better. And so, so much fun. And then getting on those trains. Those trains are fortunately my future grandson in law is an engineer. Yeah. And he just had it down to a science. Yes. We went all over on the train.

Yeah, that’s what’s nice about their their public transportation. We took a trains like everywhere, up and down, left and right. And all of that it was and here’s my suggestion. You folks figure out how to use the trains. Because we went one distance with a taxi was like 50 bucks. And with the train was $3.50. Yes. So we’re like, okay, the train, but you got to have planning, planning. Yeah. Yeah.

And I did exactly that. I went one direction with my daughter because she was not feeling strong enough to walk and I said, No, we’re not doing any train. So we caught the taxi. And it was way over 50. And then we got there. We met the rest of the family who had gone by train. And it took them you know, a little bit two times as long but they got there and we wanted to see the cherry blossoms nice and went and then on the way back I said well Oh, what are we gonna do? And she said, I’m going on the train and $6 later,

like, suck it up talking getting on the chain. And yeah, we

weren’t that much walking. Yeah. Yeah,

it wasn’t that much walking because

because he engineered it so well that the only time we walked was in that magnificent mall in the train station. Yeah, Tokyo, like you can stop till you drop in that same train station. And so we didn’t even notice we were walking because we were stopping and stopping and stopped.

Shopping, walking. But so PSI is the reason your your granddaughter had that dream and was like, and it was a dream and a goal, not a fantasy, a fantasy, something we wish we’re going to do. And then next, you know, we’re dead. And we didn’t do it. What PSI says, how do we connect the dots from today to that goal? And so we’ll talk more about PSI, what else can people expect?

So there’s a lot of opportunity to work on all the things that we’re already good at all the things that we’re successful at, and learn maybe a new tool or a new technique, a new way to communicate real estate, a new way to connect with a new client, so that they hear what they need to hear. We also have an opportunity to learn some tools and techniques on those areas where we may not be getting the kinds of results we want in our life. And by learning a new way to look at it a new way to approach it, that we can get results in those areas where we have not been successful.

So Haaheo, can you maybe share with our listeners an example of a success story? Someone that you just saw, you have a massive change or turn around as a result of this, this these seminars

this experience weekend. I call it a weekend experience. Yes, a weekend

experience. You know, we had a young lady who’s agreed, she stepped up now and she’s doing some amazing things. But recently, what when she, one of the things we offers, you can come back for free. So she attended when she was 13. And then a few 456 months ago, maybe I don’t remember the exact time she came back to what we call re audit, you can come back for free for the rest of your life. And she’s now 26. And he came back when when she came, she was so afraid. So like she had a hoodie on she had her sleeve covered. She sat in the corner and didn’t talk to many people. And she went to the class just for free. And she noticed that maybe she could step out and be and she was somewhat successful in her life as a financial planner. Yes, and financial analyst. But she said she just did it from her home. She went from home to our office and back home and never ventured out at 26. Yeah. And today, she’s out dancing and playing. And yet, the success he’s had in her business has multiplied exponentially just in the 90 days that she was participating in the program. I think she did. Millions of dollars, she attained a rank in her company. That was she thought was, you know, and I’d like to quote all those things that I didn’t write them down. Yeah. But she became much higher, right. And she said, she was one of the top producers for the quarter in her company, just by being willing to go out and dance and get out and be with people. She’s even more successful than she was when she just sat in her house and went to her office and came back home. She was

like, so I went from looking like the Unabomber to the top producer in my office because I pulled that hoodie back and open up to people and communicate. And and

one of the one of the things that you do is you have that 30 Day goal and you have a group accountability. I know sure that that you know part of me was dancing or something with her financial planning and

Adrienne Haaheo knows this people I’m going to read people’s listeners minds right now. They’re like, tell us exactly what it is. We can’t and I’ll tell you why is because they’re going to be things processes that you go through. Nothing includes sticking icepick in your eyeball? What processes that are you going to and we don’t want to ruin your first experience. But it’ll be worth it.

You know when I think about this young lady Miranda, she was he attended when she was 13. Yeah. And she became the State Women’s Wrestling Champion in her weight group. Nice and yet you know, know that extraordinary and yet Life happens and an eight mean, there would be nothing to scare her to not want to be driving to Pearl City or Mililani. Or, or to a to a nightclub at night, you know, and she got over those things that scared her to the point that now see is living a full balance life. And that’s what we talked about is balance. Like not just work, but work, and joy, and love, and happiness, personal and professional success.

You know what this class is for? Fish? What fish is for fish? Had these two fish there was swimming around the ocean. And the one fish turns to the other fish. I know you I when I do the coffee talk, I always bring this as an example. When people say well, what is BSI? And I said two fish swimming around the ocean and the one fish turns to the other one. It says hey, what do you think about this water and the other fish goes? What’s water. And the point of that story is that a lot of times we’re going through life. And we don’t realize that either consciously or subconsciously there’s self imposed limitations that are holding us back that we may not even be aware of. And we’re aware that fish going what’s water, and it’s all around us. And inside us. And VSI helps you identify what’s that? What is the water? And what is holding me back? That’s how I describe it. Yeah, correct.

That’s so excellent. You know, one of the things we say and I know, I’ve heard one of the gentleman who, uh, you know, when you talk about rags to riches, if you’ve heard his story, and he always said, what he heard was that on Saturday, there’s a formula that we teach. That guarantees 100% success. Yes. And if you could just apply that formula in different aspects of your personal and professional life. Would it be worth taking a chance? Yeah, three days, pay the tuition with a money back guarantee. So if all of us are wrong, you get your money back less $50? What if you could have your dreams come true?

You know what we’re, you know, we record this for livestream later. On Jose, is it true for something for livestream later? Anyway, we’re recording this for a replay back and I’m watching you’re not seeing it. But in the watching the video. And there’s the annual thing that we go through, I don’t know they changed the name every year journey what? Principia all those different, but anyway, when your momentum momentum, but I’m looking at it, and it’s the service project that we did in Vegas for that college prep. Thing, and it was awesome. That and that was all that space. It was like one of those like, whatever with that guy, Ty Pennington, move that bus, you know, kind of like that. But it was for a nonprofit. And it was amazing to be around in that room after you’ve gone through all these processes and, and to with the mindset of those people, because we literally did, in my opinion, the amount of construction and rehab work that would literally take a professional company probably a couple months, a couple months. And we did it in 24 hours. Yeah, yeah. And nobody complained. 1000s of dollars. Yeah, nobody complaining, everybody having fun.

What a lot of people don’t know was at the end of the project. Yeah, there were a few things we hadn’t finished. And there was a crew that went back and finished every detail that we had agreed to do. Even though the major part of the project was over. on their own. They took it upon themselves to go back and finish because we we had weather problems, we had all kinds of challenges. And they went back and finished. So I agree. We’ve had some extraordinary projects that we’ve been able to accomplish for inner city schools and nonprofit organizations. And we are going to Cabo this year for the Leadership Summit. And I just got my paperwork that asked me to respond for Cabo. And we’re gonna go deep into some in Mexico deep into some processes that we do in the basic seminar that we’re gonna go to for leadership graduates to experience I did a brief workshop recently, and it was phenomenal.

Yeah, I would say that people don’t realize that you’re kind of walking through life, with that little tingly feeling in the back of your head saying, you know what there’s got to be. I know, during COVID People had what we call an existential crisis. And what that means in plain English is because we were all shut in and we didn’t have that human connection, and we wrote, There was a lot of self examination of like, why am I here? What is my purpose? And I think psi, regardless of a worldwide pandemic, came being all shut in it it, it takes you out of the self imposed pandemic that in quarantine that people put themselves into, which is just like you said with that with that young girl, go to work, come home, go to work, come home, pass out watching Netflix on the weekends, rinse and repeat Monday through Friday. And there’s got to be more to life. And why don’t you come spend the weekend experience with us? And so we can show it to you? That’s what I would say. Absolutely.

And, you know, one other thing that we don’t expect we don’t ask for is he wrote to me two days ago and said, I’d like to volunteer to be chief of the volunteer staff.

Oh, that’s a big jump.

She’s coming back to serve. I was nice. She gonna

be boss lady.

Just hearing that, you know, and he is about maybe 100 pounds soaking wet. And just for her to take that step. No, wait or expect? You know, if somebody asked me, I’ll do it. She just wrote and said, Could I put my name in the hat? Yeah. Yours is the only one in that hat for that modulation on it.

Well, gratulations, you know, we get so excited and drawn into the energy. Yeah, of this conversation that we run out of time before we even know it, which is where we’re at. Yes. And

I have one more story. Okay. I’ll save it for the next time. David

for the next time. Leave them wanting more. Leave them wanting more. You want the story go to PA go to PSI. Oh, one last thing? What’s the website that people can sign up at?

Psi seminars with an s at the end.com/register. That’s it. And I also have a code for a $200 off tuition.

Give us the code.

Give me the code. Okay. It’s all capital letters. h o n o 200. No space. all capital letters, h o n o 200. And now I’ll give you $200 off the tuition. Wow. Hi.

Thank you so much. Thank you. Haaheo.

Yes, we appreciat it so much. I

appreciate you both.

By the way, if you don’t didn’t catch that, all of that, don’t worry, all you got to do is go to Teamlally.com. Go to the drop down menu. Go to the part where it says I need to change my life forever. And then we’ll have a link there that will get you guys hooked up with this. This is how we feel about PSI if you’re a W two or 1099 person on our team. If your W two we require if you’re 10 on an independent contract, we highly recommend we pay for it give you the time. And that is our our culture training program or part of it with Team Lally is to go to psi basic. In fact,

one of our president is that the women’s leadership right

now having her mind blown. That’s right. All right. All right. Thanks

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