This week on the Team Lally Real Estate Radio Show, we interview Craig Kupinsky, Fundraising Representative of Habilitat. We’ll talk about Habilitat’s mission in helping individuals make positive choices in their own lives.
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Interview Transcription
Hear. He’s from California at 20 years old to start a new path. He has been a resident of habilitated for 30 months and has been helping 1000s of individuals and their families. Adrian, who we welcoming,
so we’d like to welcome Craig Kolinsky. He is habila tats fundraising representative. So welcome, Craig to the show.
Welcome, Craig. What’s up? Attilio?
Yes. All right. So thanks so much. So tell us, you know, well, we’re gonna circle back to who you are, and and what you’re doing all the good that you’re doing there. But real quick, it hit the audience, listener listener, audience real quick with what is AbilityNet.
So abilites, after two and a half year vocational training program located in cornioley, we’ve been around for about 50 years now. And what we do is we specialize in helping people who come from really troubled backgrounds, whether that might be places like incarceration, or even homelessness, and we get them back on their feet, through life skills and job training. And yeah, you know, super grateful for all the support in our community. Most of the people hear or hear on scholarships, that’s made possible by people who believe in our program.
Now, how many, how many residents do you guys typically have at any given time?
Right now we’re over 120, but usually around that range anywhere between 100 to 130, sometimes more.
We had talked earlier, because we had the Friday live with you on Friday. And you were talking about some of some up some upcoming fundraising events, because it sounds like there’s a lot of, you know, resources within the community to help support such a wonderful program. Maybe you can share a little bit about what you have coming up.
Yeah, of course, I’d be happy to. So we have our online auction coming up in July. That’s one of our bigger fundraisers, we used to have a huge fundraiser over at Cooley Law Ranch, which was a luau, we had to postpone it. So now we have our online auction. And it’s gonna be a great opportunity for people to support our program and also have the chance to bid on some awesome auction items. We’re gonna have everything from cars to jewelry to resort packages, and it’s something that is a cool opportunity to give back to our community and give them the opportunity to help us out it’s going to be on a local
All right, now, tell us about you. Craig, tell us your story a little bit.
Right on Yeah, so I came here to Hawaii for habilitation. Specifically, at 20 years old. I’ve been in the program for about 30 months now I just found myself getting into a lot of trouble and going down a really bad path. So I decided to commit to something a little different. So I decided to build it. That was the best option for me. I’ve been in the program a really long time. Now. I’m actually the leader in our sales and marketing department. So I have the opportunity now to work with all the public and private schools in school fundraising. And I also have the opportunity to meet cool people like you guys and work with a bunch of other corporate companies to get sponsorships for our fundraising events. So yeah, that’s pretty much me.
Now, you had mentioned, Craig, that you are working as part of the sales and marketing ability that has a bunch of different options for people going through the program. Could you share with our listeners about what are those different opportunities?
Yeah, of course, we love our vocational training, we really pride ourselves in the amount of diversity we offer to everybody. For our services department, which is mainly our construction based labor education program, we have yard maintenance, landscaping, and we do everything from cleaning yards to a big tree trimming with that, and we also have our fencing department. So we are able to install and remove vinyl fences, chain link fences, any type of fence, we can do it. We also have a remodeling department as well. And that pretty much wraps up our services department for our sales and marketing department, a part of the fundraising side of things. So like I said, I work with all of the schools and I work with all of the companies around the island to gain support for our program. And then we have a full culinary program as well. And they work to supply all of our residents that are here in the program with meals every day. But we also are partnered up with Meals on Wheels to supply the kupuna on the windward side with meals. And we also work very closely with us vets providing over 275 meals a day for the veterans over at that program. We have a large range of different types of vocational training people could get into, but those are the three main ones I’d say
Yeah, I also notice on the website that you guys, do you also train them on how to juggle bowling balls, as well as professional olive stuffers and stand up comedy. No, no, no, you guys don’t do any of that. The The point I’m making is that it’s like it’s it’s kind of like a full, you know, spectrum of life that you’re taking people through, you’re getting them off of, you know, those things that might be providing them some challenges in their life. But now you’re giving them viable, viable skills so that as they go back into the world, outside of your outside of your guys’s residence, that they’ll thrive and succeed and continue to move forward. That’s amazing. Continuing on, because you’re the events, person marketing, you know, fundraising, stuff like that. Let’s go through the calendar again. So you talked about the auction, and then there’s something coming up in October, what’s that?
It’s gonna be our haunted house over at a law stadium. Due to everything that was happening in the world, we had to postpone our luau. So we decided to come up with a drive thru on it. I was at a law stadium. And yeah, last year was our second year doing it. It’s a very successful event. And it’s something all of our residents get involved with. We create the scenes, we create the props, we create everything that happens in that haunted house. So it’s an opportunity for people to drive through in their cars through six interactive scenes. And it’s something that was super fun to put on for our ability, that family and the community as well. It’s also a great opportunity for a lot of businesses to get their name out there and sponsor so is a super awesome event.
And you guys sold out, it seems like you sold out both years, it was very popular.
super fortunate to do that. Yeah, we’re super happy and grateful for all the support from the community. But it’s a fun event. You know, it’s it’s a quality event has its own little niche being it’s a drive thru, it’s family friendly, but you’re also guaranteed to get scared as well. So yeah, it was definitely super successful.
Yeah, and you guys are all about cash donations, too, and helping support the program. So again, my recommended marketing line for you guys haunted houses, that you scare the cash out of people.
So So Craig, we have a lot of like business owners that do listen to our show. And I know a lot of the the residents that are doing the vocational programs and learning trades. What like what is their next step after they’ve graduated the program? And how could these put these business owners help support habila tat and their graduates?
Right on? That’s a great question. So to start before even graduating, what kind of separates ability from a lot of other places, we provide a high school education for people who wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to get one. So you must graduate our program or high school diploma program where we provide a GED that’s mandatory to graduate and then we supply safe housing as well as gainful employment. So the best thing for people who are looking to help out is just I think having an opportunity for somebody, everyone in life deserves a second chance. And to go through our program and be committed as you have to be to go through two and a half years of working on yourself. You know, I think just having that chance from whoever might feel it in their heart is willing to give it I think it could really help in the path people are trying to go down that come here. You never know where you can end up if you have an opportunity. And I think for people to keep an open mind and realize that that would be the most important thing, because our people work hard. And you know, they definitely are committed to doing the right thing. So
I just wanted to mention, I made the mistake earlier when we’re doing an earlier interview because you guys name is very similar to Habitat for Humanity. And I want to clarify for PT people, Habitat for Humanity is about homeowners coming in building homes for themselves. And that’s that program. This is about rehabilitation. And and putting people in a safe environment. You guys, like I said, been around since 1971. We’re live streaming, the recording of the show. So people can actually go on now and see what we’re talking about. But the location that she goes in is is really beautiful right there on Kaneohe Bay with a doc it’s amazing. So a great way to take people out of their negative environments and put them into a positive environment. You know, two things I want you to mention just the Christmas tree thing coming up. And then the Yeah, well go with the Christmas tree. Tell us about that. And they’ll let even ask the next question. What about this Christmas tree thing?
Right on? Yeah. So in the fundraising department where I’m in charge of and I get the opportunity to work and do is I get to put on fundraising events or Christmas Tree Project is by far our largest fundraiser. We’ve been doing Christmas trees on the island for over 47 years and we’re the largest distributor of Christmas trees and all the white. We get our Christmas trees fresh from Washington. Kenny in Oregon, and really it is, it’s an awesome experience, you know, we get to work with all the public and private schools in Oahu. And over the last 10 years, we’re proud to say we’ve raised over a million dollars for the public and private schools, which is awesome. So we’re also supporting our community while supporting our program. So yeah, we have trees of all sizes, we have four different trees. And it’s an awesome event for the community. And I’m grateful for everyone who gets our Chris gets their Christmas trees from us.
So So Craig, back to the business owners and potential listeners, how like if someone owns a business, Construction Company, fencing company, restaurants, anyone that has a sales and marketing department, how do they get connected and get involved with your program to you know, to be an employer or employment source for the graduates?
Well, I think the best thing they can do is give us a call at 808-235-3691. And however, they’re interested in getting involved with us that that’s amazing. We love being partnered with a number of companies around the island. They’re interested in sponsoring us, that’s awesome. And that’s something that goes really far it provides opportunities for residents and people to change their life year, everyone who’s here is on a scholarship. And I think that’s one way people can get involved. But as far as employment, whatever they have in mind, they’re always welcome to call and we’d love to have them here for a tour or something, if they’re interested in seeing our facility and seeing and learning more about our program, they can always give me a call 808-235-3691.
Yeah, we got that number up there on the screen. The other thing I want to mention, Craig is that it’s an excellent opportunity for business owners, because I know for a fact, because of COVID. And people receiving a lot of Care Act money. A lot of people just like, make more money staying at home. And so the labor market is super tight. So there is a super high demand for you guys, especially your food services people. So this I get, I wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t have some restaurant owners or or food establishment people giving you a call for that. The other thing I wanted to mention is that there is another way that people can help support you all is that you guys have, you know, a hire us section, talk about the four different things that you guys provide that you will provide bids on or an actual come on and do the work. And everything’s all legit and licensed and all of that talk about those four things that people can hire people from habitat for.
Right on? Yeah, of course. So like I said earlier would be our landscaping, we have a lot of people around the island that choose to go through us for landscaping and yard maintenance. We have really big jobs, we have small jobs, but we do pretty much everything involving that. We just recently did a tree trimming, that’s kind of one of the newer things we added into it. So we can go and trim your coconut trees. If your tree is too big, we could come in, help a kid safe and do whatever we need to do as far as that goes. But landscaping is really big. That’s a big part of our services department, the next biggest thing in our labor education program would probably be our fencing department. And that’s another great way to help support our program and help support our vocational training. We do vinyl, we do wood, we do aluminum chainlink, and also custom gates as well. So that’s something we pride ourselves in. And also we do remodeling, we can do tile, and we have a bunch of other things that were involved when involving labor. But like I was kind of saying earlier on the podcast is, you know, it’s something that is beautiful, because people can come in here with zero work experience whatsoever. And by the time they leave our program, they’re going to be able to one have the experience in whatever department they go into, but there’ll be leading their own crew. So they’ll have management and forming experience. And it does set them up pretty nicely to move forward with that under their belt when they graduate. So it’s awesome.
So So Craig, we are nearing towards the end of our show. And I don’t want to, you know, stop this conversation with you without hearing some some success stories. So maybe you can share your experience as well as you know, another graduates story.
Yeah, of course, for me personally, I came here with not very much hope into what my life would turn into going forward. And I can say today that I have a clear mindset. I’m confident in myself and I’m very, very excited to start my future after this program. I just recently got off of probation. I’m in the process of getting my driver’s license, and I’ve made all sorts of connections and opportunities through doing my vocational training. And it’s something I’m very proud of myself for doing I just made 30 months in the program today. So very shortly I’ll be moving on with my life and I’m gonna be out here in Hawaii and I’m super excited for that. So this place has helped me out beyond belief. Always be grateful. And I’m honored to be a part of ability that, and that’s made possible because I was here on a scholarship, I would never be able to afford this opportunity. So I’m grateful for everyone who’s ever supported our program, it really does mean a lot. And you know, the real success story of ability, which is really what I came to is ability in itself is founded by Vinnie Marino. You know, this guy came here to Hawaii after going through a multitude of different type of treatment options, and he just had an idea, and he decided to put his whole life into it. And what he’s created is this beautiful system that’s been super successful and changing people for the better. And to me, it’s just, it’s an amazing thing. And I’m super grateful to be a part of it. But blood types help 1000s of people over the 50 years that we’ve been around, and it’s going to continue helping 1000s more into turning into better people were actually productive members of society. And you know, it’s something like I said, I’m very honored and grateful to be a part of and proud of myself for taking this opportunity. So I’d say, those are the best success stories I could come up with. You know, that’s for sure what I think.
Yeah, you know, one of the things I’d like to share with our business owners out there, to encourage them to participate in your program, support it, utilize the services recommended, make donations, May, it’s called for benefit marketing. And I want to share this with you, Craig, because this can be part of your should be part of your conversation when reaching out to businesses that if they were to, you know, make a connection with your organization, and demonstrated and talk about it in their own social media, on their websites, that there have been studies that when consumers consider two businesses to be similar, like they can’t tell the difference from one construction company or another, or another, you know, other food business or anything out there, what they’ll do is they’ll go online, and they’ll take a look at that company, just like how you researched us. And they’re gonna see what how are they giving back to the community. And Adrian, majority of the percentage of the time when you have two businesses that are compared and are seen as similar by the consumer, which is the one they choose, and why.
Yeah, the consumer wants to feel good about the business they’re doing business with. And if they know that, that business is supporting a nonprofit, or just, you know, a cause that specifically touches their heart, they’re gonna be more likely to do business with that business that is, you know, give him Yeah,
yeah. So that’s what I would encourage your business owners in there is make make contact with Craig, and help support habitat, and then in turn, you’re helping to improve your business by bringing you more business. Because because, again, that consumers will make that choice to your business based on the the amount of support you’re giving back into the community through organizations like AbilityNet. Adrian, what else?
Well, that’s all that I have Craig, was there anything that we should have asked you, that we did it that you want to, you know, reach out to our listeners, um,
you know, all I can really say is, thank you again, for the opportunity. I really appreciate the people like you guys who do believe in what we do here and give people like me the opportunity to actually have a good future and you know, learn new things. It’s always awesome meeting new people. And, you know, I would appreciate it if you guys when you guys are free. Like I said, let’s set up a time for you guys to come by and see our facility. And I’ll tell you guys more about our program. But again, I’m just grateful and I thank you guys so much for having me on your show.
You know, before we let our listeners go, I want to share with you some facts that is on the website. Ability is impact in the last decade $75 million saved in taxpayer money 142,000 house or nights for homeless. Here’s one for you veterans out there and people who support you believe that our veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we have today. They serve I hope you’re sitting down write this down 275 meals per day to homeless veterans daily, wow 175 meals you know, just raised over a million dollars for a wall with schools let alone their own program. So a lot of back and forth, giving and taking going in both directions from habilitative. So if you support ability, your your your your donation is like a pebble in the pond, which is our community and it’s rippling out all over the island and and you guys do something on the Big Island?
Yes, we do. So we’re partnered with Connie Lea ukulele and we go and reforest the Big Island cool with trees because a lot of the wiggly leaves are made with coal wood. They’ve given our residents the opportunity to go and be part of their program and reforesting coal wood and it’s something that’s a beautiful opportunity for our people over here to go and experience the culture and the aina over there. So yeah, it was something that’s super cool. There’s a number of different things we’re involved in, in the community. We’ve been fishponds you know, we, we try to get our hands, wherever they’re needed, and we appreciate the opportunity Add to so yeah, man, it’s it’s an amazing thing we do here.
So if anybody needs landscaping, you need a new fence. You need some remodeling done. Maybe you got babies luau, and you need a catering. Check out habilitated Dog dot. What is Okay, well, that’s it.
Thank you, Craig, so much for calling in and sharing with us your success and about the program and all the great things that you guys are doing in the community. And we appreciate you guys and we look forward to coming out and taking a tour with you very soon. Yes.
Right on Adrienne. Right on Attilio I appreciate you guys. You guys. Have a great rest of your day. Thank you, Tim Lally. Thanks.
All right. Well, that was Craig krupinski with fundraising representative for Habitat incorporated the number
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