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This week on the Team Lally Radio show, our special guest is Hawaii HomeOwnership Center’s Program Director – Reina Miyamoto.
Reina talks about their upcoming golf tournament, their 10th anniversary of this annual event, called “Chip in for Homeownership”. She tells about how to sign up, the fees involved. She goes on to discuss the how potential sponsors can support this annual event.
We discuss the humps and psychological roadblocks that prevent people from becoming a home owner, as well as some of the programs that Hawaii Home-ownership Center offers. Reina also tells us what other tools and coaching they provide homeowners looking to achieve their goals and where they can go to get this training .
Also in this episode: Quotes of the day, Tips of the week, special events, this week’s Open houses and Coming soon listings.
Who is Reina Miyamoto?
Reina Miyamoto is Hawaii HomeOwnership Center’s Program Director. The Hawaii HomeOwnership Center is a chartered member of the NeighborWorks Network, a select group of over 230 non-profit organizations serving urban and rural communities across the country. They will be holding a golf tournament on August 24 it’s the “Chip in for Homeownership” HHOC Annual Golf Tournament.
Read word for word from our show below
Team Lally Show with Reina Miyamoto
Hawaii Home Ownership Center
Announcer: It’s time to enter the world of real estate in Oahu with Hawaii’s only true real estate radio show, the Team Lally real estate show. Grab a pen and get ready to take notes! For the next full hour, Hawaii’s premier real estate leader, Adrienne Lally and Attilio Leonardi will bring you the latest in real estate news and real world strategies on how they can guarantee to sell your home at a price and deadline you agree to! Or they’ll buy it! Now, here are your hosts, Adrienne and Attilio!
Adrienne: Welcome to the Team Lally real estate show, home of the guaranteed sold program, or we’ll buy it! If you have any questions, just give us a call at 799-9596 or check us out on the web at
Attilio: Hey everybody, this is Attilio, just a quick reminder, if you hear anything on the show sounds like tax or legal advice, it’s not. It’s just purely anecdotal, we’re talking story. If you do anything that sounds like that you should actually uh, go see a CPA or an attorney. So, uh, Adrienne, ask me if I have some pearls of wisdom I want to share right now.
Adrienne: Attilio. Do you have some pearls of wisdom that you’d like to share?
Attilio: No.
Adrienne: Really?
Attilio: No, that’s not my pearl of wisdom. It’s the word, “no.”
Adrienne: It’s not like the k-n-o-w, but n-o.
Attilio: N-o.
Adrienne: Okay. Just making sure.
Attilio: When, so, this could be with your, with your children, co-workers, spouse, you know, people in your life, when you have, when you give into pleading, you know, from these other people or your kids, or team members, uh, and you fail, so, when you give into pleading you fail to teach or how to accept the meaning of the word “no.” Yes and no define a relationship. You cannot really know who you are until you say—
Adrienne: No.
Attilio: No! To another. If you cannot say—
Adrienne: No.
Attilio: NO! You will live through the other person, trying to be the person you think he or she wants you to be, saying “no” defines who you are, saying “no” strengthens the character. It is a shield against manipulation and it can educate other people about you. Saying—
Adrienne: No.
Attilio: NO! Teaches others how to treat you. So, I know, you know, typically you’re like, “Hey, it’s so negative and we don’t want to do this and that and we should always be accommodating and say yes.” Well, the experts teach us that it’s not so as intuitive as we thought as far as establishing and having good relationships. You’ve got to use that word “no.”
Adrienne: And uh, that little bit of advice came from a book—
Attilio: No, it didn’t, it came from my notebook.
Adrienne: Oh, but this came from a book though.
Attilio: But my notes came from this book, though. This is the book—
Adrienne: This is the book—
Attilio: And what’s the book?
Adrienne: It’s called Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline. The 7 Basic Skills for Turning Conflict into Cooperation. So, it’s actually a parenting book that uh, I found out about it from the Mortgage Genius, Jodie Tanga, she’s, had shared it with me and it actually, I mean there’s great advice in here for you know, parents, but it’s really you know, it’s, it’s across the board I think just relationships in general, it’s, it’s very, very helpful book.
Attilio: Okay.
Adrienne: So, I would recommend anyone to read it.
Attilio: So, you’re going to share a quote or another, what book are you reading from again?
Adrienne: This is uh, The Little Book with 50 Big Ideas on Leadership.
Attilio: By?
Adrienne: By Glen Pyuria. (laughing)
Attilio: There you go again! Never have your Caucasian radio host try and pronounce local names. It’s Pyuria.
Adrienne: Pyuria.
Attilio: Pyuria. It’s Japanese. He’s a Japanese boy, local guy. He is actually uh, born and raised in ___, we had an opportunity to, he used to run the uh, work with KTA, the uh, grocery store on the big island. Those of you on the big island recognize KTA but uh—
Adrienne: He’s got a company with, called Leadership Works.
Attilio: I could be wrong on this but what I remember is that uh, KTA is probably one of three of the uh, locally-owned grocery stores that are left in the state of Hawaii and that says something in itself with the uh, competitive market of uh, grocery stores nowadays with the nationals.
Adrienne: Okay, so, this one is from Glen, uh, from uh, from Glen here—
Attilio: From his book, Pyuria. Glen Pyuria.
Adrienne: (laughing) “The primary reason that leaders fail.” So, working in versus working on. “Two little words, in and on, could spell the difference between success and failure in leadership. Those who work in are caught in the frenzy of task inundation, bombarded with technical work, administrative chores and a never-ending stream of complaints. They run around like a headless chicken, spending little or no time improving systems or empowering people.” We call that sharpening the axe. “Leaders who work on rise above the flurry of these activities and dedicate time to focus, plan, organize, coordinate, communicate, and mentor. Instead of reacting to problems, they work proactively to prevent them. By working on, real leaders improve and grow their organizations.” So—
Attilio: The question is, does, are you working on, uh, I want to speak to people that were looking to join our team and hers’ one of the reasons why you want to, uh, you’re, here’s uh, an attractive reason why you want to take a look at joining our team if you’re getting in the real estate industry. Adrienne, what do we, we used to, we do it once a year, now we’re doing it mid-year and end of the year. What I it?
Adrienne: So, we’re doing a mid-year—
Attilio: What do we call it?
Adrienne: Team Advance. And actually, it’s going to be uh, next week, we’re going to be doing a hike and then we’re going to be gathering together and just, working on our mindset, working on the rest of the, the business plan for the year, making sure that you know, we’re on track for our goals that we had set last year. And then—
Attilio: Now, here—
Adrienne: And the Team Advance.
Attilio: Here’s a very important thing to know. If you’re in a business or you’re a business owner, you’re a part of any kind of organization, and all you guys do, the only breaks you have are like the traditional vacations that you take for the individuals, which is fine, not talking about that, but we’re talking about the difference between working in your, versus, versus on, is that if you just do the daily grind, day-after-day-after-day, your people will get burned out.
Adrienne: Going to get burned out. Yeah.
Attilio: And their effectiveness, their levels of customer service, will, will continue to decline and eventually you’ll be out of business. So, don’t get caught in the trap of the daily grind. You’ve got to step out of your business. You have to create an environment where it’s okay for your staff, and how you create that environment, the environment we’ve created is we’re going to go to mid, Mid-Pac Country Club, we’re going to start the day with a hike, we’re going to come back to the country club, we’re bringing in an outside speaker—
Adrienne: Actually, there’s two outside speakers.
Attilio: Two outside speakers. Why is it important to bring an outside speaker?
Adrienne: Well, because it’s uh, they kind of had that, that, the stranger effect.
Attilio: What is that, the stranger effect?
Adrienne: So—
Attilio: Is that stranger danger?
Adrienne: I would say even if, like, they’re communicating—
Attilio: No, it’s not stranger danger.
Adrienne: Even if they’re communicating the same thing that we’ve been telling our team, it’s, you know, they’re hearing it from a different perspective and it may, you know, click with them if they’re hearing it from someone that they’ve not heard it from before.
Attilio: It’s kind of like, you’re like uh, Adrienne kid’s they know, they get all wild and crazy but then a stranger tells them to calm down, relax—
Adrienne: It’s amazing. And they listen.
Attilio: It’s amazing, the different results. We call that the stranger effect. Now, he, he was driving a van with no windows and was hanging out by the elementary school, schoolyard, but that’s a different story altogether. But anyway, so, uh, take the time to work on your business as opposed to always being stuck being, with that myopic view of working in your business. If you truly uh, are concerned about the well-being of your team members, and your staff and you want to be an effective leader of your organization, regardless if it’s for-profit or non-profit.
Adrienne: Well I think also like, you want to work on, on yourself and then share that with your team and let them know like, it’s okay to be working on yourself and you want to have that, that growth mindset. So, we’re actually going to be reading a book on the growth mindset by uh, by John Maxwell.
Attilio: John Maxwell, he’s uh—
Adrienne: With our team. That’s our next book!
Attilio: More better known for his uh, well better known for his book called The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. World-wide he’s known as probably the leading, leading uh, teacher, instructor when it comes to uh, management. And leadership.
Adrienne: Yes, but he’s, he’s written a book on growth and that is the next book that we’re going to be reading together as a team.
Attilio: So, if you’re interested in that type of atmosphere, in the real estate industry, go to our website,, we have a Career Night every—
Adrienne: Every other month.
Attilio: First Monday, every other month. And we’re just, whether you’re licensed, experienced, not experienced or not, you’re just curious about uh, Team Lally, about the real estate industry, come out to our Career Nights at our office in Kapolei.
Adrienne: So, we also have a Mastermind coming up on—
Attilio: What’s a Mastermind?
Adrienne: It’s July, or not July, June 30th. So, next uh, no Friday. June 30th. So, we’ve got a Mastermind coming up at uh, in Kapolei. They can go to and this is not just for uh, real estate. I think any kind of entrepreneur or business owner is going to get a lot out of coming to this particular Mastermind.
Attilio: Oh, I thought, see, I was thinking, when I hear that word “mastermind,” there’s like, uh, a whole bunch of uh, uh, people that run countries uh, behind the scenes and they gather in this room that’s located beneath an extinct volcano. And they’re, their identities are all hidden and then their voices are all, are changed and you don’t know who they are and then they get together and their whole thing is world domination, that kind of “mastermind”?
Adrienne: No.
Attilio: Oh, no. Okay.
Adrienne: No. So, we’ve uh, we’ve got a, a mindset coach coming in to talk to you about what, the 6 Personal Perspectives.
Attilio: 6 Personal Perspectives. These are mindset and are strategies or habits that highly successful people have. He’s going to teach it! And so, one of the things we wanted people to know too, for these Masterminds, you don’t have to be in the real estate industry because it’s geared towards success in general. We know that 80% of the strategies that people use, being successful in life, in their business. It, it uh works in any industry.
Adrienne: That’s right.
Attilio: Doesn’t necessarily, you don’t have to be anything, you can be a local business owner, stay-at-home mom, whatever, you’re all open, uh, we typically have uh, sponsor who will take care of lunch.
Adrienne: So, uh, so our speaker is actually Jared Larson. And he uh, he’s, he’s going to come out and basically the tagline is, “How to change your habits, thoughts, intentions, and change your life.” So, there’s going to be some great content at this Mastermind so please come join us!
Attilio: Alrighty.
Adrienne: Alright, so I think we’ve got uh, we’ve got Janyce on the line. To uh, to give us our design tip of the week!
Attilio: Hey Janyce, what’ve you got for us?
Janyce: Uh, procrastinators beware!
Adrienne: Uh-oh!
Janyce: Time is ticking!
Attilio: Uh-oh!
Adrienne: (laughing) Why is it ticking?
Attilio: Wait, wait! I’m not ready yet! Okay, now you can go.
Janyce: (laughing)
Attilio: I was procrastinating.
Janyce: Well, as we all know, building permit fees and sewer connection fees are being waved for ADUs. Now remember, that’s not going to go on forever.
Adrienne: So, when is the deadline?
Attilio: What’s the deadline for our procrastinators?
Janyce: Uh, they have 1 year left. June of 2018. But they could’ve been going already for 10 months.
Attilio: Yup. Now, these fees that are being waved, I mean we’re talking a couple thousand bucks. These are not like, small little minor fees.
Adrienne: Chump change.
Janyce: No, they’re not. Uh, I believe we calculated this together once before and it easily would be $8,000 more that they’d pay.
Adrienne: Ooh!
Attilio: Oh, wow!
Adrienne: So, get that done now! Don’t wait!
Attilio: And, and uh, explain it to me like I’m an 11-year-old. What’s an ADU?
Janyce: Accessory Dwelling Unit. It means that if you live on a lot that normally would not be permitted to have a second unit, that you could rent out and help pay your mortgage, that the city is, created something called an Accessory Dwelling Unit and you go and get pre-checked for whether or not you would have approval and get a building permit for such. And you can have such a second unit on your lot.
Attilio: Now, we always recommend too, if you’re getting, going, to do something that’s complicated—
Adrienne: Give Janyce a call!
Attilio: Call an expert!
Adrienne: She will uncomplicate it for you!
Attilio: Yes.
Adrienne: There’s a lot of, there’s a lot of different steps and rules and regulations that you know, you need to be aware of. So, you can reach Janyce at 206-7107. And then she’s also got a very helpful website,
Attilio: Alright, Janyce, well thank you so much!
Janyce: Thank you! Take care!
Attilio: Alrighty.
Adrienne: Alright, so now we’ve got, we’ve got Myron on the line with his legal tip of the week.
Attilio: Hey, Myron!
Adrienne: Myron, are you there?
Attilio: What’ve you got for us?
Myron: Hey gang, how is it going? Uh, well, I was uh, working on some probate and I wanted to uh, I know no one likes to talk about probate, you guys obviously, my tip is always to plan before you get into probate but, should you ever find yourself in probate, I do have a legal tip that’s, I ran into this problem just recently, is that a client came to me and they closed up probate uh, before the term of, for authority as personal representative expired. Well, I’m thinking, ___ where she needed authority, so what happened in that situation, is actually ___ chance to get authority again, so probate has to be opened again in order to uh, to give her any uh, authority on the estate because not only did she have to open it once which is, we, we preach never to do and plan before that, but she has to open it twice, so I think if you find yourself in probate, my tip of the week is that, if it’s through your term, rather than closing it, I, my common practice is to allow the term to expire. Uh, 3 years and ___ should come up, normally things don’t come up, but should something come up, at least you won’t have to go to the trouble of opening and closing it again.
Adrienne: Yes.
Attilio: I think 3 years is about that, that window where like, something might happen where maybe you don’t like them anymore.
Myron: (laughing)
Attilio: But if there’s—
Myron: Yeah, you might be right. (laughing)
Adrienne: So yeah we, we just had, actually met with a client yesterday who, you know, had this, a will, and they, they didn’t have a, an estate plan and uh, you know, like, they, we told them like, “Hey, you know, we’ve got to take a look at the paperwork, so we’ll, we’ll definitely be sending it your way,” but I know that there’s uh, that myth that people have. “Well I have a will, so, uh—”
Attilio: I’m all squared away.
Adrienne: Yeah, there’s no need for probate. Can you just touch on that real, real quickly for our listeners?
Myron: Sure, it is, it is the biggest common misconception. People believe that, you know, a will will avoid probate, but in actuality, only a trust would avoid probate. Uh, a will is only done in conjunction with a trust, at least that’s the way I do it, myself and Vlad uh because in the event you forget to name something, in your trust, then the will will effectively uh, patch it and push everything and gift it to the trust so that the trust is able to uh, distribute that asset according to your intentions. And the provisions that we write for it. So, uh, yeah, very good uh, very good point that the will actually will not save you from avoiding probate, only a trust will.
Attilio: Gotcha, alright.
Adrienne: Alright, thanks, Myron!
Myron: No problem, have a good day guys!
Attilio: Alrighty.
Myron: Bu-bye.
Adrienne: Alright, so you can reach Myron at 352-6417.
Attilio: What’s that number again?
Adrienne: 352-6417 or you can check them out online at
Attilio: Alright, so we’re going to take a break?
Adrienne: Yes, we’re going to take a short break but stay with us!
Attilio: Alright, stay with us, when we come back, we’ll be talking with uh, Reina Miyamoto of Hawaii Hoe Ownership Center. She’ll be talking about the Chip-in for Home Ownership Annual golf tournament coming up this August 24th. Stay with us!
[Music fades to commercials]
Announcer: The Team Lally real estate show continues.
Adrienne: Welcome back and thanks for listening to the Team Lally real estate show, home of the guaranteed sold program, or we’ll buy it. I’m Adrienne—
Attilio: And I’m Attilio.
Adrienne: If you have any questions, just give us a call at 799-9596 or check us out on the web at
Attilio: Well, our guest today is from the Hawaii Home Ownership Center. The Hawaii Home Ownership Center is a chartered member of the Neighbor Works network, a select group of over 230 non-profit organizations serving urban and rural communities across the country.
Adrienne: They’ll be holding a golf tournament on August 24. It’s the Chip-in for Home Ownership Annual golf tournament and here today to talk about this event is Hawaii Home Ownership Center Program Director. Please welcome Reina Miyamoto!
Reina: Thank you for having me!
Attilio: Welcome!
Adrienne: Welcome back!
Reina: Thank you!
Adrienne: You’re like a repeat, I think we’ve had you on the show like at least 3 or 4 times.
Reina: Yeah, thanks for having me back.
Adrienne: Yes. We always love to have Reina. So, tell us a little bit about this uh, this uh, this golf tournament that you guys have coming up.
Reina: So, it’s actually our 10th anniversary of this annual event, so it’s pretty exciting for us. It’s going to be at the Pro Country Club and uh, it’s teams of 3, so, uh, if you are a golfer, you’re welcome to join us and sign up. If not uh, you can also be a sponsor. And all proceeds would support the programs of the Hawaii Home Ownership Center, which primarily goes towards first-time buyers.
Adrienne: Okay, so the two, to golf, how, like, what are the fees or how do they sign up or, tell us a little bit more.
Reina: So, uh, if they want to go to our website, which is, on the bottom right corner there’s a button that says, has a golf tournament registration that lists everything from Gold Sponsor to just getting a golf team and all that, but if you just wanted to get a golf team, it’s $850 for everyone, uh, for our golfers at uh, that have participated in golf tournaments, it’s pretty much is all-inclusive, so all the games are included, there’s’ no a la carte things, pretty much you can just show up and everything’s included, they won’t miss out uh, the only thing that maybe folks might make a donation for is uh, for additional raffle tickets.
Attilio: But, what if you’re, what if you’re terrible at golfing, does it cost extra for your team?
Reina: It, it does, you know, uh, not that I encourage it, but I did have one lady say, oh, I took a golf lesson yesterday and then she came to our golf tournament. But she, she managed to finish in good time, yeah she had a great time and so did her friends.
Attilio: She also, she slept at a Holiday Inn.
Reina: She might have.
Adrienne: And then you guys are also looking for sponsors for this golf tournament. So, like what are the options there?
Reina: Yes! So, it kind of ranges, uh, from like, for example, the Gold Sponsorship, which is $5,000, it includes some teams, so there’s 3 teams included uh, there’s recognition that would be on our website and our newsletter, promotional materials, they’ll also get some ___ as well as an inclusion in our program and then it ratchets down from Silver, Bronze, and if people just want to sponsor a team.
Adrienne: So, the whole, the whole sponsorship. Nice.
Attilio: Sponsors, hey how much to sponsor the team?
Reina: The T-sponsorship is $300.
Attilio: $300? Come on, you business owners listening in right now! Here’s the deal uh, you know, we, we, we teach this, we’re in sales, and it’s all about the message and the content of the message is very important so, uh, one of the, there’s a couple of components and I’ll share with you guys later in the show, if we have it, but there are uh, literally 4 components that are critical to a message. If you want to get people to respond. And this could be in any circumstance, even if you’re talking with your kids. But, nothing, the last one was relevant, so, here is how this is relevant for people to come in and sponsor and support your organization. Home ownership, home ownership makes communities better communities. That is statistically proven, scientifically proven and uh, so, that’s how, why they should be helping your guys’ organization out because it helps the entire community, all of, all of the state of Hawaii, including Oahu.
Adrienne: Yes, you guys, you guys need the funding to continue your program. You guys are doing great things in the community, helping people to do, be able to be educated and buy their first home!
Attilio: So, let’s talk about this, your guys’ uh, you know, I’m somebody out there, my whole family, and I have family like this, they’re renting! Third generation, they’re still renting. What are the, what are the, what are those humps, what are those psychological roadblocks that, that prevent people from becoming a home owner?
Reina: I think uh, in the media they always promote the median cost of homes and so, I think people write themselves out, thinking, I can’t, I can’t afford that. They look at their paycheck and think, I can’t think of all these, yeah, how can that translate to anything, uh, mortgage payment for me and my family, so that or maybe they had some credit challenges, they think they don’t have enough down payment, but they don’t really know what the minimum is and so, they just don’t do it.
Attilio: Yeah, so they, they, they talk themselves out of it. That’s the first, so themselves is the first roadblock.
Reina: Absolutely.
Adrienne: They’re just not, just not knowing, making assumptions.
Reina: Yes.
Adrienne: Right? So, so, you guys, you do a great job of educating and getting them prepared. So, tell us al little bit about some of the programs that you guys offer.
Reina: So, our core program is education and coaching to help first-time buyers get ready for the, the process. So, the classes go from preparing for the process all the way through the actual buying process, what happens during the mortgage process, the realtor, insurance, escrow, what happens in all of that and then individual coaching takes a look at their own situation to map out what are the, some of the next steps for me to get ready to be, be a home owner.
Attilio: Now, you guys, I like your guys’ slap therapy. You know, when I get all sweaty and start freaking out, you just slap them. Tell them relax—no, no, no! You guys don’t do that to anyone.
Adrienne: They don’t, they don’t do that.
Attilio: No hitting anybody. But if anything, your, you’re hitting, you’re’ hitting them in a more, in an educational way and saying hey! You don’t have to rent for the rest of your life, and role-model that for your children. You can show them; you can be a home owner and then you can role-model home ownership for your kids and stuff.
Reina: Yeah. And I think the, the, the tangible benefits they get form having a stable place to live that they can call their own is really significant, I mean, it’s, they almost can’t talk about what it would be like, you know, if they’re a renter, they can’t imagine what it would be like to have actually owning something of their own.
Attilio: Now, this is the part where, you know, we always talk about it, emotion, logic makes us think about things, but for people to like get off that hump, you know, that psychological kick in the okole, it’s emotion. So, speaking of emotion, tell us, tell us some of these chicken skin stories of uh, people who’ve rented all their lives and were able to own their first place.
Reina: Gosh, there’s so many uh, I think one of my favorites that happen recently is uh, you know, kind of back-track a little bit, that, you know, you don’t have to take a long time to buy a home, some folks just need some education and then a push out of the nest, and some people it takes a little bit of time. So, uh, one of the ladies, she’s a single mom and she came to us actually 10 years ago, when her, when her son was still small and uh, you know, she wasn’t in a, living in a desirable neighborhood, didn’t have a lot of income, but really chugged along in terms of trying to work and save, figure out what resources are available for her, uh, you know, putting her, her son through education, through college is really important and uh, he’s just about ready to graduate from college, so he’s, he’s a young man already uh, after the 10 years and uh, she recently became a home owner after, you know, he’s ready to start a new chapter in his life, so is she, so, it was really cute, she showed up at our office, with the keys in her hand, she like just picked up the keys! Wanted to show it to us, talk to her home ownership coach, take pictures and then since then, she’s been sending pictures about this is my new bedroom, this is what my kitchen looks like, and so, you know, it’s amazing to have her be able to persevere through something like that and you know, just go through the different uh, milestones for her and to be able to not only achieve home ownership but she had other goals for her son as well, to be able to do that.
Adrienne: So, when you guys sit down, like you talk about all of those goals with them and you like, you, you, uh, do like a budget and what other, like what other tools do you give them to help them to achieve their goals?
Reina: So, besides actually figuring out okay, where’s all my money going and where do I want it to go, is all of my spending matching up with my priorities in life? You know, having some plans for you know, uh, saving, not only for the home purchase but also maybe some emergency savings as well uh, taking a look at their credit, understanding how that works, uh, in the context of their whole life, and also uh, hooking them up with uh, resources, so if there’s any programs that might help out with down payment or you know, maybe a lower down payment options, they can at least take a look at everything and then make a good decision for themselves.
Attilio: Yeah, we always say it’s never too soon to get educated on the home buying process. That’s our big tagline. Stop waiting for like, oh, you know, next weekend, I’m going to start going to open houses. No! That’s not the time to start your trip or your, or your path on the way to home ownership, it starts months or maybe even years in advance and, in the case of that one lady, what uh, uh, where are you guys, where are you guys located? To give people an idea of where they would travel to, to get educated?
Reina: So, we’re in the Hawaii USA Credit Union uh, on ___ Street, so the address is 1259 ___ Street. There’s two buildings on the property, we’re in the parking lot building on the second floor.
Attilio: Okay.
Adrienne: And, do they have to come to your facility to get this coaching and training?
Reina: They could actually, we can do it on the telephone, some folks take the classes online, so there’s some options for them to do it remotely as well.
Attilio: Gotcha.
Adrienne: And then, how much does all of this cost?
Reina: So, it’s a $60 lifetime membership fee per buying unit, so if I’m buying by myself, I’ll pay $60, but if it’s all 4 of us, uh, together, uh, then it’s 4 and that $60 will cover all of us. So, there’s no other a la carte fees. If they do want the online uh, education though it’s an additional $15 for the—
Attilio: Now one, one important point here, you guys are a non-profit, correct?
Reina: Yes.
Attilio: So, is, listen up folks. The $60 that I’m going to guess this, and you correct me if I’m wrong, it’s not a money-making situation. It’s a way to trigger commitment.
Reina: Yes.
Attilio: Because when you give something away for free, they’re going to be like ah, I’m going to show up late, I’m not going to show up, I’m not going to get all my paperwork, but when you make that, you know, home ownership is about—
Adrienne: Having the commitment.
Attilio: Discipline, commitment. And so, paying that $60 to you guys, I mean, in no way does it cover the cost of how much the, the, the coaching, I like the word, the fact that you guys use the word coaching. Because people can get educated, but there’s a difference. You can go read a book, a coach is somebody that’s going to have a conversation with you. Interact with you, understand, works—
Adrienne: Hold you accountable.
Attilio: Holds you accountable. Find out what’s going on in your life. Find out what’s your big why, get to meet all the kids and talk to the kids. And is much more, and they give you that external feedback. Hey! You said you were going to do this, but you’re not doing that, so, what’s going on? Tell us more about what’s happening. A book or a webinar or a podcast, it’s one-way communication, it’s not going to be giving you that, so I like the fact that you’re using the word coaching. So.
Adrienne: So, for all of this, so, you guys are a non-profit and this golf tournament is, is going to be helping to fund your guy’s expenses and to keep the doors open so you can continue to coach all of uh, all of our people here in Hawaii that want to be homeowners.
Reina: Yes. That’s, that’s absolutely right.
Attilio: You know, we’re going to—
Adrienne: Sign up!
Attilio: So, here’s the deal folks. Non-profits work hand-in-hand with for-profits. Uh, a lot of times we can always say, hey, uh, the nonprofits cannot exist without the for-profits, but I’m going to give you a compelling reason why you as a, a for-profit can expand your business by being in partnership with a non-profit and here’s what we call, what’s it called?
Adrienne: For-benefit marketing.
Attilio: For-benefit marketing! So, to give you an analogy, if you, if your listeners know about Tom shoes, Reina, I don’t know if you know, but what’s the thing with the Tom shoes, do you know?
Reina: You’re going to have to fill me in on that.
Attilio: Help her out, Adrienne.
Adrienne: Okay, so, basically, you buy a pair of Tom shoes and they will give a pair of shoes to a child in need.
Attilio: You’ve heard that before, right?
Reina: Yes, I have heard of that before, yes.
Attilio: Yeah, so we just reminded you of it. You’d be surprised how many people don’t even own the Tom shoes, but they are familiar with the brand or the concept or what is their mission statement as a corporation. And uh, and by the way, little-known fact, uh, the, the founder of the company, I forgot what his name is, but it’s not Tom, and Tom is not the actual brand, the, the actual uh, full name of the brand, it’s actually short for the word “tomorrow.” And the original concept was that if you buy a, buy shoes for your self today, we will provide a pair of shoes for another child tomorrow. Uh, in a, in a country where they have this need. So, anyway, the, why is it called for-benefit marketing?
Adrienne: So, so, basically, you know, the consumers are going to be more likely to buy the Tom shoes versus maybe some designer shoe because they know that part of, you know, that product—
Attilio: Their action.
Adrienne: Yeah, their action is helping you know, a, a child in need. So, if consumers know that the company that they are doing business with is giving back to the community, they’re going to feel better about working with that particular company.
Attilio: Alright, so let’s say you’re one of these big, fancy, you know, high, powerful real estate, realtors out there making lots of money, driving around in your Mercedes or your Lexus, and you want to do more business in your community, so this is how you incorporate for-benefit marketing and you’re going to go be the $5,000 Gold Sponsor. Or what, any of the other sponsor packages, is that, take a picture of it, post it on your social media. This is what we learned from for-benefit marketing, when a consumer takes a look at a business or an individual business person, and they consider them comparable to another competitor, 95% of the time, they will go with the business or individual that is connected to a non-profit or shows that they’re giving back to the community. So, if you want to do more business—
Adrienne: Give back to the community.
Attilio: Come sign up for—
Adrienne: Come support! Hawaii Home Ownership Center.
Attilio: And uh, come write some checks. Come on, you guys! I know you guys are blowing money playing golf anyway! You might as well do it for a good, for a good reason.
Adrienne: That’s right!
Attilio: And out there, besides chasing the, the beer cart around you know, all the 18 holes. Alright, so uh, what’s the website and when is the event taking place again?
Reina: The website is and the event is on Thursday, August 24th at the Pro Country Club.
Attilio: Alright. So, I know we’ve got more questions for Reina, but do we want to take a break and come back? More questions!
Adrienne: Yeah! Let’s take a, let’s take a short break but stay with us. We have more questions for, for Reina.
Attilio: Hawaii Home Ownership!
[Music fades to commercials]
Announcer: It’s the Team Lally real estate show. Here’s Adrienne and Attilio.
Adrienne: Welcome back and thanks for listening to the Team Lally real estate show, home of the guaranteed sold program or we’ll buy it. I’m Adrienne—
Attilio: And I’m Attilio.
Adrienne: If you have any questions, just give us a call at 799-9596 or check us out on the web at
Attilio: Well hey, if you’re just tuning in, we’ve got Reina Miyamoto, she’s the Program Director for the Hawaii Home Ownership Center. And uh, we’re talking about that golf tournament coming up, when is it again, August 24th?
Adrienne: Yes. August 24th and why it’s important to give back to your local non-profits. And they have an awesome program there at the Hawaii Home Ownership Center. It’s actually one of our team members, have gone through their program and he ended up buying.
Attilio: Awesome! There’s a success story.
Adrienne: It is!
Attilio: So, tell us more about, you know, Reina, how long have you been with this organization?
Reina: 11 years.
Attilio: 11 years. Right on! And you know, what was, what was, uh, tell us a little bit about you. Where are you uh, I know you’re from here, but our listeners may not know, where are you from originally and, like what high school did you go to?
Reina: I’m born and raised in here, on Oahu, I went, I graduated from ___.
Attilio: Okay. And what made you decide to get involved with this organization and stay with it all this time? 11 years is a long time, especially in today’s day and age where people jump around a whole lot.
Adrienne: Taking jobs all the time, yeah.
Reina: Yeah, uh, you know, home ownership is so important and I think that even the building blocks before somebody buys a home is significant. You know what? I, I was talking at a coaching session with one of uh, the folks that I’m working with, there’s a couple, and you know, they talked about like, things like, you know, we never talked about money before, we never actually discussed how we could, you know reach our goals together, we decided, you know, my money is my money, going to buy whatever I want and she said, now that you know, uh, we’re working together on things, I actually ask how can we, you know, work together on getting whatever it is. She said, actually more money in the bank than I ever thought, I always thought I had to be paycheck-to-paycheck, I couldn’t imagine anything different. And you know, even the communication between that couple is, you know, those are things that are, it’s intangible, it’s not like a house that you can see but, it’s significant I think for the success of our, our families here and then to be on a path to be able to achieve something big with buying a home.
Attilio: Yeah, the visually, if you know, radio’s uh, radio, radio is a story for the ears and so we like to give everybody visuals in that, you know, home ownership, ___ what you talked about, the intangibles of better communication between the couples, uh, being more financially uh, conservative, saving money, it’s kind of like home ownership is like that little pebble that you drop in the pond and all the ripples go out and it’s, it’s, those things that we don’t even think about that are benefits to, to people being home owners in our communities. Because we’ve got to live next to them too! Anyway, right?
Reina: That’s right.
Attilio: And uh, alright, so what else, what else, Adrienne?
Adrienne: Oh, so, you guys also offer additional programs, right? If someone is having a hard time with paying their mortgages. So, could you tell our listeners a little bit about how to start—
Attilio: Might be somebody listening and they need some help!
Adrienne: Yeah.
Reina: You know, fortunately, we haven’t had a whole lot of calls for foreclosure prevention counseling over—
Attilio: That’s good!
Reina: So, we’ve kind of actually phased that out and then there are some uh, community organizations that we’re affiliated with that we can make referrals to if we do get those calls but, I would say in the last year or two, we haven’t had hardly any.
Attilio: Oh, good!
Reina: Calls for service in that area.
Attilio: So, there you go, folks, there’s an indication the economy’s recovered.
Adrienne: Yes!
Attilio: Good news!
Reina: Very good news.
Attilio: Yup, and interest rates are still low.
Adrienne: And then, how many home owners have you helped, or has that, uh Hawaii Home Ownership—
Attilio: Your organization helped.
Adrienne: Yeah! To become the home owner. I know like last time we talked, it was, it had hit like a, a pretty big milestone.
Reina: So, we’re about, I guess, we’re about 5, 1,560-something and then there’s, there’s some others that we have, we’re just kind of verifying the, that, you know, they became a home owner and that kind of thing, so, I think we’re about 1575 actually. But uh, and I would say over half of them were considered low or moderate income when they came to us, so, you know firsthand as realtors that, you know, it’s a tough housing market out there, so income can make the challenges even bigger, so, the fact that you know, readiness matters, you know, being hooked up with resources can make it possible for even low or moderate income families.
Attilio: Yeah, I’m just going to keep pushing on those emotional buttons. Come on, you business owners out there, people who have high disposable income, you’re not sure what to do with all your money. This is a great opportunity for you to come back and provide, have a tangible ripple effect in our community. You know what? You don’t need to golf, if you just want to write them a check, you guys still check ___ outside of this even, right?
Reina: Absolutely! (laughing) They can do it by credit card. Yeah, they can—
Attilio: Is there like, I can’t even, is there like an “Easy” button on your website if you want to make that donation?
Reina: Yes, there is. It’s an orange one, you know, “donate here.”
Attilio: Okay.
Adrienne: And then, what like what other kind of resources are on your website if someone wanted to just, you know, poke around and, and check it out?
Reina: There’s some general information about like, if there’s a free workshop uh, also a home ownership orientation, so you can come check us out and it’s not just about us, but it is a little bit about home ownership, dispelling some of those myths that we just talked about, like I don’t have, make enough income, I don’t have enough down payment, so we address some of those things in an orientation as well. Uh—
Adrienne: How often do you have these orientations?
Reina: It’s usually a couple times a month. They can also do it online. I prefer the live one myself, but you know, everything being online helps with accessibility.
Attilio: Yeah, people working a lot, two jobs.
Reina: Yeah, absolutely.
Attilio: But, nothing like getting in a classroom with a live human being, because you might have questions!
Adrienne: And then, and then how long does the orientation typically take?
Reina: It’s about an hour.
Adrienne: Okay, so not too bad.
Reina: Yeah, not a lot of investment of time. Uh, and then we’ll also talk about the, we offer a post-purchase services as well as part of our lifetime membership, so, whether it’s workshops, about you know, you talked about wills and trust, we actually have some stuff on that, about home equity products so they don’t make a mistake with leveraging the equity in their home, uh, and that kind of thing.
Attilio: Alright. So, good financial intelligence is important, especially when you become a home owner. Now, most likely I would guess for these people, because it is for most the largest financial decision they’re going to make, so I’m glad that you guys do that post-education. Alright, so the site,, again that’s Any other final questions for Reina before we?
Adrienne: Yeah, any, yeah, or any final words of wisdom for, from, for our listeners?
Attilio: Or myth busters! Give us a myth buster!
Reina: Myth buster . . . you know the, you don’t need a lot of down payment to buy a home. I think some folks are surprised that they can buy with no down payment or as low as 3% down payment to a lot of, people still think they need 20% down payment or they can’t move forward into purchase price.
Attilio: Yeah, especially with the, if they’re, if they have a V.A. eligible. Pretty much hardly anything, right? To buy a home.
Adrienne: Nothing down. It’s actually, less expensive to buy than to rent! Right? Because you have to have your first month’s rent and security deposit, so, there’s some programs that you get to go home for even less than that!
Reina: Yeah, that’s true.
Adrienne: Yup, so, you want to reach to Hawaii Home Ownership Center, is there a good phone number that they can call also?
Reina: Yes! 523-9500.
Attilio: 523-9500!
Adrienne: Alright, thank you!
Attilio: Write that number down!
Adrienne: Thank you, Reina.
Attilio: Alright, thanks, Reina. Alright, do you want to take a break or are we going straight to Brooks?
Adrienne: Yes, we’re going—
Attilio: And Kevin?
Adrienne: We’re going to Brooks and Kevin. I think Kevin has been waiting longest.
Attilio: We’re confusing Lea, she’s like which one, which button should I push?
Adrienne: Let’s bring Kevin on!
Attilio: Okay, Kevin.
Kevin: Hey, Adrienne and Attilio!
Adrienne: Hello!
Attilio: Hi Kevin! What’ve you got for us?
Kevin: Yeah, this Sunday I will be sitting grand open house from 2-5 p.m. uh, address 91-1080 ___ Street, in Eva Beach, you know, this home is situated in the highly-desirable Ocean Point neighborhood, uh, it’s a 4-bedroom, 3-bath over 1500 square foot uh, home you know, if you guys aren’t doing anything, come check it out, it’s the grand open house from 2-5 p.m., again address 91-1080 ___ Street, Eva Beach.
Attilio: Alright, thanks, Kevin.
Adrienne: And this one had a full bedroom and full bath on the ground level, so, it’s—
Attilio: Ground floor, it’s got an island, island in the kitchen. Uh, the backyard, you know how you have the, the garage is detached from the hoe, so you have that little, I call it like a little oasis.
Adrienne: Like a private little yard.
Attilio: And the grass and the landscaping, we were there, we saw it, we were walking around with our shoes off in the grass in the back, we took our shoes off when we went into the front door, and we were walking around with our shoes off in the backyard, it was nice! And! There was one of those little community parks directly across the street! So, if you have little noes, they literally just, literally walk across the street and they’re in a big park where they can run around and play. You know what’s nice about a park? It’s like a big yard you don’t have to take care of.
Adrienne: Yes, that’s my favorite.
Attilio: And, and! Literally, literally within a couple hundred feet, you have access to the back way to ___ Road and boom!
Adrienne: At the beach!
Attilio: You’re at the beach!
Adrienne: So, go and visit Kevin! He’s going to be there this Sunday from 2-5.
Attilio: Alright, thanks, Kevin!
Adrienne: Alright, so, we’ve got Brooks on the line.
Brooks: I have a question for you guys. Uh, how much squash, are you getting enough squash in your life?
Attilio: You know, I, I, I love squash. I chop them up, steam them with some tofu and some ___.
Adrienne: Yes, I love squash too.
Attilio: I like green squash, yellow squash, red squash.
Adrienne: Yellow’s my favorite.
Attilio: No, no, not that kind of squash!
Brooks: I’m talking about, I’m talking about the sport of squash! You know, the racquet ball, uh, very, very similar to. Well, my young, uh, we have an incoming listing out in __ Valley, a majestic, spectacular property and uh, it has its own league-approved uh, certified squash court. It’s a stand-alone building on the property. It looks, painted similar and constructed similar like the house, but uh, it’s off to the side and uh, it’s actually they’ve had an international squash tournament there recently, within the past few years so, and, yeah, it’s uh, it’s unreal, it’s something that’s so unique, but I’ll tell you, there’s no uh, laughing matter about squash. 20 million on the planet are fully into it. And uh, I think that there’s a lot of, there’s a big squash community here on Oahu. And, and of course we may want to talk to the internet people uh, you know, and, and market it out there to international, but I’m telling you, this is a, this is a great property, I mean, that’s just the squash court I’m talking about, now we go to the property. It was unbelievable, what a fantastic property this is. Uh, unbelievable views of the golf course and the ocean. So, get ready for that in the early part of August.
Attilio: Yeah, gated community, ___, beautiful community, we’ve, we’ve actually sold a home next door and we did some drone footage and yeah, just, it’s so peaceful and quiet and to have your own squash court, I mean, get in shape, just get up in the morning, walk out, right out, right outside and you’re in your own little country club setting, your own part of it, private squash club.
Brooks: Oh, my gosh, chicken skin stuff right there. That’s it!
Attilio: Alright, thanks, Brooks!
Adrienne: Alright, thank you, Brooks.
Brooks: Yup! Bye-bye.
Adrienne: Alright so I think that’s uh, that’s all of our callers for today, but we can talk about the Career Night and Mastermind again that we have coming up. So, Career Night’s coming up on July 3rd, and uh, it’s from 5-6 at our Kapolei office. You can go check it out at uh,
Attilio: And then we also have a Mastermind and by the way, this is not just for realtors and business people. Anybody who wants to come to our Mastermind, we always bring in speakers that are not necessarily just talking about real estate-related topics, uh, the, a person we have coming in, he’s actually a, a life coach and he’s going to be talking abbot 6 Personal Perspectives, and these are habits and/or strategies that highly successful people use and this is what we know about be-do-have. If you want to be like one of these superstars, you’ve got to do what these superstars do, and you will have what they have. And he’s going to teach you what they are!
Adrienne: So, the tagline for this Mastermind event is “How to change your habits, thoughts, intentions, and change your life.” So, he’s going to be, he’s going to be covering all sorts of great things that really, they, it applies to everyone, not just us realtors. So, so come join us. If you want to sign up and RSVP, so you have a seat, you can go to
Attilio: Alright, so we’re looking for superstars for our team. Always looking for superstars. Go to Adrienne, do you know what a superstar is?
Adrienne: Uh, I, I think I do.
Attilio: Well, I’ll tell you what a superstar is—
Adrienne: Okay, tell, tell me, tell me.
Attilio: I’ve got notes in here, I even colored a little star and—
Adrienne: Alright, tell me. Tell me what a superstar is.
Attilio: It says, “what is a superstar?” Superstars deliver year-in, year-out and tend to stay on top of the long haul. Stay on top, over the long haul. Superstars are good at selling, they’ve got the talent and skills, they’re competitive and have the drive to perform. They understand how to manage the sales process, ask great questions, deliver winning presentations, and close the deal. They have exceptional people-savvy, have high emotional intelligence, and a winning mindset. Mmm-kay, so that, even if you, even if you have some of those but not all of them, there’s some strategies that underlie, that create the foundation for you to be consistently successful over the long haul. We’ll teach you that!
Adrienne: That’s right! Well, and you can start off by coming to one of our Masterminds. We typically have them the last Friday of every month. Out in Kapolei and uh, you can always see what the, the next one is by going to This next one coming up is on June 30th. From 12:30-1:30 and there’s going to be lunch and an awesome speaker.
Attilio: Now you said it was uh,
Adrienne: Correct.
Attilio: Yeah, so any time you want to find out what our next Mastermind is, come to that. Our last one, just to give you, have an understanding or a visual of the variety, we had a voice coach!
Adrienne: And it was, it was packed, too!
Attilio: It was packed! We had Mister Williams from Eva Beach, uh, what’s the name of his organization, his—
Adrienne: Uh, the Performing Artists Academy.
Attilio: Yeah, he’s with the Society of 7, with The Crush, he’s coached uh—
Adrienne: Chasmond Troues.
Attilio: Yeah, America’s Got Talent. Anyways, so, he taught uh, how to do vocal warm-ups—
Adrienne: And how to project.
Attilio: How to project your voice so if you’re doing public speaking, or speaking one-on-one with someone, how to uh, speak in a way that engages people and have them want to listen to you.
Adrienne: Alright, so I think we’re coming to the end here, so—
Attilio: Are we?
Adrienne: Thank you for listening—
Attilio: NO!
Adrienne: And thank you to our sponsors.
Attilio: Jodie Tanga and Derek Tanga of Pacific Rim Mortgage!
Adrienne: Bradley Maruyama of Allstate Insurance!
Attilio: Nathan Baker of Pillar to Post Home Inspections!
Adrienne: Ben and Tony Mamood of AAA Roofers Hawaii!
Attilio: Janyce Myrland with Dream House Drafting!
Adrienne: John Speed of Kilauea Pest Control!
Attilio: Duke Kimhan with Hawaii Pacific Property Management!
Adrienne: Mike Metts of Kama’aina Plumbing!
Attilio: And!
Adrienne: Thomas Pattison with Pattison Land Surveying!
Attilio: Myron Kamihara with Kamihara Law! If you want to get ahold of any of our sponsors, just go to
Adrienne: We also want to give a big thank you to Lea, our producer here in the studio!
Attilio: Chi-hoo!
Adrienne: Make sure to tune in next week, we’ll have an awesome guest talking about something that’ll change your life—
Attilio: Forever! This is the Team Lally real estate show, home of the guaranteed—
Adrienne and Attilio: SOLD PROGRAM!
Adrienne: If we can’t sell your home at the agreed-upon price and your time frame, we’ll have it bought for cash.
Adrienne and Attilio: THANKS, AND ALOHA!