This week on the Team Lally Real Estate Radio Show, we interviewed Rachel Adams Lee of The Rachel Adams Lee Group. We talked about building a business through social media and how to get referrals.
We also have your favorite experts providing this week’s tips on property management, mortgage loans, home inspection and home insurance!
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Who is Rachel Adams Lee?
Rachel Adams Lee is the CEO and Founder of The Rachel Adams Group at Keller Williams Realty. She is currently ranked in the top 1% of all Realtors in Placer and Sacramento counties and was honored with Wall Street Journal’s Top 1,000 Agents in the US. When not actively selling homes, Rachel can be found traveling the US, coaching others on how to build a successful real estate team with a winning mindset. She has a love for public speaking and enjoys seeing the positive effect her experience brings to others lives.
Rachel was born on September 20, 1984. She went to Kelseyville High in high school and studied at California State University, Sacramento. She now lives in El Dorado Hills, California with her husband Ryan and her kids.
The Rachel Adams Lee Group is an innovative, savvy, top producing real estate team serving Northern California. They value the community and know that relationships are the basis for their success. With specialists to fit every need and cutting edge technology they are reshaping the expectations in the local market.
To reach Rachel, you may contact her in the following ways:
Interview Transcription
gave it to me. Welcome back, and thanks for listening to the Team Lally real estate show home of the guaranteed sold program or will buy it. I’m Adrienne and I’m Attilio. And if you have any questions, just give us a call at 7999596 or check us out online at
Our guest today is the CEO and founder of the Rachel Adams Group at Keller Williams Realty. She is currently ranked in the top 1% of all realtors in policer and Sacramento Counties and was honored with the Wall Street Journal’s top 1000 agents in us when not actively selling homes, Rachel can be found traveling to us coaching others on how to build a successful real estate team with a winning mindset. She has a love for public speaking and enjoy seeing the positive effect or experience brings to others and she’s awesome with the beach photos.
she is and she’s a mom of two boys and soon to be three and wife to Ryan awesome. Who actually was our past client. to Rachel and her family. Welcome. Welcome, Rachel to the rainy day.
Thanks for having me, guys. You’re welcome.
So Adrienne, I know we read off the top we you know, one of the things we like to do is have guests that bring on the show that we can help them them get more business help promote them and then bring some value to our listeners out here. Yes, this might be a good opportunity for your realtors, pick up your pencil, get your notepad and be ready to take some notes because we got some good information from Rachel, what would that be about Adrienne?
Well, I’d like Rachel to quickly just kind of run through her. Like just the journey of how she’s got to where she’s at and like just where she’s coming from, because I think that is super important. Yes, the story. And she’s an excellent storyteller. So, Rachel, if you could share with our listeners a little bit about the journey.
Awesome. Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I’m excited to be here. So I was actually raised by a realtor random my family. So my grandma was a real estate broker. My dad was a real estate broker. And I always said I would never ever go into real estate. So I actually found myself working a full time job, I was at a real estate license or office and I was unlicensed. And at that point in my life, I was in like pretty unhealthy marriage. And I was paycheck to paycheck. And I knew I wanted something different, but I didn’t know what that was like. And I was seeing all these paychecks coming through from the realtors. And I was like, You know what, I’m just gonna get my license. And, you know, we’ll see how it goes. So I got my license in three months, it is an accelerated program. And I didn’t know what to do except know that I wanted to work hard. And I wanted to get out of the position I was in. I heard a quote that kind of rocked my world. It was changed the way you look at things and the things you look at change. So I was always in like a scarcity mindset that I had to keep my job it was safe. I know how much money that’s coming in. And I never bet on myself before I decided that it was time. So I started my real estate journey in 2012. I was doing knocking 200 doors a week and doing three open houses a week. Wow. So knocking 200 doors,
that’s a lot of activity.
Yeah. I don’t I don’t have calluses on my knuckles. I did have blisters on my heels. In the beginning, I was like I’m gonna wear heels when I do knock. And that lasted like four doors. I was like also tennis shoes work for me.
When they look into the people, they can’t see your shoes anyway.
It’s true. And I’m five feet tall. So like I really saw like a squished package. So you know, I didn’t sell any homes, those first four months when I was doing all that activity. But I think in my business kind of like a toy car, right? So I’m like doing the right thing, doing the right thing doing the right thing. And the momentum is building in those tires. But like nothing’s happening. And as soon as you let go, the car took off. And that’s sort of how it works with my career because I didn’t sell any homes the first four months, but then I sold 39 and then 109 and then 123 to three years and I found myself as Wall Street Journal’s top 1000 agents in the country. We still have a designation today. And you know, my shift for me really happened where I realized that I loved the one on one conversation like I loved getting to meet people at open house or or meeting somebody you know, with door knocking and you could have that really good conversation about their life and where they’re at their interests. But I wanted to be able to reach people on a broader scale and, you know, back in these days like so, Media was not at all what it is now. Like, there was no Instagram like it, you know what I mean? Like it was just, it was, it was there. Yeah, yeah. And so I decided that I was gonna get on Facebook and I was going to make myself different from everybody else. Instead of going on and thinking what I could get, I wanted to think what I could give. And so every single day, when I got on, I decided that I was going to add value to others, I actually sat down with my calendar, and I broke out the 12 months of the year, and I wrote out like 33 different ways that I could add value to people, whether it’s within a holiday, like Christmas, and locations for this month, or, you know, pumpkin patch locations, in October or Fourth of July, you’re gonna like Christmas first, sorry, like fireworks for Fourth of July. And I was like, I want to be the local realtor that they can count on. But I want to be even more than that, like the local expert, because, you know, I really like people might find me because I’m in real estate, but they’re gonna stick around because of who I am and how I make them feel. And so I slowly was building my presence on social media and learning how to add value to people and getting to know other agents around the country and my clients in my community. And last year, we had 131 referrals come through social media. And so I have like a whole business model around it and a coaching course, and yeah, it’s pretty crazy, but it’s a lot of fun. Well,
let’s just pause right there. The coaching course, I know that you you’ve had that running, and then you have another one that you’ve just launched as well. So let’s let’s share with the listeners where they could go to find out more about these these courses.
So I have two different coaching courses. I’m really passionate about helping other people like build the business of their dreams. And not just like being a slave, because I believe like you’re either running your business or businesses running you. So a lot of what I teach about is like systems and structure and I’m a huge script person. So I give you all my scripts, my admin templates, like all the things the first course is called Hello social and it’s an eight week social media masterclass. It deals with everything from like how to gain new followers, how to convert somebody you just met on social media to be a referral partner, a building a national referral partner or network with agents around the country, I give you a content calendar for creation. And then we do deep dives into Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. I had someone who signed up for my course and they were pretty new to Facebook. In their first month in the course they got four referrals and that was like a huge win because they just plugged into the system followed the
plan. And and yeah, we know why you call it hello social because it’s all in the in the donation of it or how you said because it’s like Hello, social, you’re doing a good job. And then this one is not doing a good job. Hello, social. What are you doing?
So yeah, and so the Hello social course is fun. So it’s an eight week social media masterclass. Yeah, there is a video. So each session has a video you download, and then a workbook and they coincide together. And you actually get access to all the content for six full months, but it’s an eight week class. And then my favorite thing about my style of coaching is I the courses around your schedule, so you get to watch them when you want. But then the first and third Wednesday, I do live coaching in a mastermind group. And so you get the pricing of group coaching, but you get the one on one field because I do the one on one coaching. And it’s everything from like, Hey, did this Instagram posting about attraction was the wrong to I want to go on my first luxury listing appointment to I want to hire an admin like all the things,
you’re and then Yeah, but you’re real quick. You’re like a university professor, you’ve never actually done these things. You’re just teaching them?
No, no,
I’m such a believer that you like I never want to be coached by someone who hasn’t actually done it. Yeah. Like, you know, I think there’s so many people like there, they have that same like those who can’t teach. I can and I teach, like, I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing or who has actually done it. Because then when you ask the question, they’re like, Oh, you could do this. It’s like, no, do this. Because this works, you know,
and you’re continuing to tweak and fine tune it. As you know, the way social media evolves.
The algorithms always changing. So you have to be willing to like, change what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. And so like when the algorithm changes, we’ll move more towards reels or video or whatever. I teach people how to do that, too. So that’s
the other course. Yeah, I think for people, you don’t even know what an algorithm is. You’re just you’re just you’re playing the game called social media and you know, all the rules and you figured it out the master level, master level 134 referrals, I would just, that should be your resume. It’s just this white sheet of paper. 134 referrals from social media. That’s it. There’s my resume. You know,
the thing though, is to though it’s like, it also can be fun. Like I think that there’s so that’s the thing where people are like, what is the algorithm? How do I do this? Like there’s so much this always changing with it? But if you do social media effectively in the right way, it’s something that adds energy to it builds you up, and it makes you feel good. Because the hard part about social media is it’s also this like weird place where you feel like you have to be everything to everyone all the time. And you always have to be on and like to share everything. And that’s just not the truth. Like I have really serious boundaries around my social media. Because with as busy as mine is, and all the comments and the tagging and all the things like my family, and my kids, my husband, they matter way more to me than any comment I could receive. And so it’s like having healthy boundaries around is really important, too.
Rachel, could you share with our listeners the story about how like some of those boundaries came into place? Yes. Yeah. So
pumpkin. So I, when I met my husband, Ryan, we actually met on Tinder, it does work. Swipe right. So when I met him, everybody I dated before I met him was like, I want a strong, independent woman. And then they meet me, and they’re like, well, meaning of that defendant. And then when I met my husband, Ryan, he was like, I love what you’re doing, and happily make it even better. And I remember the beginning, when I met him, I was like, Oh, you can find me on social media. He was like, Yeah, I don’t really do that. And I was like, Okay, well, I do. And the beginning, it was all exciting. And he’s like, oh, you know, you got a notification. But as we progress in our relationship, he was like, I love how busy you are, and how successful you are with, you know, real estate and all the things he’s like, but your phone is always ringing. And I was like, Well, yeah, people need me, you know, it’s the industry I’m in. Yeah, he’s like, I get it. But if we’re gonna have a family, like, we have to have some boundaries. And what had happened is we actually went to the pumpkin patch. And I had my phone out. And I was taking pictures of the kids and doing my stories and all that by the time we left, we got back in the car. And he was like, Well, that was fun. I wish you were there. And I was like, oh, shoot, you know. And it was like, I was so concerned with getting the content that I forgot the actual purpose of being there was to be present with those I love. And I think that that’s the pressure that the society puts on us is like, you have to share everything all the time. So I believe in being proactive about my business, about my marriage, about my life. And so we ended up getting some marriage coaching around healthy boundaries. And so what it looks like for us now, like just like, if you’re going to work with a buyer or a seller, right, you’re going to set the expectation of the buyer presentation or their listing presentation. This is what it’s like when you work with me. This is what I can expect from you. This is what you expect from me. So for me, it was no different with social media. So when I say that, we go to the pumpkin patch. Now. What happens is I tell my husband, I’m like, Hey, babe, when we get there, I’m gonna take my phone out for 10 minutes, I’m gonna capture content. So I am taking the pictures of my kids I am doing the stories and taking the video, but I don’t post it right then I post it later later when I’m time block for social media. And what happened was funny, as I actually posted, I forgot that I had the pumpkin patch stuff in October was almost over. I was like crap, I forgot to do it. So I posted about the pumpkin patch. And someone commented like, oh my gosh, we just left and missed you. I was like, Oh, shoot. They don’t know that I was there three weeks. And they don’t have to know you either. And it doesn’t matter. Like you choose what you share and when you share it. And I think that for me was a really important boundary. And now it’s like I run my business. My business doesn’t run me. Yeah.
So So Rachel with this social media coaching course. Is it relevant for any business? Is it or is it just
for you examples are real estate related, but 80% of the formula can probably be used for anybody wants to do.
It’s actually so it is a so it’s a social media masterclass. It’s not a real estate masterclass, my real estate master classes, the other courts. So I really put it in mind that like a lender could take it a termite company. I have attorneys that are in there, I have CPAs that are in there, like anybody who wants to build a business through social media because I run four different companies, and not all of them are in real estate. And all of them are ran through my social media model. Because at the end of the day, it’s the same idea. You’re adding values, you’re connecting with other you’re having genuine content, where people want to engage with you because they might find you because of your industry, but they’re going to stick around because of who you are and how you make them feel. Your social media actually isn’t about you. It’s about how it makes them feel when they’re looking at like the
Maya Angelou of social media.
Oh my god. So we were we had you on our Friday live. Earlier this week. You had you touched on something about you know how you like to show up with educating
and entertaining Yes, we mash the two words together and we call it edutainment, or edge. Educating
as your team entered the ad and and storytelling
storytelling. Yeah. So let’s see some example. Yeah,
let’s talk about the beach one, I know that, you know, our people are on the radio, so you’re gonna have to just paint the picture with your word
is video for the mind, we have to describe it to him,
let’s talk about the beach. The sound, you know,
the thing is, like with social media, what I have shared with them earlier is that you’re either educating or entertaining people. And you know, they go to your page, either learn something, or smile, right or, or feel or laugh or whatever it is. And I wanted to have a balance of both with mine. And, you know, so when I like when I was going through my purpose, and when I was trying to figure out like what I want to talk about on social media. So many people think that they have to have like the perfect car, the perfect job, the perfect life, the perfect hair like, and this image of perfection. The problem is, that’s not actually relatable. And people want to feel like they could be your friend, right? Because people work with people they like, and they like you. But they need to know who you are, they need to know what makes you tick, right. And so what I did is I actually decided that I would kind of break down what made me unique, and I actually call it my five passions. So if someone’s going to build a business through social media, I would encourage you to write down one through five. Number one is going to be the industry that you’re in, right, but then two through five is going to be individual to each person, you know, maybe like clean eating and working out, maybe like hunting and fishing, or travel or DIY projects, or you have Furbabies or you’re married, you have kids, hopefully, like I’m right, you write that down.
Or maybe just write about, if you got five kids just write about the favorite one.
Pick your favorite. Yeah, and they won’t feel bad about you know, but the idea is you pick your five things you’re passionate about. And then in a perfect world, if you’re really truly doing social the right way, you’re posting about five times a week. Now, these aren’t stories, these are specific to posts. And you’re posting five times a week, but you’re rotating through the different things that you’re passionate about. And don’t worry if your your business posts your real estate or whatever industry you’re in, if those are the lower producing posts, that’s normal, because that’s what you do. It’s not who you are, but they’re gonna stick around because of what they have in common with you. And, you know, I’m, we suffered with infertility, and we had loss, and we have, you know, we really have had a journey to create our family. And I shared that because it was something that I really felt like identified me was like, it’s a piece of who I am now. And I can’t talk about my kids without talking about the journey of becoming a mom, you know. And so for me, I was like, this is a part of who I am now. And so what’s interesting is as you grow and as you develop as a person, your passions are going to change. And that’s okay, too, because your audience is going to grow with you.
Yeah, the is funny, you say, like, be authentic. And just be yourself. Because, well, one, if he’s talking about passions, you don’t have to like figure out what you can talk about, because you’re passionate about it. Hello, if you don’t, if you’re like, I’m talking about something, I don’t know what to say. You’re not passionate about it. Hello. But I was studying stand up comedy. So that would be my one of my passions, and what the one the number one rule in stand up comedy is be yourself. Don’t be Dave Chappelle. Don’t be Jerry Seinfeld, just be yourself and you connect better with the audience. So stand up comedy is just an app. It’s a real person standing in front of a group and you’re trying to get likes, which is there laughs But, you know, I had a question. I didn’t get to ask you on the Friday, but I wanted to ask it today. Is there such a thing as oversharing?
You know, I definitely think there is. And I think that’s what’s cool about everyone having their own unique social is they get to choose what they share. Like, there are things going on in my life that I don’t share on social media, because I’m not comfortable with it. I think that there is too much there is oversharing. Like, I think that that’s why it’s important to take time to like, think about what you’re going to post and so I’m really proactive. When I make my posts, I usually have the next like three or four posts already prepared and ready to go before I post it. And the other thing too, is like if you’re putting too much out there, if you’re sharing too much, people are gonna be like, okay, and they’re gonna, they’re gonna block you, right? Yeah,
like over posting, right? Like doing too much posting in one day. Is that what you mean? Yeah. So
with the algorithm if you post on Facebook, closer, so if you go on your Facebook page, and you make a post, and you make another post, before 90 minutes, the algorithm is going to flag you become considered spamming. You actually want to wait 90 minutes before making a post, because the algorithm is going to see it as like, too many things. And so they want to keep you on the platform, but they don’t want you just like post post post post post. That’s not the goal of it. Right? The goal is for you to connect with others add value, engage with other people, like that’s the stuff that really makes a difference. So I do think there’s something oversharing and then please don’t ever pet peeve of mine. Don’t ever be the person that just like checks into the hospital. Just checking in. And you’re just like, what happened? Where did you like follow up like those people drive me bananas. Don’t ever do it. Don’t be that girl. Don’t be that guy. Leaving us
hanging. Tell the story. Like what is going on? Okay, yeah.
So it sounds like the coders wrote a weirdo a logarithm. It’s like, you know, it’s like a needy relationship. Stop bothering me all the time and let me know what’s going on. Yeah, weird. Oh, get away from me. So that’s what they’re doing with social media.
So Rachel, we are coming towards the end of our show.
Let it go so fast. Are we talking with her?
I know, let’s give our listeners the best website and then I just want to put it out there. If they want to get the special promo code to get a discount. They’ve got to call team Lally. Or send an email to info Yeah, we’ll get you we’ll get you a discount on this awesome course church lady special because it’s special. So Rachel, where it’s all special? Where can the listeners go? What’s the website?
Yeah, so if they’re interested in coaching then go to So Yeah, there’s two courses you can look at one is Hello social. That’s the social media masterclass, the other is dynamic agent and that as a real estate masterclass, specific to realtors, that one is all about like building a national referral network dominating client events going by how it went from 39 to 109 transactions in one year. So it really is like more of it and work life balance, like it’s a really more like all inclusive for realtors. And it does have a social media piece to it too on session five. So level of coaching toe and then I have given a 30% off discount code, the team Wally so if you reach out to them for either one of those courses, they will give you both of the websites and the discount codes for the courses.
Awesome. Thank you, Rachel,
generous your realtor out there. She’s gonna help you on your MBA massive bank account and she’s going to teach you with a PhD pigheaded determined this
Thank you. King of one liners.
I am I have done analogies. People tell me I’m full of a lot of things, but it’s mostly an analogy.
Thank you. Thanks, Rachel. Aloha.
Okay, take care you guys.
All right, we’ve got like 30 seconds left in the show. Any last words of wisdom or analogies or one liner? You know,
it’s we’re coming to that time of season and your kids and your family they don’t want presents, you know, like stuff under the tree. They want your presence. Be 100% Present. download an app on your phone right now. It’s called look up look up life is not on tick tock Instagram you know so weird message after Rachel’s thing but Rachel’s teaching you how to do business and time block for a blog for it and have boundaries not be some crazy person on there. 24/7 and driving your family nuts. Okay. Yes, that’s it. That’s it. All
right. All right. Well, thank you for listening and thank you to our sponsors.
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