This week on the Team Lally Real Estate Radio Show, we interview Haaheo Scanlan. We’ll talk about PSI ‘s awareness training, teaching leadership and strategies for life success.
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Who is Haaheo Scanlan?
Haaheo Scanlan is a Doctor of Acupuncture and a mother of 7 children. She has been involved with PSI Seminars for 35 years and facilitates a 90 day goal achieving program in Honolulu and Canada.
To reach Haaheo Scanlan you may contact her in the following ways:
M: 808-479-0098
Interview Transcription
I’m with the psi seminars here locally in Hawaii and in Canada. Her name is Ha Hale Scanlon. And welcome. Welcome to the show. Are you there?
Hello, ha. All right. So thank you for for joining us today. So, ha Hale, could you share with our listeners like what, what is this psi seminars that you’re involved with? Share with us a little bit more about it?
Absolutely. Psi seminars has been doing classes here in Hawaii, across the United States, in Canada, and now online. For the most recently online. We’ve been 49 years in the business, and especially here in Hawaii, and we really teach tools and techniques for success. And during these challenging times, tools and techniques for resiliency. And most recently in our class this weekend, the facilitator said Your attitude determines your altitude. And we teach effective solutions for that. So I am, yeah,
so when you say facilitator, who is that? What like what did they do?
Jeff Morrison flew in this weekend. He was actually my facilitator for my class on April 1 1987. And just a real estate tidbit. When I attended the class, I was in foreclosure. And I use mortgage money to pay for the seminar. Because I wanted to
new Yeah, I just want to add in. You didn’t say Chuck Norris, you said Chuck Morris. Chuck, here’s what I know about Chuck Norris. He could strangle you with a cordless phone. But not Chuck Norris. Chuck Morris, Morris Morris facilitator.
salutely. Absolutely. Anyway, fast forward. The day before our class started on April 1. I accepted a contract to sell my current house not the one that was in foreclosure for $1,490,000. So exactly what you just said, the market is amazing. Yeah.
So okay, so you just recently had this this class that took place this last weekend? How often do these classes happen? And what could you expect to learn and take away
we have our next classes may 20. They’re in watch. And we have a class online may 13. And really, I say we teach over 80 tools and techniques on how to be successful in time, when life is wonderful. And in times when life is challenging. And tonight, we are celebrating our most recent class with a graduation at the Hawaii Convention Center at 730.
Nice and everybody should come out. But you know, one of the things I want to share with everyone is how is psi affected our business and Haha, I think you’d get a kick out of this because this is literally just happened this morning, we do a huddle. Every morning, we get on Zoom for about 15 minutes, bring the whole team together and have different topics for the week. This week, we’re talking about a book, we read a book together as a team, and the book is called the psychology of money. But a couple of the different you know, there was a chapter we were covering there, but there was one of our team members that got on there and just said hey, partially because of the book we’re reading but because the husband had just gone through psi, they were able to communicate on one of the hottest topics you know the topics that can create a lot of conflict in relationships, money, but do it in a way that didn’t create more conflict. And she specifically stated that both of them going through psi basic help them dialogue more, you know in a in a loving and caring way between each other on that topic then then before they went through psi, how it would end up you know, in something that was a little hot salsa.
Me, I think one of the things I have seven children and I believe that we keep tools for communication, so that we’re able to speak to each other in the way they want to hear it as opposed to the way we choose to deliver it and it makes all the difference in communication.
So So with this, the psi seminars and communication maybe you could share some success stories on you know examples of of couples that were able to, you know, work through a divorce or challenging times?
Absolutely. I think that we, we have couples that will say they were on the verge of divorce. And as it was them doing the class stay together. And six years later, they’re in the best marriage they ever experienced. And then we do have couples, we have a woman who said that she was divorced, she said, happily divorced, before she die. And what they worked out is a way to parent their two beautiful girls in such a loving, caring way, that she was able to spend Thanksgiving with her ex husband, her current boyfriend, and all of their shared relationships, and had one of the most beautiful Thanksgiving events because there was no bickering and fighting, because they learned these new tools.
Are you sure was each and so HPD was not called at the end of this event?
It was just, it was these that it was just loving. And one of the things I will say is that we have a class for children, five to 12. And so her two girls, were able to attend the children’s class. And sometimes they use the techniques even better than the parents.
So when is this next children’s board? Because
yeah, when you say that again.
Our next class is May 20, here in Honolulu, at the Hawaii Convention Center, and I have a special code that will give you a an incentive price. That is the best we’ve ever offered. And it will expire before me before at May 1. So we have a brilliant opportunity for Hawaii residents.
So what is the code shoot? Hell
do? Well, you know, if they come, you can call me at 808-479-0098. Or if you come to the event tonight, we will give you the code you don’t even really have to stay for the event. I would like to tell you I memorize it. And they changed it last night. And I did not have to hang up to look it up. So and then I will have
well, I just got the latest I just got the latest. The code is humo hormone, Nuku Nuku Alpha Malkiel.
Yes, you could use that
full state fish in our state model that is not the code that is not the code.
It is not the code, I will give you the code tonight, guaranteed or if you call me, I will give it to you. And one other is that you can come back for free for the rest of your life. So I invite all of Team Lolly to come and re audit because we are open to re audit again. After COVID.
Yep. And all of our team has attended every single person on
their teams. Yeah, yeah. Explain what explain what the audit re auditing is.
One of the gifts that say seminars has always offered since they started in 1973 here in Hawaii, is that any student who completes the basic seminar, can come back to the basic seminar, anywhere that it’s being offered for free. So you can come for a day, it’s a three day course, you could come for a day, you could come for all three days, at no charge for the rest of your life. So because we know life
so much. So I wanted to get the backstory, he said since 1973. How did it start here in 1973? What’s the origin of the seminars?
Well, Thomas and Jane Wilhite, our founders, and Thomas decided that he wanted to come and do a class here about learning tools and techniques for success. And back then, when he started it was called people synergistically involved. And he believed that if people could work in synergy in harmony, that they could create more than everybody doing things individually. And so he did his first class here. He continued, and then one day he just he, one of the graduates who was I believe a senator at the time, shared that we were having some problems in the prison at Oh, Triple C and he volunteered to go into Oh Triple C and do our PSI seminars classes for The inmates, because he said, sometimes out in the world, we don’t see the walls that we’ve built around ourselves. Prisoners are standing behind those walls. And they clearly know. And it was so successful. And as a result, he continued to go do classes, many of the inmates would, once they were released, would come and volunteer just because they were so grateful. Well, that’s,
that’s a great story.
Yes. Quite an amazing story. And then here we are. So many years later, still going strong today, not
49 years. So we always say in class, we definitely work.
We do. Go ahead. Yeah. I was gonna say I wanted to share with our listeners that Adrian and I’ve spent a lot of money. Getting in an airplane, making hotel reservations, Uber and Lyft. From the airport to the hotel and into the convention center, or the hotel, wherever this type of education is being put up, and spent a whole bunch of money just getting there to walk through the front door. So I would tell people not to discount the fact that you just got to get in your car, and drive down to one of the ballrooms here in Waikiki and go through this special type of training. And don’t discount it because you didn’t get in an airplane and fly halfway across the country or the mainland to do it. It’s right here in your backyard.
And we are so fortunate to have this because I have, I’ve got family that’s out in Maryland, and they don’t have anything that’s close by they have to take a train or drive several hours to get to New York City. And they’re like this, the psi seminars is maybe offered every, you know, six months. So we’re super fortunate to have the consistency of you know, every, you know, six to eight weeks, the basic coming back. Yes,
most definitely. And, you know, when I took the classroom, but I said I use my mortgage money to pay, it was because my told me there was a money back guarantee. And so I thought, I’m gonna sit with her for these days, and then I’ll get my money back, and then I’ll pay my mortgage. And instead, I met a realtor who just had was a stranger that I met in class. And she sold my house in 1987 for a $50,000 profit, using just the tools she learned in seminar.
And that was the house that was facing foreclosure at the time.
Yes, yes, I had countless offers daily to buy it at what I owed her a little less. He sold it for a $50,000 profit.
Wow. So you you were meant to be there
was to be there and sit next to her in one session?
So, ha, Hale, is there anything else that we haven’t touched on about PSI seminars, that, that we need to so that our listeners are aware.
As I said, in the on the mainland, we do have classes all across in California and Nevada and Phoenix, we also do the online class, we only do that four times a year. So we have people from Bali and Scotland and France who have been on the online class, all over Canada, we do have, you could go to our website, psi, to listen to some podcasts to get you more familiar with what psi has to offer.
That’s right, you guys do have some excellent resources with do the podcasts and even with the different Facebook groups. So there’s, you know, the the learning never stops.
Exactly, exactly.
Now, after, after you do the basic, I know that there’s additional steps and you learn about that at the basic seminar. And that’s, that’s something that I really loved about the program is that there’s steps for advanced training, which is very exciting. And it’s very, you know, it’s like fully immersion kind of stuff. That is it’s life changing.
I absolutely agree. It’s definitely been life changing for me and my seven children.
Share with us that your your, your story about you know, your whole like, journey with along with psi.
Well, you know, I would say so I was pregnant with my fifth child when I took the class. As I said I thought I was going to be done with them, they were a little too happy for me. And I wasn’t that thrilled to be there. My mother talked me into it. And so I went. And I knew that this was the journey I was going to stay on. And so through working, I became a divisional director at Sheraton hotels, after being a clerk for 13 years, just because of the new tools I had learned. And I went on to have a couple more children. And five years after I started, my husband passed away, suddenly, I gave birth to my seventh child three days after he passed away, I usually do this really well, he and I know a lot. And I had to learn to raise seven kids by myself, and have a newborn baby. And I believe that the tools that I learned and the ability to keep going back, because it’s one thing to deal with a child that’s one year old, it’s a whole different when they turn 13. And then when they turn 18. And so all of my children have done the children’s class, they went on to the basic and they’ve gone on to the advanced class. And my oldest son said to me one day, Mom, you didn’t lose one of us. Like, if you had lost one of us, everybody would say she couldn’t help it. She had seven. She said, and you didn’t lose one of us. And it’s because you kept us involved in this work. And I have a son who’s a professional entertainer, now, I have a son who is the president of the movie industry union. I have very successful children. And they’re raising beautiful grandchildren. So I’m very proud of that most as a result of my involvement with say seminars.
Well, you didn’t you didn’t lose any of them except that one time at Windward Mall, but you just went up on the second floor atrium atrium and yelled out their name. And then they came
came running.
It came running but what Greek kids you must have having gone through this seeing you as a role model. I mean, you’re sending really some great adults out there into society in the world to go and spread you know what really got me about PSI seminars was the banner on the first day which said World Peace One Mind at a time. He talked a little bit about that.
Yeah, so that is that was Mr. Wilhite mission to create world peace, one mind at a time. And what he used to say Mr. Wilhite passed away in 1983 83. What he’d say is, you’re not able to create peace outside if you’re not at peace inside. And so his goal was for every individual to be at peace with no matter how their life was. Prior to that, as of this moment, you can choose to forgive and resolve the past and make choices to live a different life in the future. And that once we have peace within ourselves, we are able to spread that peace throughout our families, throughout our communities and throughout the world.
What a great message. And you know, with you mentioning about all of your kids going through the kids basic and then through the adult classes. When is the next kids basic? Is that on the calendar yet? Are you guys working on something soon?
The next kid basic is June 11. And 12. It is limited it’s that you saw the parents, both parents who have custody, or parents who has sole custody must be a side graduate, to have their children attend. Because we believe that unless the parents are practicing what we teach them, it would be a disservice to the children. We use things like not using vulgarities like you’re lazy or you’re slow or you know those things. And if we teach that to a child that that’s a vulgarian than a parent is saying that it would be detrimental to them. And so parents do have to be a graduate of the basic course for a child a child to attend the children’s class. And another gift is once they attend the children’s class which is $195 when they turn 13 As with your son Adrian, they get the adult class for free.
And what a great a great gift and something for them to look forward to listen to this a different experience when you go to the adult versus the kids.
It it validates Yeah, well I was gonna say I think this validates that psi is about not selling people seminar after seminar after seminar but you are about me You’re changing the world, but go ahead.
Yeah, I was gonna say, for the families, it’s just a way to get your entire family. And I believe for me, my entire family. At the same level of communication, even though we have disagreements, we can have our own opinions. But we have a common way to communicate with each other. And in what you were saying, Adrian, in the children’s class, we teach communication and cooperation, which is easier to teach the children in the adult class, we have to teach about resentment and resistance and the revenge that sometimes we take out on those that we’re unhappy with. That comes across differently.
Well, I love I love all the work that you guys are doing here in our community, and then, you know, also worldwide through this online course now that you’re able to offer, I think that’s just, that’s amazing. We’ve had a couple of our team members that are in the Philippines, be able to attend and they just they’re so grateful for, you know, that opportunity. And we’re excited to spread the word here to our listeners. The best website to go to is psi And they can select Honolulu
seminars with an and then select Honolulu, yes.
Okay. And then you have different information sessions that people can come to to find out more information and ask questions and hear success stories, right from local people that have used these tools to, you know, to succeed in their personal and business lives. So, yeah, I encourage I encourage our listeners to go check it out.
Thank you so much. I appreciate the opportunity. And anyone who comes tonight, just come and look for me, and I’d be happy to spend a moment speaking to you.
Okay, and then one more time, pa Hill, what is your direct phone number in case anyone does have some follow up questions that you can help them with?
Yeah, 808-479-0098.
Okay. Well, thank you. Thank you so much for sharing with us a little bit more about PSI seminars and upcoming events.
Thank you. Thank you so much for inviting me. I appreciate you both so much.
You too. Okay, so again, you guys can head on over to psi To find out more information about what’s being offered in the next classes, whether it’s in person or online or for your kids.
Yeah, I think one of the key things that I’ve learned from that seminar is that, you know, when we’re having challenges in the world, we got to look at ourselves because what we resist
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