Our featured guest today in this episode of the Team Lally Radio Show is Michael Wong, he is the Program Development Coordinator for the Laulima Giving Program with the Keiki Ka Aina. He talks about their program that focus educate children to strengthen families in rich communities and perpetuate culture. He also talks about the Laulima Giving Program who brings companies and individuals together to help needy families in Hawaii.
Also in this episode: Quotes of the Day, Tips of the week, and special events.
Who is Michael Wong?
He Graduated with a BS in Education, has been a teacher, Coach and Athletic Director for 20 years, and a Media Sales Consultant since 1994. He is currently the Program Development Coordinator for the Laulima Giving Program with the Keiki O Ka Aina Family Learning Centers.
To reach Michael you may contact him in the following ways:
Phone: 808-843-2502
Email: laulima@koka.org
Website: http://laulimagivingprogram.org/